HI guys, I've not been here for some time. Been rather busy with work, etc. Haven't heard YM yet, since her slot is a bit not so convenient. Must catch her somehow. She must have left U for good. Couldn't help but wonder how is the new UFM gonna be. Feel so sorry for them - what is Jiujian going to be? He just become music director. Yufa and YM must have visions to leave the heart radio earlier.
I'm not so happy with U channel these days - notice that they keep changing airing time and these make me confused what time slot what show - blur... and they totally removed the Guess(3) show - I like that show now no more I think. I think I stick on TCS8.
Wonder if anyone caught the Metero Garden on SCV. It is rather interesting even though the scene is in Taiwan. The only pushback here is the recording - sometimes very loud sometimes soft - the usual for Taiwan onsite recording. HOpe these VCDs will be released soon - with subtitles so that at least can't hear can read.