wonders bout hot summer weather
Originally posted by Fantagf:
the govt import so many foreigners.Sometimes over the weekends when i go out I wonder if I am in Singapore.
Isn't the PAP government nice ?
I do hope Singaporeans can seee thru this bluff and charade put up by the local media and the incumbent party - aiyah, firstly, it is simply to justify the policy of FT and immigration policies that works in their favour and to foreigners.
Secondly, it is build up a base for the eroding support - which they know and now they have sought 'means' to circumvent and indirectly benefit from them.
What is sad is that Singaporeans have been given short shrift to views and grievances that affect their lives.
All in all it shows what politics is all about - prostitution of ... to achieve or perpetuate power.
There is no corrupt politician, one is inherently corrupt - hence the desire to entire politics (all forms) to give it full play!!!
There is no corrupt politician, one is inherently corrupt.
Correction to the above - I meant one is already unconsciously corrupt before one enters .....
Originally posted by Fantagf:
yeah, good one. only elites and pap's ministers genes are good. but ironically that lee family produced albino kid leh.
that's the wife's fault lah... u dunno meh.... Lee family will nv have any fault one lah... so they change a wife for LHL lor....
Originally posted by the Bear:sorry.. there is no actual "shortfall"
it is a natural progression when societies become more affluent, they have fewer children..
only thing is that the politicians freak out because fewer people = lower consumption = less taxes and lower GDP
and the inability to sustain the CPF pyramid scheme due to lesser people contributing.
The PAP government "import" foreigners to replace the low birth rate of Singaporeans,without changing their wrong dictatorial ruling mindset n attitude.
And so,after a decades or so,due to the fact that those foreigners also experiencing the "side-effect" of such an out-dated n lousy dictatorial management like what we Singaporeans have been through now.The new immigrants will also born less babies or migrate to other countries.
So in the end,the PAP has again become the laughing stock of other country leaders.
Originally posted by starExcaliblur:You get to experience them here in Singapore up close and personal without spending a cent.
PAP rubbish government is throwing taxpayer's money on rubbish programs.
$10m Community Integration Fund to help locals and newcomers understand one another better
They really too rich already, can afford to throw 10 million to help aliens.
I don't have much patience with this PAP rubbish regime already I am telling you.
In my humble opinion, the reason why the birth rate is low can be summarized as follows:
1. expensive housing
2. expensive cost of living / women need to work / need double income / need career
3. lack of maternal leave program (women are worried they will be left behind)
These factors consitute more than 90% of the reason, in my estimation.
More accurate analysis can be gotten from focus group interviews and data mining.
However, I am confident the results will be more or less pointing to that same general direction.
Thus, to promote a healthier birth rate, the solution is simple, the society must find answers to remove those factors.
I think such things must be considered:
1. Baby bonus is a failure because it doesnt solve anything. A little bit of money which doesnt cover housing cost, doesnt cover the female's lost income, doesnt cover the need for child-rearing help, doesnt cover the lost career advancement in the female's company, and so on. A total failure by some lazy bureaucrat who cant be bothered to think of deeper solution.
The solution must be targetted and must solve the root fundamental problem.
Thus, I recommend the following.
1. Housing must be made cheaply and abundantly. Regulation must be relaxed or tweaked which encourage young couples to purchase their housing, early and easily.
2. Child-rearing help must be promoted and spread. Nowadays there are many tuition centres, but few day-care. Remember, the women want to get back to work, they dont want to lose too much time. They need quality and affordable childcare centres, and lots of them spread everywhere, accessible.
3. Maternity leave program, and even faternity program in companies must be reviewed again, conduct focus group interviews and restructure it. It must be made attractive, real, and pertinent.
Thus, if these 3 solutions can be implemented with vigor, I am confident the birth rate will rise to a healthier and more sustainable level.
Now, I see there is no general thrust, no political will, no leadership, no bold vision, everyone at the top is lazy. They just say society has changed, nowadays people have new values. But they dont bother to investigate further, what exactly has changed, what factors have changed, and how can they be ameliorated, to create a more condusive environment to promote child rearing.
Originally posted by Veggie Bao:Hi,
In my humble opinion, the reason why the birth rate is low can be summarized as follows:
1. expensive housing
2. expensive cost of living / women need to work / need double income / need career
3. lack of maternal leave program (women are worried they will be left behind)
These factors consitute more than 90% of the reason, in my estimation.
More accurate analysis can be gotten from focus group interviews and data mining.
However, I am confident the results will be more or less pointing to that same general direction.
Thus, to promote a healthier birth rate, the solution is simple, the society must find answers to remove those factors.
I think such things must be considered:
1. Baby bonus is a failure because it doesnt solve anything. A little bit of money which doesnt cover housing cost, doesnt cover the female's lost income, doesnt cover the need for child-rearing help, doesnt cover the lost career advancement in the female's company, and so on. A total failure by some lazy bureaucrat who cant be bothered to think of deeper solution.
The solution must be targetted and must solve the root fundamental problem.
Thus, I recommend the following.
1. Housing must be made cheaply and abundantly. Regulation must be relaxed or tweaked which encourage young couples to purchase their housing, early and easily.
2. Child-rearing help must be promoted and spread. Nowadays there are many tuition centres, but few day-care. Remember, the women want to get back to work, they dont want to lose too much time. They need quality and affordable childcare centres, and lots of them spread everywhere, accessible.
3. Maternity leave program, and even faternity program in companies must be reviewed again, conduct focus group interviews and restructure it. It must be made attractive, real, and pertinent.
Thus, if these 3 solutions can be implemented with vigor, I am confident the birth rate will rise to a healthier and more sustainable level.
Now, I see there is no general thrust, no political will, no leadership, no bold vision, everyone at the top is lazy. They just say society has changed, nowadays people have new values. But they dont bother to investigate further, what exactly has changed, what factors have changed, and how can they be ameliorated, to create a more condusive environment to promote child rearing.
Thank you for ur good suggestion
you shall be nominated as the next MND minster...
The majority of Singaporeans no longer have the mentality that they need a child or children to depend upon when they grow old.
They no longer believe that more children the better as their parents and grandparents believe.
If the government wants more babies, the government has to look after the needs of the babies from birth to 18 years old as many developed countries have already done that eg Germany.
Alternatively, the government can keep on importing teenager and adult foreigners to meet the country's economic,defence and social needs lor.
Originally posted by Seowlah:The majority of Singaporeans no longer have the mentality that they need a child or children to depend upon when they grow old.
They no longer believe that more children the better as their parents and grandparents believe.
If the government wants more babies, the government has to look after the needs of the babies from birth to 18 years old as many developed countries have already done that eg Germany.
Alternatively, the government can keep on importing teenager and adult foreigners to meet the country's economic,defence and social needs lor.
Giving birth and decendent transition is a natural process of all living things including virus and bacteria. Ants produce as much as they can, virus take over as many hosts as they can, and some other like salmon can die for the sake of carrying on their roots and decendents. So, it is sad to see we as humans are not producing?? and not only that, we destroy forest and lakes and seas to build luxury stuff at the expense of other living things progression.
And now here, you can tell me about govt policies, mentality problems, defences and those social shits, aren't we part to the living evolution. When all living things are struggling to produce in whatever condition they are in which include even ending their life to produce and protect their youngs, we, as human should be ashame of ourselves for not producing just becos of some stupid govt and society conditions, more worst, humans throw their babies around in rubbish bins, drains and even in toilets.
I think it is about time i call upon my lord, ah Jesus, to end this human race.
When the human race ended
only left one human around
thats noah~~
By the author of bible
John / dated 2000 BC
Originally posted by noahnoah:
When the human race ended
only left one human around
thats noah~~
By the author of bible
John / dated 2000 BC
the one human race will be taken and imprison for life for not taking care of this world, all punishment will be held him responsible. When all is peaceful again, another race will take over, the Avatar.
Angel/carbon dated 2012 AD
Originally posted by BJK:Nothing to worry about. Most developed and developing countries are experiencing the same birth problem of its citizens. For goodness sake, we are in the 21st century, therefore, people want to take things easy such as more holidays overseas, devote more time for leisure, etc. Who want to slog like in the old days unless they are in the lower income group. This group should be helped by the government as Sg is not a poor country. If we can afford to pay millions to ministers, why not, be more compassionate to the lower income group by giving them free education, heath etc.
wha lau, govt already bao you job, house, security etc etc ...also must bao your babies ar??? our ministers are all old cock liao, how to bao so many of them.
wha lau, bao shuan, bao hai, bao give birth also govt
Originally posted by starExcaliblur:
You don't have to spend $$$ to go overseas to see foreigners and experience them. You get to experience them here in Singapore up close and personal without spending a cent.Isn't the PAP government nice ?
Save our $ for tours. hahahah!
Originally posted by angel7030:
wha lau, govt already bao you job, house, security etc etc ...also must bao your babies ar??? our ministers are all old cock liao, how to bao so many of them.
Not happy go complain to your lau hero about the people here.
YOu come here bootlicking your lau hero and his gang no use, if you dare then go istana bootlick lah
Originally posted by angel7030:wha lau, bao shuan, bao hai, bao give birth also govt
Pleae don't come to my thread to talk rubbish.
aiyo....if you dont like too much foreigners coming into here to become citizens, and if you dont keep on producing babies cos youngsters are becoming more hedonistic, self centred, and women becoming more educated and independent....then what to do?? as it is, this is a trend too in most other developed countries.....like france, usa, australia as they open their doors to foreigners to settle there ......and falling birth rates in japan, korea, taiwan .....
Originally posted by Bentsb05:aiyo....if you dont like too much foreigners coming into here to become citizens, and if you dont keep on producing babies cos youngsters are becoming more hedonistic, self centred, and women becoming more educated and independent....then what to do?? as it is, this is a trend too in most other developed countries.....like france, usa, australia as they open their doors to foreigners to settle there ......and falling birth rates in japan, korea, taiwan .....
By having so many foreigners here, can you guarantee that they will for sure give birth and in a way help to contribute tremendously to the fall in birthrate?
Foreigners are not stupid oK, some of them think like Singaporeans. They know the costs of living here are forever going up they are also careful about what they wanna do to keep up with the life here.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
Pleae don't come to my thread to talk rubbish.
oh!!, it's yr thread, i didn't even know.., hey! i help to increase a few posts in yr thread ok, so you should thanks me hor.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
By having so many foreigners here, can you guarantee that they will for sure give birth and in a way help to contribute tremendously to the fall in birthrate?Foreigners are not stupid oK, some of them think like Singaporeans. They know the costs of living here are forever going up they are also careful about what they wanna do to keep up with the life here.
if u dun try, how do you know, even with a 50% successful rate, at least it help our population, govt policies and rules aside, dun you love Singapore as hope that is survive for a few more generations??
If foreigners are not stupid, we are more happier to take these not stupid people, as i said many time, it is not the current lots that we had attracted interest us, but their childrens who are educated in Singapore will eventually think like a Singaporeans, and that will take about the next 15 to 20 years to see the result.
As the saying goes, planing is better than no plan and no plan is also a plan, it only plan to fail