Originally posted by laurence82:
The sad thing is, i will always come across Omar, Eisenhower, Marshall or MacArthur in media or literatures or even movies, but Arnold seems little mentioned as compared to those four.
No insult to the above 5-star Generals, they are definitely men of their time. But I personally admired another 5-star General (Admiral to be exact) - Chester W Nimitz.
I may sound cruel here, but it is perhaps thanks to the Pearl Harbor attack that thrusted Adm Nimitz to become the perfect man to lead the USN (esp in carrier tactics) against the carrier-minded Jap commander Yamamoto.
Just for info for those who who wonder who is the other 5-star General - Henry Arnold (he is more well-known as 'Hap' Arnold). Even though he may not be involved in the actual decisions in the field, but it is his great appreciation of the effects and understanding of strategic bombing (over tactical bombing) that dictated the evolution of US Bombers during WWII.
Check out his profile: