Originally posted by lwflee:
Imo, the war cannot be justified, even if Saddam is a 'bad' man. You cannot invade another country simply because you don't like the way it is run. If that is the case, then it will be justified for eg, for Malaysia to invade Singapore and vice versa. Hell, It would be justifiable for NKorea to nuke the US and every other country that doesn't approve of its practices.
You cannot lie to parliament or its equivalent so as to garner support for war.
Bringing a country to war is one of the most important and grave decision a Leader has to make because it will inevitably involve the taking and destruction of human lives and property on both sides. To resort to lies in order to bring a country to war is one of the most despicable and disgusting act a leader can ever do.
To you and all the peace lovers & peace makers out there, can you call the Bali bombers not to bomb anymore and to negotiate their problems with the government or with you do that they will not bomb again?
The Bali victims who died do not know what had happened, same as the kurds who were gassed by Saddam, do they have a chance to negotiate with Saddam asking him not to use chemical weapons on them?