SWO Gunga?Originally posted by LRRP:Saw a SWO , garang...
1) US Ranger
2) Guards Tab
3) US Airborne
4) US Air Assault
5)US Pathfinder
6) JCC
7) Diver
8 Marksman
9) IPPT Gold
10) Thai airborne
like wat Obersturmfuhrer said...those went thru US SF "Q" Course will get it..Originally posted by death_burger:When i went to the ASLC POP last month, i saw a guards LTC with a Special Forces badge on the right breast pocket of his no.5 uniform. The badge is rather small, and its shaped like the guards tab. Anyone knows how he was awarded that badge? Does it mean that he is/was from SOF?
S3.Not S1.Originally posted by Moonstriker:The S1 of 9SIB @ NSDC is a LTC with SF tab as well... friendly guy