Posted: 24 September 2010 1352 hrs
KUALA LUMPUR: Jemaah Islamiyah militant Mas Selamat bin Kastari,
who was captured in Malaysia last year after escaping a Singapore
detention centre, has been handed back to Singaporean authorities, an
official said Friday.
"We can say that Mas Selamat has been handed over to Singapore
authorities," Jamilah Taib, a home ministry spokeswoman, told AFP.
"We don't know when the handover took place and will release details as
we have them," she added.
Machiam parcel, pass here and there.
musical chair game!!!..see who get it when the music stop...
he must have been thoroughly sodomised
no more toilet break for him right?
must hang this iron balls on both legs...
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):no more toilet break for him right?
No toilet break ?
then must wear....
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
he must have been thoroughly sodomised
by ?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
No toilet break ?then must wear....
Adults one please :D
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
by ?
It could have been done by his "guy friends"
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
by ?
It could have been done by his "guy friends"
Originally posted by Markee:
The Empire Strikes Back
The Return of Mask Selamat.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:The Return of Mask Selamat.
He may dress like below for his next planned escape:
LHL wanna regain political points for WKS, so that WKS's standing would
not be affected during the soon-to-be GE, looks like the MIWs are
taking CST seriously...
it is also political cos WKS the interior minister was involved as well..
it's a politically motivated act to have WKS scored brownie political points with his populace...
what we will see on SAT,SUN,MON's 151th's media, mentally masturbating it's master...
those that subscirbe to the propaganda media of 154th will once again being hookwinded to support the MIWs, esp toa payoh-bishan GRC's constituents will once again vote WKS back into power there, it is a bad news for CST, he gotta buck up even harder, pity him though
Originally posted by kengkia:LHL wanna regain political points for WKS, so that WKS's standing would not be affected during the soon-to-be GE, looks like the MIWs are taking CST seriously...
it is also political cos WKS the interior minister was involved as well..
it's a politically motivated act to have WKS scored brownie political points with his populace...
what we will see on SAT,SUN,MON's 151th's media, mentally masturbating it's master...
those that subscirbe to the propaganda media of 154th will once again being hookwinded to support the MIWs, esp toa payoh-bishan GRC's constituents will once again vote WKS back into power there, it is a bad news for CST, he gotta buck up even harder, pity him though
Do you mean inferior WKS?
Hey , that is the way it is with the people of Singapore thus people like us are so betrayed by them. Such people have no backbone and hopeless to allow better life in Singapore.
Please don't let him escape again.
Otherwise the internet will have a field day.
one more successful escape means someone at the top sure to matter how he is being protected
Originally posted by Fcukpap:one more successful escape means someone at the top sure to matter how he is being protected
Won't lah.
Probably just retire gracefully from politics after the next elections.
That's what they always do.
Mas Selamat types:
/me turns into a snake and slithers out of prison
I was reading the papers today on this and there was a section on speculation that his return was linked to the railway land swap deal.
I lol when I read some of the MPs comments saying that it was not possible.
They really don't understand politics.
true true....since when anyone has stepped down for that mistake....if u know what i mean