While the Singapore government preaches religious tolerance, I find it disconcernting in recent years that some government bodies or statuatory boards are celebrating spiritually negative festivals like Halloween. Will there still be any respect for the individual boundaries of individual employees especially when it goes against their religous belief or will they be "forced" to participate. I personally think government bodies should maintain a neutral stand to be fair to all. By celebrating festivals like Halloween, it is sending out a message that it is ok to do so although it goes again some religion. Am apalled at the sad state of our society.
Halloween is a big money business for most of the entertaining industry in singapore including my pubs, and with Gst, govt also can gain lots of money from it, taxi driver also got more customers, more overtime job for waiter, waitress, cashier, captain cook, mamasan, girls....etc etc...it is a big business we are talking about, what religion??.
If you look it at in this perspective, you will feel better ya
I don't agree with your logic. The singapore government is not supposed to behave like a commercial body. In this case, the religious tolerance that it is practicing is a double standard cause they are causing their own employees to do things that goes against their religious belief. And turning a blind eye to such things going on right under its nose just because it is "profitable"? Where is the intergrity of our government then. Where is the respect for individual religious boundaries. I feel sad that things have to come to this. Then my trust in the intergrity that our government preach is sadly misplaced.
Originally posted by angel7030:Halloween is a big money business for most of the entertaining industry in singapore including my pubs, and with Gst, govt also can gain lots of money from it, taxi driver also got more customers, more overtime job for waiter, waitress, cashier, captain cook, mamasan, girls....etc etc...it is a big business we are talking about, what religion??.
If you look it at in this perspective, you will feel better ya
Lmao. Dont troll leh. Before you even start all this talk, which religion are you. Dont say it as if all religion oppose halloween leh. And even if you are in some specific relgion, is it only you are over zealous ? ha....
Originally posted by TTFU:Lmao. Dont troll leh. Before you even start all this talk, which religion are you. Dont say it as if all religion oppose halloween leh. And even if you are in some specific relgion, is it only you are over zealous ? ha....
+ 1
TS is too free.
I think you are shifting the subject matter. The issue is it ok to force people to do things that goes against their religious beliefs. Yes or No. Overzealousness has nothing to do with it. Just like some Muslims wear the Tundung and some don't. You can't force a person who wears the Tundung to remove it saying he/she is overzealous. Just like some Christians like to pratice Feng Shui which is against the bible and they use all kinds of reasons to justify it. The question I repeat here again is it even ethical that you force people to do things against their religion?
Originally posted by TTFU:Lmao. Dont troll leh. Before you even start all this talk, which religion are you. Dont say it as if all religion oppose halloween leh. And even if you are in some specific relgion, is it only you are over zealous ? ha....
Force ? since when did force come into the picture. Force you at gun point to celebrate ? I dint change anything. I mearly asked some questions on what you said. Is it only you that is thinking this way ? Or is it everyone in that particular religion. And you still dint say hw is halloween against your specific religion
Do I even have to justify my position to you? I'm answerable to God not man. Instead of asking me so many question, why don't you just answer my questions whether you think if it is right or wrong? What is your religion and what is your stand then? Stop trying to answer my question with one of your own please. If you have nothing constructive to contribute then please keep your peace.
Originally posted by TTFU:Force ? since when did force come into the picture. Force you at gun point to celebrate ? I dint change anything. I mearly asked some questions on what you said. Is it only you that is thinking this way ? Or is it everyone in that particular religion. And you still dint say hw is halloween against your specific religion
Wow take a chill pill. So why should anyone read this no head no tail thread then . So far i dint see read hear any religious people saying that halloween is bad except you. So are they wrong and you are right ?
And btw if you are not willing to talk then dont slander any religion. Just as simple as, you like it celebrate it. Hate it then dont. No one is forcing you at gun point to celebrate as what you said. You can always GTFO.