The West is traditionally defined as the civilizations of Europe, the Americas (or at least the US and Canada), and Australia, among others.
The East has had Russians, Arabs et. al., India, and Oriental cultures such as China all lumped into a single grouping.
So, WWIII breaks out. The United States, Canada, effectively all of Europe, Australia, and other Western nations are all united on one side, with Russia, the Mideast, India, China, and Japan all united on the other.
Africa is neutral, as are Central and South America, except for Mexico and Brazil, who aid the Western side. Saudi Arabia is also neutral.
Each side has essentially the same set of numbers and tech for their militaries as they do now at the outset, except that the US is not entangled in the Mideast as it currently is.
Nuclear weapons are barred except for the very limited use of tactical nukes.
Which side wins?
use hydrogen bombs and biological warfare and humanity is wiped out as usualOriginally posted by ray243:How would eastern countries fair against western countries in a all out war without use of nukes
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The conditions