You damn creepy.
Long queue today.
Originally posted by TooFree:In my humble opinion, I think you may have possibly omitted the import of rice which is Asian and Singapore main staple grain. " The ownership of the rice belongs to the individual stockpile participant, although the government has the right to acquire the rice (with compensation) during an emergency." I hope that at least alleviate your concern over the quantity and price of that commodity.
As for the Newater, I googled and found out that the "main tactic of the water trade is to simply push water through tiny holes—the smaller the holes, the fewer the undesirable molecules that can sneak through. The art is to do so without sending the electricity bill skyrocketing or clogging up the tiny holes with grime."
I am sorry that I do not quite understand your attested security question.
Hi TooFree,
Sorry for the late reply. I was not active for very long. I don't understand how the rice import work. Maybe you could elaborate more on that.
Secuirty concern I refer to was sort of "case study"
During the Arab Spring revolution, there were a great number of terrorists which is foreign born claim to be "Lybia's citizens", and the international community though aware that those are terrorist, supported them because they want to get ride of Gaddafi.
My concern is that in the event where Singapore has any disagreement with any Major nation, they could turn the foreign population in our country against our government and uses that as an excuse to overthrow our government - this concern is could happen if Singapore failed tremendously diplomatically.
However a new concern arise when Foreigners are strongly integrated into our Economy, Army, Security firm like Cisco, worse still SPF has now openly suggested that they may want to employ foreigners as Police Officers, which they could do so, by granting them PRs and SG citizenships, if Singaporeans are against the idea.
So why is this a concern?
Because it would greatly undermine Singapore's ability to respond to security issues.
1) Total Defence
In the event of a crisis, could Total Defence really work? When foreigners weren't really aware of what is the event and the importance of it, and with majority of the workers in our economy being foreign nationals. Could our economy continue to operate as intended during a war or crisis?
2) Cisco.
There has been report of Cisco officers corruption like asking a maid for payment so as to avoid being fine for drinking water at MRT stations and Cisco officers who misappropraite ATM monies.
As cisco beacme more dependent on the manpower from the North, the quality of the men would be greatly undermine due to "desperation" of needed manpower.
and in the event of a Crisis and Cisco is needed to put up with a shortage of manpower. Would the officers "��打劫. Chen Huo Da Jie. Loot a burning house"?
3) SAF is increasingly filling up vocations with foreign born, through out the SAF. and at any point of time if these foreign born nationals either flee Singapore or refuse to fight. Would it create a "gap" in our fighting formations or supply columns, and would this compromise our ability to fight?
Just my 2c.
Bythway, why is the thread being spam by irrelevant post? 0.o
Originally posted by changesmade:
Hi TooFree,
Sorry for the late reply. I was not active for very long. I don't understand how the rice import work. Maybe you could elaborate more on that.
Secuirty concern I refer to was sort of "case study"
During the Arab Spring revolution, there were a great number of terrorists which is foreign born claim to be "Lybia's citizens", and the international community though aware that those are terrorist, supported them because they want to get ride of Gaddafi.
My concern is that in the event where Singapore has any disagreement with any Major nation, they could turn the foreign population in our country against our government and uses that as an excuse to overthrow our government - this concern is could happen if Singapore failed tremendously diplomatically.
However a new concern arise when Foreigners are strongly integrated into our Economy, Army, Security firm like Cisco, worse still SPF has now openly suggested that they may want to employ foreigners as Police Officers, which they could do so, by granting them PRs and SG citizenships, if Singaporeans are against the idea.
So why is this a concern?
Because it would greatly undermine Singapore's ability to respond to security issues.
1) Total Defence
In the event of a crisis, could Total Defence really work? When foreigners weren't really aware of what is the event and the importance of it, and with majority of the workers in our economy being foreign nationals. Could our economy continue to operate as intended during a war or crisis?
2) Cisco.
There has been report of Cisco officers corruption like asking a maid for payment so as to avoid being fine for drinking water at MRT stations and Cisco officers who misappropraite ATM monies.
As cisco beacme more dependent on the manpower from the North, the quality of the men would be greatly undermine due to "desperation" of needed manpower.
and in the event of a Crisis and Cisco is needed to put up with a shortage of manpower. Would the officers "��打劫. Chen Huo Da Jie. Loot a burning house"?
3) SAF is increasingly filling up vocations with foreign born, through out the SAF. and at any point of time if these foreign born nationals either flee Singapore or refuse to fight. Would it create a "gap" in our fighting formations or supply columns, and would this compromise our ability to fight?
Just my 2c.
Bythway, why is the thread being spam by irrelevant post? 0.o
Valid concerns but:
1. Most of foreigners coming to SG just wants more money than their home country.
2. There is no oil or anything of value for making Singapore attractive.
3. Problems you mentioned are in all countries,nothing special about Singapore.
It's complicated
Huat ahhh.
You and your huat.