Also mention SLAP in
In late 1983,AC Cormack leaded a team to develop a machine gun to replace the then well known Browning 0.50 M2HB machine gun which .... with defects.Another objective was to fire Sg produced
Saboted Light Armour Penetrator (SLAP) Tracer rounds
THE BROWNING M2HB is quite simply one of the greatest machine guns ever designed, being efficient and very effective; easy to use and to maintain;fr
In M2HB, every barrel replacement must be followed with time-consuming procedure of headspace and timing ajustment, and only relatively recently QCB (Quick Change Barrel) kits were
(U100)..manufactured in Singapore to Jim Sullivan's (Yes, THAT Jim Sullivan from the AR15 and Stoner projects) design. One of the most interesting and controllable machine guns ever madefr
Designated the M16, the Stoner-Sullivan-Fremont gun survived everything from ammo-related problemsfr
2.Sg upgraded M113 long time ago
Report slams Australian M113 upgrade programme
A report compiled by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has revealed a litany of contractual and management inadequacies in the troubled programme to upgrade the Australian Army's fleet of M113A1 tracked armoured vehicles.......
Originally posted by lionnoisy:The Spike is an Israeli system that we're producing
Just to remind frens here [b]Spike - anti-tank guided missile is ST product.under Unmanned Systems --Others---- Spike .Displayed in AA 2002.
read the report on Spike ,in Chinese.2 pages.
The Spike have been adopted by Poland ,Holland and Finland(Nokia's home country)[/b]
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Sound like a new grenade launcher that could be attached to rifle with ability to fire 40mm low velocity ABM grenade!!!!
Sg demo a single shot programmable grenade in IDEX (Dubai)2005 Feb.
AEW SS: length 420 mm,width 105mm;height 230mm&; weight 3.3kg(40×46mm low speed programmable grenade.)
[b]JDW 23.02.2005
2.What is it?Any photo?[/b]
Originally posted by lionnoisy:I think it is the Projected Line Charge (PLC) which is a man-packed portable, rocket propelled minefield lane clearing charge. It consists of two components, i.e. the launcher and container assembly. It is used to clear infantry lanes through minefields.
2.[b]What is it on the top right corner?
see p 5[/b]
is our SLAP DU?Originally posted by Shotgun:Haha, We have other versions of PLC also. Some of these things u'll never see until there's a war or another large scale army open house.
I don't think the SLAP was a Singaporean invention though. Donno how CIS can manufacture them tho... where we get our Depleted Uranium from anyways?
29 Sep 2005read 29.09.2005 STimes p H2.A US patent has been submitted.u wont believe it.
NTU Mine Shoes save lives
The NTU Mine Shoe is able to protect people from landmines by detecting, so as to avoid triggering, landmines. This device is the brainchild of NTU's Biomedical Engineering Research Centre Assoc Prof Franz Konstantine Fuss and research officer Adin Tan Ming. This device will be showcased at a conference organised by NTU's ITTO, as part of the Global Entrepolis @ Singapore 2005.
Is anybody's SLAP DU?Originally posted by LazerLordz:is our SLAP DU?
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Thought this is interesting ... not sure if it's already been mentioned.
Spike is a jointly developed by Israel and SMART of ST.
someone took israeli product and marketed it as ownOriginally posted by kotay:Thought this is interesting ... not sure if it's already been mentioned.
Matador, as we know, is a joint development with Dynamite Nobel but guess who is selling it? I find this interesting ... to say the least
Called the Mechanised Igla, it is used by the Republic of Singapore Air
Force (RSAF) to shield SAF units against enemy air attacks.
The sharp end of the Mechanised Igla is its Russian-designed Igla missiles -
igla being Russian for 'needle'.
These have a needle-like nose containing sensors which home in on heat from aircraft or helicopter engines.
Igla missiles can destroy aerial intruders up to 5km away,
and flying at a height of 3km.
Each vehicle also carries a 7.62mm machine gun for
self-defence againstenemy troops.
The RSAF uses two versions of the Mechanised Igla and
both will be on show at today's parade.
One has a cylindrical-shaped bin that houses a radar
and the other does not have this sensor.
The Defence Ministry said the radar-equipped vehicle will
send information on air threats to other vehicles electronically,
which helps missile operators know which direction hostile
planes and choppers are coming from, and thus
improve their threat awareness.
Nah ... more like the level of co-operation between the 2 defense industries. We make something and we let them sell it.Originally posted by SMAPLionHeart:someone took israeli product and marketed it as own![]()
The agreement between Boeing Phantom Works, the company's advanced research and development unit, and A*STAR will involve exploratory studies in areas ranging from advanced materials to computational science and wireless communications.One of the interesting projects in