Straits Times (7 March 2010) - Religious leaders must speak up/ Religious leaders
should correct offensive views Mar 7, 2010: Religious leaders must speak up Rebutting offending remarks from their own flock will reassure other faiths, says Vivian By Goh Chin Lian A Cabinet minister yesterday appealed to religious leaders to speak up if a leader within their own religion makes comments that are offensive, dangerous or divisive. Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan said such rebuttals of offending remarks will assure people from other religions that the offensive views were not held by the religion's mainstream. Doing so also avoids a clash if religious leaders from another faith join in the fray. The minister was addressing about 300 participants of the National Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circle (IRCC) workshop yesterday, including grassroots and religious leaders, when he departed from his prepared speech to comment on recent incidents involving offensive statements touching on religion.,14628, |
03 May 2006 1839 hrs (SST)/ video ... He says some Singaporeans want a more open, multi-party system. Mr Lee says the opposition parties are capitalising on this by asking for their votes, not because of their abilities or policies, but because then, the opposition would exist. But he questioned if this would make things better for Singapore. Mr Lee says: "What is the opposition's job? It's not to help the PAP do a better job ... because if they help the PAP do a better job, you're going to vote for me again and they're going to be out of a job for a long time. So their job is to make life miserable for me. "Right now we have Low Thia Khiang, Chiam See Tong, Steve Chia. We can deal with them. Suppose you had 10, 15, 20 opposition members in Parliament. Instead of spending my time thinking what is the right policy for Singapore, I'm going to spend all my time thinking what's the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges?" ... |
when low was asked if he is suggesting that WKS be asked to resign or something like that, he did not reply as an opposition mp.
to me this is a big disappointment. Low is his own man. He is leader of his party. He should dare to reply.
politics has always been dirty..
those who think it's not are sadly delusional at best...
and those who think politicians are doing it "for the people" are also sadly mistakened..
there is no politics on the planet that has not gone down into the sewers and festered and rotted in there...
Originally posted by the Bear:politics has always been dirty..
those who think it's not are sadly delusional at best...
and those who think politicians are doing it "for the people" are also sadly mistakened..
there is no politics on the planet that has not gone down into the sewers and festered and rotted in there...
Why will a ‘Drama Queen’ - who is at the same time a confirmed “narcissist” - be such a pessimist towards politicians and politics ?
Is there some drama to be expected at the end of its preference to wait out the situation, and let the drama unfold by itself ?
Without politics can society function ?
The morals of politicians depend as much on the community - that set the political standards that are to be tolerated and accepted - as it is for each and every indiviudal that are members of the community of citizens.
When citizens prefer to sit on the fence and let the situation rot - it will also end up in the gutter that it allows to exist without any effort to make things better for itself.