finally, after all that washing, I did the decaling.
Took me the whole of yesterday and today. As mentioned previously, The plane was sprayed gloss. It has one added function of helping decals adhere to the surface. So you wun see any silvering.
I used two solutions to soften the decals, Microset and Mr Mark Softer.
The rule of thumb for decaling, is to cut away the excess backing film, I.e cut as close to the image as possible.
After that, dip in water for 10 seconds and place it on a paper towel for about 60 seconds. This allows the adhesive on the decal to melt, but not totally dissolve, as in the case of leaving it in a tub of water.
When the decal film as come off, add some decal setting soluction (microset) on the surface and and "float" the decal to the position you want. Leave it there for 1 to 2 minutes then press down with a damp tissue paper.
For cases where you want to see rivet lines, or you have to go on very tight contours, add decal softening solution ( Mr mark softer) Beware, it is pretty strong, and it might crumple your decal. So "paint over your decal, count to 10 and press it down with a damp tissue paper. You should see the underlying details.
Anyway, enough of all the wordy stuff, here are the pictures.