Originally posted by SpecOps87:
Okay, watched the video again and concluded this, when the video was around 1min 22sec- 1min 25sec , you can cleary see tracer rounds pinging off the turrent of the Humvee.As such, Jones could not reach up to use the mounted weapon, as by doing so, it would endanger his life.
And also, in the later part, it was reported that Saber 6-3 is on fire, presumingly caused by the initial RPG strike.Bare in mind that they are travellling in a barely lit street, and as Saber 6-3 is on fire, those near it will immediately suffer from a loss in their natural night vision ability, and if with NVGs on, will result in lens flaring, and of course when you can't see nuts, you obviously don't go firing in every direction.As in my earlier post,it would be unwise for them to immediately open up, though one of the guys sitting next to the window emptied an entire mag on AUTO.
And do note its a night ambush, their mags are probably loaded with tracer, so if you fire indiscriminately, you may actually end up doing more harm then good as you draw more fire to yourself..
**just my 2 cents worth**
That the problem in a vehicle, the view is limited, when engage like that, they are sitting duck, either they got out of there fast or they should have dismount, which is the standard drill. Dismount may sound dangerous, but in real it is the safer thing to do.
I don't agree with you on the point that about not firing. Sometime, you may just need to get off a few round, even if you are shooting in the air. Because the other side will be frightened and auto react to the sound, thus forcing them to take cover, or make mistakes. This may give your troops the precious second to regroup for action.