Originally posted by LazerLordz:
In war, it's always better to play safe.Sad, but humanity is not rich in trust.
The general American populace didn't even trust the Japanese-Americans after what happened to Pearl Harbor. All sorts of wild accusations came out that they had acted as ground spotters for the Japanese Zeros, spied for the Japanese, etc, etc....
After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese-Americans were interned in concentration camps... even those who were 2nd generation Jap-Americans who were born on US soil. Not as bad as what the Nazis did, but denying freedom to innocent human beings is still a crime against humanity. I think FDR himself signed the executive order.
The creation of the 442nd All-Nisei Regiment was supposedly to atone for their 'sins'.
I find it heartening that they were the most-decorated US combat unit in WWII... goes to show the triumph of the human spirit against adversity.