Originally posted by fudgester:
Erm.... do you have a point to make with regard to the military scene?
Who do you think is going to rule world after ice age?
2 billion Muslims ( http://www.islamicpopulation.com )?
1.5 billion Chinese?
1 billion Indians?
500-800 million (depending how many will make it from USA) in South-America (and are yankees going to take into its control Mexico for example, population of USA could get democratic majority in Brazil and Venezuela too)?
500 million sub-Saharan African non-Muslims?
Where is going to be economical, political and military power, and what is going to happen before that?
Mexico-citizens of USA war in border-wall soon to be build? Is Mexico just going to let yankees to be majority? Are Arabs/Turkish going to allow millions of Europeans inside its borders, or do they have to go to Australia/South-America?