One lived here all his life but studied in the foreign
education system here. In the military, the trauma was
made worse when the 18-year-old became
the butt of jokes because of his accent.
--MP S. Iswaran of Spore.
from 20/01/2006 Pub: Strait Times Page: 30
Column: People & Politics
Headline: Call me a Singaporean, don't call me a minority
By: Zakir Hussain
Page Heading: Insight
Picture Caption:
Duty and commitment - MP S. Iswaran on his impassioned
speech against draft dodgers (Page 1)
COMMITTED CITIZEN : Mr Iswaran is passionate
about the principles of national
service, multiracialism and meritocracy here. (Page 30)
2.Why recruits made joke of him just because of his accent?
Where were the trainers--they had a duty to help?
Guys,put your self into his shoes.
In everywhere,sure there are some mean guys to make
fun of some bodies.
What a shame!!This is a pshcological abuse .