u even see sing gals who traded themselves for a LV..prada...etc...come on....
sing gals think too highly but actually are unlicensed prostitutes waiting for their big fish
FCUKPAP - thats how u teach your daughters to trade to fuck ard for material goods.....human barter trade...what have u done to create more talents but creative unlicensed prostitutes?...
Originally posted by Fcukpap:sing gals think too highly but actually are unlicensed prostitutes waiting for their big fish
this is a sweeping statement, you are offending those who are not what you posted here. so offensive
such feeling is well aware by most men in singapore....its just that we have been silent...but the negative comments of women who think too highly of themselves further helped by the govt needs a national scolding
i m not refering to u if u r not
Originally posted by Fcukpap:such feeling is well aware by most men in singapore....its just that we have been silent...but the negative comments of women who think too highly of themselves further helped by the govt needs a national scolding
i m not refering to u if u r not
I don;t deny there are. Heard about it. Why focus on this category? So many fish in the ocean.
babies? more talents?
is the legal environment conducive for men to consider marriage? risk assessments are now the in-thing....women charter has all well covered the risks....what abt us?
FCUKPAP - what have u done to us? how much u compensate for the loss of a teenage boy of 20 who died in NS? women u think its holiday camp? this boy could live up to 80 and he is given that few patriotic dollars upon his death? how much more u want us to pay on divorce and loss of custody? how much more policies to suppress us men to make it conducive for women?
No lah, our dear PM think it is as easy as topping up ur cashcard or ezlink card
9 OUT OF 10 WOMEN STUDY ACCA....whenever u peep the thick book on their hands...i can well guess and most of the time right ACCA modules...why....becos women are very concerned on finance and money.....even their subject tells so much on their mentality and perception....
babies? more talents? icebreakers? SDUs? it has never worked or will ever work if the system never even try to help men on it but keep pushing us around for women's sake...it just not aint worth it to get married in Sg for men.....it is so darn clear and why is it ignored?
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:Naw, it's not just the women's charter.
Singapore's dismal birth rate is the result of several factors, and mostly a case of the government trying to do many different things at once, and ending up not doing any of these things well.
Case in point, one has to admit that the original population control policies were greatly myopic. The natural development of the nation will bring down the birth rate on its own, and in fact one might argue that had the government not embarked on such an aggressive "stop at two" policy, Singapore soceity would have had quite a lot more Singaporeans to buffer and set off our current population issues by quite a while.
Additionally, baby bonus and the like aside, one cannot avoid the fact that the rising cost of living in Singapore ultimately outweights whatever baby bonuses the government can provide. The fact remains that by and large our pragmatic concern with economic sucess and the lifestyle it creates in our society is often at odds at us wanting to encourage our population to have more children.
And of course, people are marrying and having children later as well. This adds even more to the problem.
The women's charter really has little to do with it, and I say this as a member of the male gender. Yes, I think it's unfair and ultimately in the long run does not really benefit either women or men the way it is currently done, but I do not think think it's the main reason.
The current practice of importing "talent" to make up for the shortfall of course, is not socially or economically sustainable in the long run. It is a stop-gap measure. The crux of the issue is, and will always be the birth rate and who will truly become citizens. Because that is largely what it means to be Singaporean.
I do not think Singapore will die if our birth rate carrys on like that... but it will radically redefine what it means to be Singaporean... given locals will feel increasingly disconnected from their homeland, as well as seeing citizenship as a liability. This cannot bode well for national identity.
Well said you got the point
Originally posted by Stevenson101:If we are to select opposition who can really replace the PAP we need to have a good understanding of the problem.
For one, our current population growth problem is about RATE, not numbers. Our population numbers aren't dwindling like that of Japan yet.
The rate of replacement is particularly important for us because of our "social security" measure - the CPF. In an ideal scenario, as more and more Singaporeans retire it becomes a neccessity to ensure that the amount of contributors is constant with the amount of people drawing their retirement funds from.
Of course, since our government treats the CPF like a free piggy bank using it for god knows what without accountability it becomes crucial to ensure that there is enough money to pay off the initial contributors to the CPF. Essentially the CPF (Including its counterpart - the Social Security and Pension System in the US) is a Ponzi Scheme.
My theory is that they realised there isn't enough remaining currently in the CPF to pay off the increasing number of retirees leaving the workforce that's why they were so eager to impose limits on the withdrawal amount and the bullshit annuity measures.
That's also why they're so eager to let in so much foreign workforce.
If a PR wishes to leave Singapore and wants to withdraw his or her CPF, they would have to put back the money PLUS interest if they want to ever come back here to work again. Since very few are so confident to do that, they're not so eager to withdraw their whole CPF.
SO basically that means the opening of the floodgates is to refill the coffers of the CPF, not because we have a dwindling population. They're using a potential future problem to cover up the fuck up they're having now.
I'm quiet doubt about the theory you have....you maybe right....but problem of low birth rate is not only happen in sg. it oso happen in many others country like japen, aussie, NZ, Germany, Holland...& they're oso giving out incentive & other benefit in order to increase the birth rate. it show that it is a major issue to a country...whether is developted or developing country. we dont see it a problem is becos we wont understand the potential problem we may face in the future due to population shortfall & work force replacement.
Originally posted by Fcukpap:sing gals think too highly but actually are unlicensed prostitutes waiting for their big fish
hello, my aunt Ho Ching is also a sing gal hor...you can get sue for defamation ya. Sue until you bankrupt
The matter relating to talent is that many of the locals left numbering about 180000 are likely not to come back n there is an appeal by the PM for them to remember this country. There is a survey done some years back, many of the young locals would like to migrate to other countries.
Originally posted by will4:The matter relating to talent is that many of the locals left numbering about 180000 are likely not to come back n there is an appeal by the PM for them to remember this country. There is a survey done some years back, many of the young locals would like to migrate to other countries.
tell the sissy pm don't bother. Many of people left and are happily living in other countries. over here, the pay and pay party takes so much for people but give very minimal care to the people, if possible they don't even want to care and give.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
tell the sissy pm don't bother. Many of people left and are happily living in other countries. over here, the pay and pay party takes so much for people but give very minimal care to the people, if possible they don't even want to care and give.
hmm.....my ex school mate live in Aust for the passed 13 yrs....jus came bk nt long ago.....His comments: Sg still the best. wonder leh....
Originally posted by baby hunter:
hmm.....my ex school mate live in Aust for the passed 13 yrs....jus came bk nt long ago.....His comments: Sg still the best.wonder leh....
nobody force you to leave singapore and enjoy living withing the fence, why stress yourself by asking so many questions.
I am not your ex schoolmate, you ask the wrong person.
Even me compare with taiwan, still here is the best, got many foods and nice people,...except my aunty..maybe...but i seen more worst people than my aunty in taiwan...that is why i love it here. So peaceful
Originally posted by angel7030:Even me compare with taiwan, still here is the best, got many foods and nice people,...except my aunty..maybe...but i seen more worst people than my aunty in taiwan...that is why i love it here. So peaceful
good for you here for you can carry on bootlicking, u chau lao ah lian! chau lau ah lian acting young to call others uncles and aunties. tsk tsk tsk!
Originally posted by Fantagf:
nobody force you to leave singapore and enjoy living withing the fence, why stress yourself by asking so many questions.I am not your ex schoolmate, you ask the wrong person.
sorry arr....after 16,147 post, tot u kn alot of things...
schoolmate...oh! my aunty got go school one meh?
Originally posted by baby hunter:
sorry arr....after 16,147 post, tot u kn alot of things...
oh yeah, u here to disrupt discussion
go f your own kind angel7030
Originally posted by angel7030:schoolmate...oh! my aunty got go school one meh?
chao lau ah lian don't come here pretend you very young by calling people uncles and aunties. go back tout outside our pub brothel for more business
Originally posted by Fantagf:
oh yeah, u here to disrupt discussiongo f your own kind angel7030
here is nt "speaker's corner" meh?? or i get into a wrong place??? or it suppose to be "Anti Gov Corner"?
Originally posted by baby hunter:
here is nt "speaker's corner" meh?? or i get into a wrong place??? or it suppose to be "Anti Gov Corner"?
Don't ask stupid question, this is not the first day you are here