Originally posted by elspeth:
hi nsmen, forgive me for my noobiness, just to check what do i need to bring for my first ict which is in this june? do i need to bring fbo or sbo? coz if i rem correctly during my nsf days those reservists didn't bring anything at all... they come then go back... however this one is a low key one which lasts for a week.. i don't know if stay in or out but my camp unit is stay out one from my nsf days... and i'm driver. do i need to bring any docs besides 11b? how bout that log bk when ord they gave?
when u ord that time did u return all the field pack issued items? now new rule first ICT all nsmen issued with the standard field pack items and any extras u may require shall be bought through credits at any SAFe-mart. u should have received your green SAF identity card and e-mart pin and user name right? can login to miw.com.sg for purchase now. u can act blur during first incamp or call yr reporting unit to check with them. although u a driver the training nature and schedule with be up to the unit...u still have to check with them on the trainging programme and depend on which company u assigned to. u can bring yr own ic and the saf ic both can be used. sometimes when u drive to another unit they may retain your ID...so its good to use yr green saf ic instead of citizen ic.
my unit was etc engineer somethin... seletar camp east 39sce although i'm not part of them literally
and is there ffi? wht if one has some new med prob?
and what if i need to be excused from some ns activities temporarily?
only the MO can certified u not fit. just go for yr incamp as usual and immediately let yr PC know u may need to go medical centre for checkup. MO need to verify yr condition even if u have some documented medical issues after ord from nsf.