Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:A joke which I found in other forums. Just for laugh purpose
You voted for PAP, and you get to pay 7% GST instead of 5%.
You voted for PAP, and they peg power to the price of oil even when 80% of Singapore’s power comes from natural gas.
You voted for PAP and your CPF money gets lock up for another 3 years more than the original.
You voted for PAP, and your ministers demanded a 85% pay raises.
You voted for PAP, and your job went to a foreigner.
You voted for PAP, and your neighbors become foreigners.
You voted for PAP, and your elderly gets to enjoy the dignity of employment by cleaning toilets, scavenging trash bins for aluminum cans and selling tissue papers.
You voted for PAP, and your minsters tell you it is your fault that Mas Selemat escaped.
You voted for PAP, and your government would rather lose millions at sinking foreign banks rather than to save you from starvation.
You voted for PAP, and not only do your ministers literally spit on you, but their scions tell you to “get out of their elite uncaring faces”.
You voted for PAP, and you are amply rewarded with ERPs at your doorstep.
You voted for PAP, and Lee Hsien Loong pledged to fix the oppositions.
You voted for PAP, and you got a Division 3 Prime Minister who needs 2 mentors to hold his hand.
You voted for PAP, and you got a large serving of Mee Siam Mai Hum, at your own expense.
You voted for PAP, and your salary stayed stagnant for more than a decade while the cost of living shoot sky high.
You voted for PAP, and you see the foreign kids get a place in school while you child get zilch.
You voted for PAP, and you find that your public transport is no longer “public”.
You voted for PAP, and your ministers want to house 1,500 foreign workers right smacked in the middle of a peaceful neighborhood without any concerns for you.
You voted for PAP, and the government readily reward your men with more hookers than they can ever poked in Geylang.
You voted for PAP, and your government happily demands $5000 ang pao from you when your maid runaway or get pregnant even though you had nothing to do with it.
You voted for PAP, and your government glorify themselves with Olympic sized banners of their ghastly faces to scare away ghosts during the Chinese 7th month, courtesy of your S&C contribution to your town councils which is suppose to go toward making life in your neighborhood better.
You voted for PAP, and they protect the interests of the petrol companies by making you pump 3/4 tank before you cross the causeway.
You voted for PAP, and they see nothing wrong with fining you for driving a foreign registered car into Singapore.
You voted for PAP, and you discover that world-class super talented multi-million dollar minister with all the state resources and manpowers cannot even catch a limping man in this tiny island state
after more than half a year.
You voted for PAP, and you realise that your MP’s job is not to speak out for you in parliament, but to tell you to tighten the belt, bite the bullet, eat lesser and work longer.
You voted for PAP, and your kids have to stay with you till 40 years old, as they cannot afford the cheapest “public” housing.
You voted for PAP, and your government tells you that their interpretation of subsidies is the profit that they forgo making, instead of actually paying part of the cost.
You voted for PAP, and everyone in Singapore suddenly got elevated to Swiss standard of living, except you, and everyone around you.
You voted for PAP, and your neighbors can sell your home for you (en-block), whether you like it or not.
You voted for PAP, and your organs automatically belongs to the government (HOTA).
You voted for PAP, and you have to pay administration fee to use your own money when you are sick (Medisave).
You voted for PAP, and your sons get to spend 2 or more years as free labour in National Service and 13 more years as reservists, so that the foreigners can have a safe country to work in.
You voted for PAP, and you found out that each of your son is worth $30k, because that is what you are going to get if your son die while serving the foreigners.
You voted for PAP, and you get a grand party every year on 9th August celebrating more salaries for PAP.Not everyone is invited though, you will still have to ballot for it.
You voted for PAP, and they tell you that there is a corner called Hong Lim Park where you can go to talk all you want, other than that, shut up unless you have something nice to say.
You voted for PAP, and you get a world-bottom “nation-building” press serving you the latest propagandas, regardless of truth.
You voted for PAP, and in order to buy a car, you have to first pay for a piece of paper that cost more than the car itself.
You voted for PAP, and you must vote for PAP! You cannot even think about not voting for PAP. Because a certain inaccurate old man said that he will call in the army if you don’t.
So vote for PAP.
Read the list above again, and vote for PAP.
Go ahead, vote for PAP.
More good years eh ?? Vote for PAP.
For Swiss standard of living ?? Vote for PAP.
Wise words of wisdom.
All Singaporeans should remember the words in above posting when casting their votes in the next General Elections.
Here's another wise word of wisdom posted in another forum :
· The greatest act of political violence that old man Lee has done on Singapore is not the detention of political prisoners or the suppression of the media or even the castration of our judicial system.
It is the creation of entire generations of Singaporeans who are brain dead. If you speak to most Singaporeans, they are empty shells who only care about making money and obeying instructions.
By skeptic, at 16/11/09 22:28
ps. Please do read "Tyranny is worse than a Man-Eating Tiger" in one of the earlier posts. A thought provoking article which sadly reflects Singapore's present day situation.
.... perspective. # 1
ELECTION is always about the Future....
It is not about the last 40 years; it is also not about the next 40 years. It is about the next 4 years.
Singapore since Lee Hsien Loong took over became fucked up.
This is a fact that no one can deny.
Originally posted by parn:
Leaders serve nation, Leaders serve people, then who serve leaders? Is it you? I know it's not ME. But since if it isn't you or me and anyone else, are you saying the leaders serve themselves?
leaders cannot serve themselves ..it is a proven fact since in ancient china and dynasties and also present time..people are the foundation of the goverment, to even forsake or abuse or forgo that part of the minal rights of the people would have dire consequences.
Perspective #2
Start Asking Questions....... (Theres no right or wrong answers)
What does this election means to you...(as singaporean)
What have we learned for the last 40 yrs?
What lies ahead for the next 4 years?
What would "You" like Singapore to be?
PS: We are only talking about short term attainable goals of 4 years.
Originally posted by soul_rage:Nope, you did not reply on the questions. Many of them, you skirt by, especially on the justification of our leaders' pay.
Therefore, since you have no answer for those, then we shall not debate on it.
You have been saying that Singaporeans are afraid of foreigners coz they may now know where they stand in their capabilities.
I am just telling you that there is a study that stated that Singaporeans are one of the most productive workforces in the world. Therefore, it's hardly what you stated.
And you got it wrong, I am asking questions, questions which are neither pro-PAP, nor anti-PAP. And also, the questions are just questions that I find pro-PAP members do not dare to properly answer, and so I stated them here again.
I would think the most important lesson you would learn from your wife is that there's no point trying to argue with a woman.
Your intention is to score a logical victory, her intention is keep talking until you just don't know what to respond with next.
Originally posted by whycannot:
our country is the first country to have a mm sm if i am not wrong
Yes.... singapore is the 1st in the world. To have it.
Originally posted by Fantagf:Before anyone of us can answer to your question, we have to check if our constituencies are walkover.
Not all Singaporeans are given the chance to vote
Hopefully this election all singaporean can have the chance to vote.
Originally posted by Fantagf:I believe there are many who will vote oppositions because they are too fed up and disappointed with the current ruling party.
Hope that will be true. So they know people of singapore have the power and they are telling them straight to the face that we can't take it anymore.
Originally posted by Fantagf:yeah, you are right. and those will forget the way they are treated and start to vote them again.
haizzz .......
but no worry, there will still be people who will vote them out because they are too fed up and disappointed with the thunderstrike party.
Bro, the thunder is really going to strike them hard this time.
Originally posted by Berner ong:I will vote for PAP..
Reason being..
Opposition party till today have not present me a hope or future that i can look forward too..
I have never seen the opposition party member in my GRC before? Wondering where they are? Are they the submarine type of politician, surface only during important time like election?
how can i trust a person that i have never see before and not knowing the abilty and capability of the person? would you?Current opposition party are like sand.. there is no team work between each other, only fighting from their individual party interest.
i have no faith in the opposition party.
Bro, do u see the member of parliment that u vote for in your GRC around your area?
I myself never see my MP walking around my area. maybe in this few month they will start walking arrr.
This opposition member still need to work to feed their family.
Seen when the opposition party member fightig it other? never heard nice story.
Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:vote opposition first if they suck on the job then can always recall back pap. Further more, after pap is down, and opposition is up there, I believe more options will be opened up gradually in the future as this shows that singaporeans are not pushovers, secondly if opposition really sucks on their role, there will be more parties will come to compete away the power. My point is pap regimes prevents and hinder political growth in singapore. So voting for opposition is not always a wrong move.
Good.. u are using your head to talk........I think that too. what i can see hougang and potong pasir. So far no problem ?
Originally posted by Stevenson101:I would think the most important lesson you would learn from your wife is that there's no point trying to argue with a woman.
Your intention is to score a logical victory, her intention is keep talking until you just don't know what to respond with next.
Puts a smile on my face.
How very true...
Wise words of a man who knows the ways of a woman well.
Originally posted by parn:
Don't forget you were educated under the PAP education system.No matter how you tried to deny PAP your lies, in reality, you do hold some form of respect and gratitude towards PAP and their education system for educating you into who you are.
And of course the same goes for your siblings, relatives and loved ones if they are Singaporeans and would most likely be educated in Singapore like every regular Singaporeans.
You can say your heart and soul are denying PAP, but how about your mind and body? Taught and trained under PAP education system, how can that be wrong unless you can insist that your very existence is a mistake.
Even if you could show everyone how ungrateful you care by lying and denying all your childhood memories, you are not capable of UNDOING all the PAP traces in you.
Unless you are retarded enough to take a drill and punch a few holes into your skull, blending your brain cells into a thin shake, I don't think anyone can believe a Singaporean like yourself can truly achieve what he has claimed, that is to deny his loyalty towards the ruling party, PAP.
If you are not even able to achieve such an easy thing, then how is it possible for anyone else to believe your conviction against PAP?
Oh yes, tell me your children won't be educated under PAP education system, I believe I have heard it so many times from losers like yourself, until I have no choice but to be return you a smile and act "agreeable".
A citizen who does not hestitate to betray his own motherland, should be left swimming in the seas.
Bro, for your info i salute the PAP for they pass acheivement that make singapore today. Just to remind this is a country not company.
F.Y.I, My children is not educated under PAP system, they are educated under private kindergarden. If i don't like i can complain.
An in the other hand i will never teach my kid to betray their motherland ever if they were left swimming is the sea without bouy. I will tell them u better died and one day people will remember u and respect u.... I will ask my kid to fight for his motherland even till the last drop of they blood, don't care who the ruler is just care about your motherland.
A vote for PAP= A vote for more foreigners.
Singaporeans you decide your own fate.
Originally posted by (human):A vote for PAP= A vote for more foreigners.
That is a good slogan for elections.
I hope opposition takes note.
Are these changes for better or worse? whi1e
Changes for better or worse?
SINGAPORE – PM Lee Hsien Loong announced a series of changes, which would have significant bearing on our political landscape. The first is a decrease in size of the Group Representation Constituencies (GRC) and an increase in the number of Single Member Constituencies (SMC) to at least 12. The second development is the amendment of the Parliamentary Elections Act, which will see 9 Non-constituency Member of Parliaments (NCMP) from the opposition taking up seats in the parliament.
The changes in the electoral system in decreasing the sizes of GRCs and increasing the number of SMCs is a positive development. Miss Sylvia Lim from the Workers’ Party of Singapore criticized the GRC system and proposed a return to the SMC-style of electoral contest, which took place prior to 1988. However, it may not be entirely easy for the opposition in an electoral contest at an SMC. The PAP candidates that they will be up against typically have strong grassroots support and rapport with the residents. A last check of the electoral map at the elections website has not shown which GRCs have been reduced and which SMCs have been created. The opposition has to start campaigning early in the targeted SMCs to stand a chance of winning over a substantial proportion of support. It will not do the opposition chances any good if the new SMC wards and their boundaries are released close to the elections. It means they have less time to campaign and win the residents’ support.
The move to increase the number of NCMPs from the current 3 to 9 is an interesting one. Others have raised the by now familiar arguement that allowing the best losers to enter parliament is against democratic principles because they go against the voters’ wishes. Another familiar criticism is that such a change allows for token opposition presence at best, i.e. one that has no teeth to bite. NCMPs, like Nominated Member of Parliaments (NMP) cannot vote on the amendment of constitution, public funds, confidence in the government and removal of president from the office. It is not in the interest of this article to revisit these familiar arguements which have been brought up by countless others, but rather to address an insidious consequence of such a move – an increase in the number of votes for the PAP and a decrease in opposition votes.
Readers may ask how can such a scenario happen? There exist a segment of voters who are not against the ruling PAP party, but they desire to see more opposition in parliament to facilitate political debates. With the changes which will see 9 NCMPs from the opposition in parliament, there is a chance that such voters may end up voting for the PAP because of the assurance that nearly one-fifth of the house according to Mr Lee will be made up of non-PAP members. These voters may take for granted that the consequence of having a “Devil’s Advocate” in parliament is already assured, and they will just vote for PAP. If the NMP and NCMP schemes were scrapped, such voters will have an incentive to vote for the opposition since this is in line with their wishes to have a opposition presence in parliament. Increasing the number of NCMPs in parliament may only decrease such an incentive. Such a scenario is at best speculatory but its possibility cannot be ruled out either.
However, is all completely lost for the opposition? Perhaps not. The opposition who entered parliament through the NCMP scheme will have an opportunity to further boost their track record. If they have performed well in addressing issues that concern the populace, this will only augur well for the latter’s chances during the next General Elections. Seen in another light, the NCMP scheme can be a stepping stone for upcoming opposition candidates to prove themselves.
The decrease in GRC sizes and increase in number of SMCs can be seen as a positive change, but that should be accompanied by an early announcement on the details of these changes such as the newly created SMC wards and their boundaries so that the opposition can begin their campaign early for the next elections. The move to increase the number of NCMPs in parliament may possibly affect the opposition’s chances at the elections. But on the other hand, rising opposition candidates who enter parliament as NCMPs will have opportunities to improve their track record, and if they perform well, they would be able to win more voters.
Originally posted by soul_rage:Nope, you did not reply on the questions. Many of them, you skirt by, especially on the justification of our leaders' pay.
Therefore, since you have no answer for those, then we shall not debate on it.
You have been saying that Singaporeans are afraid of foreigners coz they may now know where they stand in their capabilities.
I am just telling you that there is a study that stated that Singaporeans are one of the most productive workforces in the world. Therefore, it's hardly what you stated.
And you got it wrong, I am asking questions, questions which are neither pro-PAP, nor anti-PAP. And also, the questions are just questions that I find pro-PAP members do not dare to properly answer, and so I stated them here again.
I have already help you to answer your questions, even though they may not be what you had expected or searching for.
You must also understand and accept that your referred "study" is done by subjective humans.
I know what you are saying are all derived and adopted from the PAP education system, and I don't blame you for that.
But I would encourage you to use your own eyes to see the real world please.
Maybe when you can see the world with your own eyes and ignore all the widely distributed propaganda studies/reports/references, then and only then are you able to lead a discussion or even have an exchange of true opinions.
There is no point if you can only stand behind other people's work, only to realised that you have wasted your lives defending othet people's fabricated lies.
I'm not expecting you to completely agree with me, but please don't allow gender to become a hindering factor.
Originally posted by angel3070:These so called pro PAP supporters still have fear in their hearts.
They are still scared to death to criticise PAP, criticise Lee Kuan Yew.
They are still afraid.
They are covered in fear of PAP.
In fear of Lee Kuan Yew.
From now on, I will confront these people and try to help them to overcome their fear of PAP and Lee Kuan Yew.
I must help them.
Pro-PAP or non Pro-PAP rebels alike, these people don't really possess any direct and genuine grievances within their lovey-dovey pampered lives.
They believed by taking on other people's suggested problems or unquestioned queries, they can suddenly possess the rights to interrogate imaginery villians in their self-created heroic realm.
These people are the ungrateful real rebels and unsatisfied true garbage warriors of the communities because they held no mercy or regards to rest of the other innocent people in their community.
There is always someone else to fight and there is always someone else's problem to take care of and there are many villians in this evil world.
Really? Are we really living in such intolerable evil world with villians lurking around every dark corners of our society?
The truth is, it is not. We are all living in a better world at the present as compared to the past.
And these restless people acting like they are World Police, are just trying to buy their ways into your hearts using FEAR.
If you had all taken a closer look at their posts, you would know that they are not really bearer of good news. Listen to them long enough and soon your world will be covered in the negative blanket of hopeless darkness called FEAR.
What is the term that people often use when such negative but self-righteous beings tries to ruin your lives with bad news and more bad-news? I believed it is called TERRORISM.
And don't thnk that only Osama is most capable of using terrorism. Your friendly insurance agents, local gangsters, teachers, your peers, basically anyone who doesn't love you and tries to help you with fearful consequences.
I believe everyone should be given the opportunity and freedom to decide the truth for themselves.
And if you find that someone needed to launch a FEAR campaign in order to convince you or shut you up, then it's wiser for you to see the situation with your own eyes and find out if your world is really as bad as it was painted by these people.
Heroes or not, it's true that Heroes usually take cares of other people's problem and rescue them from difficult scenarios. But one thing super true is, Heroes usually take cares of their own problem first before they realised they have the powers to help and benefits others.
Unlike many self-acclaimed heroes who cannot even help themselves, people should learn how to identify the real heroes in their lives who can truly help them when they are in trouble, and not those fake ones who NEVER point a finger at themselves but always point their fingers at others.
Easiest way to pick them out is to tell them they are WRONG and observe their reactions then determine their true intentions before you go and treat them like heroes.
Originally posted by Eiizumi:I'll vote for opposition, however, I must see the candidate calibre.
Of course, they might say, no point choosing a candidate without any calibre or "experience". But I do not think the walkover new MPs have experience too. Most of them just shut up in the parliament till I don't even recognised their face.
Even if the opposition candidate succeeded getting the seat, I'll just walk up him and say, "Congrats. If you work for the government, I'll make sure you go down the next election, but if you work for the people, I'll ask the people to work for you, but not the government."
You got a MP who has calibre in shooting off his mouth like CSJ and who doesn't care if the common people live or not just to make his point heard then you will think that PAP is an angelic party.
If you screw up whatever concessions the opposition MP wring from the ruling party for the people, I make sure there will be a bullet in your brains.
Originally posted by Annilator47:leaders cannot serve themselves ..it is a proven fact since in ancient china and dynasties and also present time..people are the foundation of the goverment, to even forsake or abuse or forgo that part of the minal rights of the people would have dire consequences.
Then who serve leaders? --> Dunno why nobody can answer this question, am I talking with retarded Singaporeans?
Leaders are also human and they are not perfect and they do fail. Even you all also fail right now.
It's unbelievable how shallow-minded you are if you only want to focus on people's past failures when they are already historical in histories.
How about admitting that you just want to focus on the failures of other because it will somehow make your own failures seems insignificant?
Originally posted by Stevenson101:I would think the most important lesson you would learn from your wife is that there's no point trying to argue with a woman.
Your intention is to score a logical victory, her intention is keep talking until you just don't know what to respond with next.
I believe this only happens to Singaporean guys who thinks they are smart and logical, but they are actually very emotional guys.
They acted high and mighty when they are going after girls, then become pussies when they are married.
No wonder their wives looked down upon them, why did we married these useless retared wimpy wussies?
Why didn't our Wuss-Dar alert us about these potential wussies?
Originally posted by parn:
I believe this only happens to Singaporean guys who thinks they are smart and logical, but they are actually very emotional guys.They acted high and mighty when they are going after girls, then become pussies when they are married.
No wonder their wives looked down upon them, why did we married these useless retared wimpy wussies?
Why didn't our Wuss-Dar alert us about these potential wussies?
Lam Pah! You are aiming to marry a wussy or had already married one because you are a total farking wuss.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
You got a MP who has calibre in shooting off his mouth like CSJ and who doesn't care if the common people live or not just to make his point heard then you will think that PAP is an angelic party.If you screw up whatever concessions the opposition MP wring from the ruling party for the people, I make sure there will be a bullet in your brains.
So fierce, got bullet somemore....
Don't shoot me ok? Cos I will so beg for mercy ~