Every nation has some form of superannuation - in spore we call it cpf. Overseas they have to park with their fund mgrs and if they lose the money just too bad. Here we are allowed to invest on our own if there is a min sum set aside for old age. This sum will vary according to roughly cost of living and over longevity of the people. I know of no country allow owners to touch the money until retirement and then can withdraw over time. When they die early, there is no passing over except spouses. In spore you have more choices so what is the complaint. Every one must be responsible for their own retirement whenever possible. So if you have 138k you have to keep that for your retirement. Unless all of you have no problem financing other people's retirement and also capable of doing so then this will not be necessary.
if u cannot put food on the table to feed yr family , yet u still think of retirement?
Hello can I say you are one of the ivy league since you could identify what I write? Come on, I respect and admire any person who can make good observations and think independently, grads or otherwise. Here in spore, pap is so hard up of ivy league why should I be ashame - even LTK use CSM to help him win A GRC. The problem is many including from ivy leagues could not do this basic stuff. Many pap candidates has been hurt because they read too much of the ivy league profs' books and some how subconsciously behave like them. A few could appreciate they need to know what ivy league do not teach them!
LTK and CSM did it for the ppl, they r paid better elsewhere
perhaps to u they r stupid not to join pap
Originally posted by Gohhock:Most govts only source of income is taxes and fees. except for those who have good natural resources like ME and Brunei. Spore though do not have natural resources daringly invest surpluses instead of simply parking at sovereign wealth bonds of many countries including EU, US, Japan etc for small returns. You know that many govt and banks are in trouble when these countries default. Warren Buffet has recently proved to investment community that gold and bonds are inferior to equities over long term which is exactly Temasek and GIC's investment view. So Spore is the only country in the world that has zero natural resources but could still have some investment income to top up the tax collection. Spore can have low income tax to attract the rich because it has investment income and gst where no one can avoid tax. By having a broad base, the rich cannot avoid the 7% tax as long as they have to consume goods and services. The govt would offer gst tax rebate base on resonable model of spending to those lower income citizens even though most do not have to pay income tax at all. Foreigners also have to pay GST but they cannot get gst rebates.
Can you give a breakdown of how much rebate a person who earns only 1k a month get, on a yearly basis?
Since they contribute $52 in GST monthly and $624 yearly?
If earning 1k a month is not poor enough, how poor do you think poor is?
Originally posted by Nelstar:Can you give a breakdown of how much rebate a person who earns only 1k a month get, on a yearly basis?
Since they contribute $52 in GST monthly and $624 yearly?
If earning 1k a month is not poor enough, how poor do you think poor is?
By having a broad base, the rich cannot avoid the 7% tax as long as they have to consume goods and services. The govt would offer gst tax rebate base on resonable model of spending to those lower income citizens even though most do not have to pay income tax at all. Foreigners also have to pay GST but they cannot get gst rebates.
If you're rich, you don't even have to worry about a 7% GST or any rebates.
Originally posted by Nelstar:Can you give a breakdown of how much rebate a person who earns only 1k a month get, on a yearly basis?
Since they contribute $52 in GST monthly and $624 yearly?
If earning 1k a month is not poor enough, how poor do you think poor is?
DPM says you can afford a flat with a $1K salary. How is that poor?
Originally posted by dangerboi:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by Gohhock:By having a broad base, the rich cannot avoid the 7% tax as long as they have to consume goods and services. The govt would offer gst tax rebate base on resonable model of spending to those lower income citizens even though most do not have to pay income tax at all. Foreigners also have to pay GST but they cannot get gst rebates.
If you're rich, you don't even have to worry about a 7% GST or any rebates.
if you don't worry about 7% GST or rebates, you are rich.
if you don't buy less because of the 7% GST, you are rich.
because everything that we do has to be approve by our benevolent government and we singaporeans are always forced to be shaped in a cookie cutter model . and those that do things differently are always condemned.
Originally posted by Gohhock:Every nation has some form of superannuation - in spore we call it cpf. Overseas they have to park with their fund mgrs and if they lose the money just too bad. Here we are allowed to invest on our own if there is a min sum set aside for old age. This sum will vary according to roughly cost of living and over longevity of the people. I know of no country allow owners to touch the money until retirement and then can withdraw over time. When they die early, there is no passing over except spouses. In spore you have more choices so what is the complaint. Every one must be responsible for their own retirement whenever possible. So if you have 138k you have to keep that for your retirement. Unless all of you have no problem financing other people's retirement and also capable of doing so then this will not be necessary.
ya but our cpf are TOTALLY UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL. and in other countries dont impose a mandatory 20 % deduction from our salaries to accumulate money for this so called retirement fund. i thnk if by your reasoning , we should totally become a welfare state or we be better off not having this type of 'protection' at all. and to top it off our cpf is not inclusive of medical insurance and btw not every one has 136 k in their accounts. imagine a low wage worker he might only accumulate about 60 k in total over the course of his life and that is a higher estimate. from your i infer that you might just be another pap troll spreading your lies all over the place .
How can we be the nanny state when PAP government gave almost zero assistance to the citizen? We should be clear that CPF is 100% citizen money and not a single cent is from PAP government. The interest from CPF is earned and not given by PAP government! In fact, we are the nanny to PAP government as it acts as a baby to suck blood (instead of milk) from us!