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Current NSTS
The current 10 + 3 National Service Training System (NSTS) for Operationally Ready National Servicemen (ORNS) was implemented in April 2003. It comprises 10 years of In-Camp Training (ICT) and three 2-day Basic Individual Training (BIT), for a total of 13 years of ORNS.
Enhanced NSTS
With effect from 1 April 2006, NS units will serve only 10 years of ICT. There will be no requirement for the 3 BIT years.
National Service will now be a 2 + 10 training continuum comprising 2 years of active NSF training and 10 years of ORNS ICT. The structure of the revised NSTS is as follows: .........
more details at
wah NS so long one ah?Lucky i exempted one...*whew*