Finally, registered! Last nite, 21/2/01 (11pm) and will formerly announced it today. They decided on their marriage before Sorimachi leaves for HK to film "You and I" in March. On the 15th, they had exchanged their bethrothal gifts. The wedding reception would be in May or June this year.
This real-life couple will be protraying as husband and wife in the coming NHK 2002 drama. Yeh!!! Omedetou!
So ka! Congrat and wish them happiness forever. (Althoug I dont quite like sorimachi to match with my idol Nanako) Ha Ha...
YOZ~! wish them all da best
zora...u are always so fast.... nvm...for those who subscribe to SCV, u can watch GTO starring the 2 newly weds on weeknites 10.40pm.
it is on channel 10.
haiz...gto watch sooo many times liaoz but still not sick of it ....wat a good show