Here's a very interesting development in hand grenade technology. Smaller and lighter than our SFG87, but more lethal. Has ball bearing glued to the outside of the body to increase lethality. my entire length of service I've used only one real live frag grenade. Anyone did more?
I remember the distant crump of grenades exploding as we were marching to the safety hut at the grenade range.
There has never been a more quiet bunch of recruits than those about to throw their first grenade. Even the platoon clowns were not telling jokes that day.
While we waited in the safety hut for our turn to throw, something hit the corrugated roof of our hut from one of the exploding grenades. And we were quite far away from the actual explosions. Although it was probably nothing more than a pebble, it brought home the seriousness of the task at hand.