I have been reading the TOC article and comments on the projection that born and bred Singaporeans may become the minority in our own land and this slogan "Vote For Change" keeps repeating on the various comments.
This slogan is repeated because many of the readers of TOC feels that the PAP's FT policy that opens the floodgate indiscriminately for foreigners to come into Singapore to work and suppress our wages are causing harm to the place. We have one of the most liberal emigration policy in the world. No other countries in the world open up their doors as wide open as ours.
One may argue that these are just emotional outbursts that only happen in the cyber world. However my recent experience on the ground indicate otherwise. Singaporeans from all walks of life, regardless of race and religion, have come up to me and complain about "foreigners" taking away their jobs. Even the coffeeshop auntie whisper to me how angry she is that some cheap foreign labor have been taking away jobs from Singaporeans like her. The underlying emotional pressures cannot be underestimated.
However, what is the thing exactly that we want to change? Prior to GE 2006, just before the Workers' Party published their manifesto, some of us were thinking of a catchy slogan for the manifesto which will become the theme of our main campaign during the elections. My wife and I have dealt with the theme of "CHANGE". After much discussion and deliberation, the theme "Change" though looks attractive and sound catchy, we decided that Singaporeans are not ready to stomach such "drastic" movement.
On hindsight, although the Workers' Party manifesto did bring up good policy views, but it just falls short of providing much revolutionary ideas that could be termed as "fundamental change" to the present socio-political-economic system. Most of the ideas were about tweaking the present system, though some of the ideas would mean a total revamp of policy directions. Thus in the end, I would have to agree to the slogan "You have the Choice" instead.
There are many dimensions to the concept of Change. As I have stated in my earlier postings, the fundamental pillars of a nation consist of Social, Economics, Culture and Politics. If anyone wants to call out for fundamental change to Singapore's development path, he will have to provide a central idea or ideology or Core Values as the fundamental guiding principles to deal with all the four pillars of this nation.
My personal political belief is Democratic Socialism and it has been the guiding principle for me in molding my policy views over a wide spectrum of issues. Although some would argue PAP is also founded on the ideology of Democratic Socialism but I would say that they have discarded such idealism long time ago. From my perspective, they are moving towards Ultra-capitalism instead. Thus, if I am going to use the concept of "Change", I would urge voters to Vote for Change, from the ultra-capitalism to the ideology of Democratic Socialism. However, in modern context, I was told that people no longer care about political ideologies any more.
Thus, I was quite puzzled about the "Change" that some Singaporeans are yearning for. Exactly what kind of changes are they talking about? From the TOC article and comments, it seems that the people there are hoping to change the FT policy so to eradicate the social-economic problems that comes with it. Or to change the ways that the whole government works? Changing the power structure within the parliament so that the ruling party would become more responsive, responsible and accountable to the people's wish?
If that is the case, we will be seeking bigger change than just voting more opposition members into parliament. The whole political system has to be revamped. I would champaign for a proportionate representation system for Singapore so that minority voices would not be ignored altogether in the process of policy and legislative parliamentary debates.
Changes that would bring more accountability and transparency within the government is a big theme that needs great courage from the voters to vote towards such transformation. Such changes are indeed necessary but to me, insufficient in terms of a total review of our national policy directions. But maybe our concerns back in 2005 is still valid, Singaporeans may accept certain pace of change but not a drastic one.
Interesting enough, this call for "Vote for Change" is initiated by somebody that would most probably call themselves "The Lost Generation". It is a simple term but invokes great depth of thinking.
Why "Lost"? The fear of being the minority in our own homeland may constitute to such label. We are lost because we have been overwhelmed by foreigners in our land. We are lost because we are helpless when job advertisement in our very own land actually discriminated against us, all of us Singaporeans, when they state categorically that only foreigners need to apply. Best of all, there is no law or rules that our elected government could apply and do something about it. We are lost in bewilderment when the minister in charge of labour would make the wild call for "Cheap, faster, better" workers while the ministers themselves would constantly justify why they need to be paid the MOST EXPENSIVE salaries in the world as ministers.
We are lost when the problems that foreign labour brought upon us as in cheap labour substitution and inflated HDB prices are not dealt with properly but on the other hand the government is more concern about Singaporeans not welcoming and integrating well with these foreigners in our homeland. It is strange when some of these foreign labour could not speak our "common language" Singlish/English while serving us in hawker centres and coffeeshops but instead, the burden of integration actually lies with us. We are lost when the government takes more care to the businesses instead of its people. GST increased just to reduce corporate taxes. Opening the floodgate for foreigners so that businesses could have cheaper labour substitutes.
Personally I am not all that anti-foreigners. But the situation becomes so absurd when the ruling party allows indiscriminately foreigners to flood our land with disregard to the fact that our infrastructure, public transport, healthcare, housing and public space could hardly cope with such influx. The problem does not lie with the foreigners but the government of the day. It is the ruling party who have open the floodgates and they should be made accountable for all the problems that are generated by this policy decision.
I guess the most important factor that created the Lost generation is the feeling of betrayal by the government with the series of policies that do not take care of them.
Vote for Change....and Accountability.
they always take things in their own hands
hope people this coming ge would 'WAKE UP" and vote the party that really care and listen to them
Goh M S is a good politician and honourable person. He was here during the last election. People should support him, if given the chance.
Do not forget to consider the Cambridge trained Economist with distinctions - ‘Philip Jeyaretnam’ (*1) from the Reform Party.
From his blog, i can see that he does really attempts to portray himself as an honourable man, unlike the Outlaw and his followers, such as the self admitted piece of shit here, known as Atobe, now attempting again to make use of others who hunger for opposition politics to used these naive ones here.
The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend - best everyone here realise this and not be used and manipulated.
Unfortunately, I will not give Goh M. S. my vote. My vote is precious, no way am i going to give it to one who is 'lost' and 'bewildered like him.
I am saddened that a seemingly intelligent man like would twist and manipulate words to suit his political agenda. Just re-read what he had writtened. It had been discussed greatly here and found flawed. Jobs and foreigners are critical for our survival in this globalised world. Floodgates to FT/FW are regulated and bosses who cheats are penalised. We citizens are still in the majority, amongst the foreigners as well as the hundreds thousand of tourists who give our SMEs jobs and profit.
To summarise, survival is critical. We are a small nation and cannot afford to make mistakes. He whines, and whines flawedly and yet offered no solultions, not even non-viable ones. How then can one vote for him?
But then, I am only one vote, and wont make much of a difference. It is you and others who can vote will make the decisive majority on who can best represent our fellow citizens.
Good luck.
Originally posted by xtreyier:From his blog, i can see that he does really attempts to portray himself as an honourable man, unlike the Outlaw and his followers, such as the self admitted piece of shit here, known as Atobe, now attempting again to make use of others who hunger for opposition politics to used these naive ones here.
The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend - best everyone here realise this and not be used and manipulated.
Unfortunately, I will not give Goh M. S. my vote. My vote is precious, no way am i going to give it to one who is 'lost' and 'bewildered like him.
I am saddened that a seemingly intelligent man like would twist and manipulate words to suit his political agenda. Just re-read what he had writtened. It had been discussed greatly here and found flawed. Jobs and foreigners are critical for our survival in this globalised world. Floodgates to FT/FW are regulated and bosses who cheats are penalised. We citizens are still in the majority, amongst the foreigners as well as the hundreds thousand of tourists who give our SMEs jobs and profit.
To summarise, survival is critical. We are a small nation and cannot afford to make mistakes. He whines, and whines flawedly and yet offered no solultions, not even non-viable ones. How then can one vote for him?
But then, I am only one vote, and wont make much of a difference. It is you and others who can vote will make the decisive majority on who can best represent our fellow citizens.
Good luck.
xtreyier, why are you engaging in personal attacks against forum members? I always believe personal attacks are used when the user has no reason/logic/arguments left.
I have to agree that jobs and foreigners are crucial to our survival in this world. However, I do not believe that the floodgates to FT/FW are regulated. I've not seen any clear-cut statistics and "criteria" on how they are being regulated. Do point me to your source of information.
For example, just recently, a reporter from the Asian Sentinel was denied a visa extension without given any reason at all.
What we want to know is the "criteria" on the regulation. I read somewhere on the mainstream media that Singapore requires FT to survive. The article then proceed to mention that these FT have post-secondary education. I was confused. Post-secondary education = FT? I'm sure there are countless post-secondary Local Talent (LT) in Singapore then. Why are they here?
FT/FW is important in that they fill roles that the locals are unable or unwilling to fill. Resentment would definitely be present if FT/FW start filling in roles that could have been filled by locals. I'm sure by now you would have know about various job advertisements that discriminate locals.
As you have mentioned, we citizens are still in the majority. Yes, but for how long? How long before we will be overrun? I have no wish to see that happenning.
You mentioned that we are a small nation and we canot affor to make mistakes. Does this mean that the PAP government has not made any up to now?
It seems that the X-rated Fraud has not lost enough of its skin off its X-rated butt and will attempt to make another bid to satisfy its grand standing addiction again.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
From his blog, i can see that he does really attempts to portray himself as an honourable man, unlike the Outlaw and his followers, such as the self admitted piece of shit here, known as Atobe, now attempting again to make use of others who hunger for opposition politics to used these naive ones here.
It is pathetically ironic that the X-rated Fraud will attempt to address others as being naive, when its own self-consuming self is unable to see its own indiscriminate acts of dishonesty has made itself to be no better then an imbecile.
What is the worth of the opinion of a pseudo-intellect when its bankrupt mind has no capacity to be honest, but is loaded with the ton of turds that its intellect will defecate each time it move it to work ?
Why will the dishonest X-rated Fraud conceal the only Singapore outlaw that live with a big lie - as the outlaw was a Japanese translator in the Japanese Occupation Force, and after WW2 had served those whom the X-rated Fraud branded as the - ‘"thieving british overloards” simply to get an education’ (*1) ?
The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend - best everyone here realise this and not be used and manipulated.
It certainly does not fall on the pseudo-intellect to know that no one need any "enemy" if one is unfortunate enough to have a X-rated Fraud as a "friend".
Can the X-rated Fraudulent pseudo-intellect even know itself being manipulated and used by an "outlaw" far more intelligent that the X-rated Fraud - who had served the Japanese Occupation Force and also those whom the X-rated Fraud had called "thieving british overlords" ?
Unfortunately, I will not give Goh M. S. my vote. My vote is precious, no way am i going to give it to one who is 'lost' and 'bewildered like him.
Obviously, the vote of the X-rated Fraud is precious as it can hardly afford the toilet rolls for the turd that it produces each time it put its pseudo-intellect to work, and can only result in its pseudo-intellectual defecation.
Can a X-rated Fraud even know who is itself - when its split personality is led by its pseudo-intellect ?
It is not a wonder that it will see the world around itself as being "lost and bewildered".
I am saddened that a seemingly intelligent man like would twist and manipulate words to suit his political agenda. Just re-read what he had writtened. It had been discussed greatly here and found flawed. Jobs and foreigners are critical for our survival in this globalised world. Floodgates to FT/FW are regulated and bosses who cheats are penalised. We citizens are still in the majority, amongst the foreigners as well as the hundreds thousand of tourists who give our SMEs jobs and profit.
It is not a surprise that a pseudo-intellect can only recognise intelligence as being "seemingly intelligent" when it is "lost and bewildered" - when awakened to a world that is far more intelligent than its X-rated Fraudulent Life.
It is not amazing that the X-rated Fraud will not even dare to quote what it finds fault with, but will simply suggest to - "Just re-read what he had writtened" - simply to prove its bankrupt point of view.
Indeed, so much "had been discussed greatly" and it is amazing that the X-rated Fraud will dare to state that it had been "found flawed".
Yet, it will persist shamelessly to pursue its bankrupt position by pretending in the most confidently deceitful ways as if nothing has been proven - even as it will abandon the ongoing debate with deafening silence.
To summarise, survival is critical. We are a small nation and cannot afford to make mistakes. He whines, and whines flawedly and yet offered no solultions, not even non-viable ones. How then can one vote for him?
Only a X-rate Fraud with a pseudo-intellect will find survival as critical, as it can only insist on being limited by the small size of a nation whenever it suits its arguments; but can afford to avoid mentioning all the mistakes that MM LKY will even admit - which the imbecilic X-rated Fraud will wish to contradict.
From recent threads, it will seem that each time when the arguments of the X-rated Fraud have been exposed to be flawed, it is the one that "whines flawedly" that its words have been twisted.
Still it will insist on making more flawed statements as in its present remarks that claimed "yet offered no solutions, not even non-viable ones".
We can assume that the X-rated Fraud has the immense abilities to appreciate non-viable solutions, when no one will waste time with these non-viable solutions.
We can certainly count on the brilliance of its immense pseudo-intellect to know how to appreciate the more viable solutions too.
But then, I am only one vote, and wont make much of a difference. It is you and others who can vote will make the decisive majority on who can best represent our fellow citizens.
Good luck.
Can the one vote from the X-rated Fraud make any difference - when it had stated so clearly that - " I will not give..... my vote. My vote is precious, no way am i going to give it " ?
It is odd that the X-rated Fraud with its infatuation with Turds, will want to be a member of "our fellow citizens" - when its heart is in Turdistan, where its besotted Turd beckons its mind and spirit ?
No wonder it had to see an awakened world in its own lost and bewildered sense of confused pseudo-intellect.
The Singapore Master Outlaw that served the Japanese Occupation Force and also those "thieving british overlords" to gain his education will be wanting some answers from a pseudo-intellect that a X-rated Fraud will hardly be able to manage intelligently.
"Good-luck" to the deceitful and dishonest X-rated Fraud with its pseudo-intellectual relationship with its beloved Turd from the Shitland in Turdistan.
Originally posted by Starseven:xtreyier, why are you engaging in personal attacks against forum members? I always believe personal attacks are used when the user has no reason/logic/arguments left.
I have to agree that jobs and foreigners are crucial to our survival in this world. However, I do not believe that the floodgates to FT/FW are regulated. I've not seen any clear-cut statistics and "criteria" on how they are being regulated. Do point me to your source of information.
For example, just recently, a reporter from the Asian Sentinel was denied a visa extension without given any reason at all.
What we want to know is the "criteria" on the regulation. I read somewhere on the mainstream media that Singapore requires FT to survive. The article then proceed to mention that these FT have post-secondary education. I was confused. Post-secondary education = FT? I'm sure there are countless post-secondary Local Talent (LT) in Singapore then. Why are they here?
FT/FW is important in that they fill roles that the locals are unable or unwilling to fill. Resentment would definitely be present if FT/FW start filling in roles that could have been filled by locals. I'm sure by now you would have know about various job advertisements that discriminate locals.
As you have mentioned, we citizens are still in the majority. Yes, but for how long? How long before we will be overrun? I have no wish to see that happenning.
You mentioned that we are a small nation and we canot affor to make mistakes. Does this mean that the PAP government has not made any up to now?
Personal attacks? For calling a person what that person personally acknowledged and crown herself? LOL!
Check out MOM website and do your own homework if you want sources. It's all readily avaliable.
A member here once said, FTs' employment are dependent on their employer's choice. As long as they meet the criteria, they are hired.
Discriminatory advertisements? How many are there? Enough to fill the classified ads or not? Do stop your generalizations based on the few to paint a bleak landscape to support your political agendas please. Singaporeans are not fools. Furthermore, since you are strongly against it, what have you done about it? Had you complained to the webmasters, the reciever of ads, MOM or your MP?
Overrun by foreigners? Or are you just so elitist that you have no wish to share space with them who provide benefits for us? We are a tourist destination and there will ALWAYS be foreigners amongst us. 10 million of them per year. Before you complain, better check with our local SMEs, their families, their workers and their kids if these tourists are welcomed.
Who dont make mistakes? No one is perfect. But do you prefer someone who made mistakes before, corrected it to steer the ship or do you want someone absolutely new, who is 'lost' and bewildered' to steer it?
Hey, as I've said, its your choice, not mine, no need to get so uptight. will ya?
Originally posted by Atobe:
It seems that the X-rated Fraud has not lost enough of its skin off its X-rated butt and will attempt to make another bid to satisfy its grand standing addiction again.
It is pathetically ironic that the X-rated Fraud will attempt to address others as being naive, when its own self-consuming self is unable to see its own indiscriminate acts of dishonesty has made itself to be no better then an imbecile.
What is the worth of the opinion of a pseudo-intellect when its bankrupt mind has no capacity to be honest, but is loaded with the ton of turds that its intellect will defecate each time it move it to work ?
Why will the dishonest X-rated Fraud conceal the only Singapore outlaw that live with a big lie - as the outlaw was a Japanese translator in the Japanese Occupation Force, and after WW2 had served those whom the X-rated Fraud brand as the - ‘"thieving british overloards” simply to get an education’ (*1) ?
Does anyone need any enemy if one is unfortunate enough to have a X-rated Fraud as a "friend" ?
Can the X-rated Fraudulent pseudo-intellect even know itself being manipulated and used by an "outlaw" far more intelligent that the X-rated Fraud - who had served the Japanese Occupation Force and also those whom the X-rated Fraud had called "thieving british overlords" ?
Obviously, the vote of the X-rated Fraud is precious as it can hardly afford the toilet rolls for the turd that it produces each time it put its pseudo-intellect to work and result in its defecation.
Can a X-rated Fraud even know who it is with its split personality led by its pseudo-intellect ?
It is not a wonder that it will see the world around itself as being lost and bewildered.
It is not a surprise that a pseudo-intellect can only recognise intelligence as being "seemingly intelligent" when it is bewildered and lost when awakened to a world that is far more intelligent than its X-rated Fraudulent Life.
It is not amazing that the X-rated Fraud will not even dare to quote but will suggest to "Just re-read what he had writtened" - simply to prove its bankrupt point of view.
Indeed, so much "had been discussed greatly" and it is amazing that the X-rated Fraud will dare to state that it had been "found flawed" - but will persist shamelessly to pursue its bankrupt position by pretending in the most confidently deceitful ways as if nothing has been proven - even as it will abandon the debate with deafening silence.
Only a X-rate Fraud with a pseudo-intellect will find survival as critical, as it insist on being limited by the small size of a nation when it suits its arguments, and can afford to avoid mentioning all the mistakes that even MM LKY dared to admit - which the X-rated Fraud wish to contradict.
From recent threads, it will seem that each time when the arguments of the X-rated Fraud have been exposed to be flawed, it is the one that "whines flawedly" that its words have been twisted.
Still it will insist on making more flawed statements as in its present remarks that claimed "yet offered no solutions, not even non-viable ones" - we can assume that the X-rated Fraud has the immense abilities to appreciate non-viable solutions, when no one will waste time with these, and we can certainly count on the brilliance of its immense pseudo-intellect to know how to appreciate the more viable solutions.
Can the one vote from the X-rated Fraud make any difference - when it had stated so clearly that - " I will not give..... my vote. My vote is precious, no way am i going to give it " ?
It is odd that the X-rated Fraud with its infatuation with Turds, will want to be a member of "our fellow citizens" - when its heart is in Turdistan, where its besotted Turd beckons its mind and spirit ?
No wonder it had to see an awakened world in its own lost and bewildered sense of confused pseudo-intellect.
The Singapore Master Outlaw that served the Japanese Occupation Force and also those "thieving british overlords" to gain his education will be wanting some answers from a pseudo-intellect that a X-rated Fraud will hardly be able to manage intelligently.
"Good-luck" to the deceitful and dishonest X-rated Fraud with its pseudo-intellectual relationship with its beloved Turd from the Shitland in Turdistan.
Hey, Starseven, now the above qoute from the self admitted and self acknowledged piece of shit is definately a personal attack. What do you say about it?
Originally posted by xtreyier:Hey, Starseven, now the above qoute from the self admitted and self acknowledged piece of shit is definately a personal attack. What do you say about it?
Was that a personal attack ?
Amazing that the X-rated Fraud cannot even appreciate a compliment returned when one had not been solicited.
It is even more amazing that for a X-rated Fraud besotted with a piece of Turd, it will be so willing to become a citizen of Turdistan to continue to indulge in bankrupt ideas that stem from clear dishonesty and deceit in "not stating a spade as a spade".
The Outlaw that served your "thieving british overlords" and the Japanese Occupiers await your honest views.
Outlaw? Who is the Outlaw?
There is only 1 famous, dangerous and devious one whom i named, who constantly goes against our society's laws, now a traitor as well who dont give a care for citizen's lives. He is the despicable CSJ.
But of course, the self admitted piece of shit will call everyone else an outlaw. She and CSJ is a law unto themselves and above society, so others would definately be....outlaws! Outside her laws of shit and filth she tries so hard to impose and manipulate here!!!!
i have to admit, CSJ isnt an outlaw, but one who dares to speak for the things he believe in
One has to be prepared with the surprises that the creative works of a X-rated Fraud can produce, as each time when it exercises its pseudo-intellect it actually defecates the pieces of its besotted Turdish art forms from its homeland in Turdistan.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Personal attacks? For calling a person what that person personally acknowledged and crown herself? LOL!
It is not amazing that the deluded X-rated Fraud will insist on blaming others with its own weakness to a piece of Turd that is its own turf specially nurtured by itself from its beloved Turdistan.
What can be expected for one that has been repeatedly exposed for its deceit and total dishonesty in presenting its own position in any threads ?
Does one need to engage a pseudo-intellect with personal attacks - when the bare truth has been repeatedly exposed in each and every thread that ends with defeaning silence from the resident pseudo-intellectual X-rated Fraud ?
Check out MOM website and do your own homework if you want sources. It's all readily avaliable.
This is clearly the typical "cop out" of one who has no interest to back up its hollow statement, and which had allowed itself to be exposed for its characteristic attempt at merely making grand standing statements for mere effects to boost its own fraudulent vain image.
A member here once said, FTs' employment are dependent on their employer's choice. As long as they meet the criteria, they are hired.
It is easy to simply plagiarize the works from others by passing the buck that "a member once said........" - has the X-rated Fraud included the other caveats or the perimeters that accompanied the statement ?
It will not be a surprise that the X-rated Fraud will conveniently leave out the other parts so as to safeguard the cocoon of its hollow argument ?
Discriminatory advertisements? How many are there? Enough to fill the classified ads or not? Do stop your generalizations based on the few to paint a bleak landscape to support your political agendas please. Singaporeans are not fools. Furthermore, since you are strongly against it, what have you done about it? Had you complained to the webmasters, the reciever of ads, MOM or your MP?
Why will the X-rated Fraud not apply its own demand in initiating its own homework to determine if such discriminatory advertisements exist - if it does not find it natural for different ethnic groups advertising in vernacular papers without offending those who cannot read such papers ?
It is amazing that the X-rated Fraud can appreciate to "stop your generalizations based on the few to paint a bleak landscape to support your political agendas" - when it will indulge the same to shamelessly tarnish the Alternative Political Parties in the same manner.
"Singaporeans are not fools" ? - that must be a mistaken generalisation made in an embarrassing hurry - to avoid the reality of being exposed as a fool in at least more then a few occassions by yours truly ?
Overrun by foreigners? Or are you just so elitist that you have no wish to share space with them who provide benefits for us? We are a tourist destination and there will ALWAYS be foreigners amongst us. 10 million of them per year. Before you complain, better check with our local SMEs, their families, their workers and their kids if these tourists are welcomed.
Obviously, the X-rated Fraud cannot possibly be equal in stature to its Master's elitist Tail - as it is able to accomodate the foreigners with the space that belonged to those that it claims to be its fellow citizens, as long as these foreigners does not encroach its own exclusive space in Turdistan.
Obviously, the pseudo-intellect will indulge in its expertise to obfuscate itself and the debate by comparing the foreigners whom Singaporeans complained to be the 10 million tourists arriving per year.
Obviously, the brilliance of the X-rated Fraud will want to limit its bankrupt arguments to the foreigners arriving as tourists, but will deliberately and disingeniously avoid to engage itself on those foreigners that arrive on our shores to compete for our jobs and depressed the wages to their levels.
Somehow, in the characteristic imbecillic ways - the X-rated Fraud has again achieved the distinction of acheiving its X-rated Fraudulent intelligence bring its arguments on a wide circuituous route that ends with no further conclusions but only more controversies.
Who dont make mistakes? No one is perfect. But do you prefer someone who made mistakes before, corrected it to steer the ship or do you want someone absolutely new, who is 'lost' and bewildered' to steer it?
The hypocrisy of the X-rated Fraud must have slipped up with its earlier post, when it had loudly propounded that -
"We are a small nation and cannot afford to make mistakes."
This must be quite a remarkable transition from a X-rated Fraud known for its consistency in Double-XX itself.
Hey, as I've said, its your choice, not mine, no need to get so uptight. will ya?
Does the X-rated Fraud provide any choice with its hollow statements ?
If at all, the X-rated Fraud has no better abilities then to mislead the thread with its deceit and dishonesty.
All that it can retort is with its childish and petulant display of verbiage, or with its better act of abandoning the thread with its deafening silence.
Originally posted by xtreyier:Outlaw? Who is the Outlaw?
There is only 1 famous, dangerous and devious one whom i named, who constantly goes against our society's laws, now a traitor as well who dont give a care for citizen's lives. He is the despicable CSJ.
But of course, the self admitted piece of shit will call everyone else an outlaw. She and CSJ is a law unto themselves and above society, so others would definately be....outlaws! Outside her laws of shit and filth she tries so hard to impose and manipulate here!!!!
Was everyone called an Outlaw ?
Or has the X-rated pseudo-intellect have yet again proven itself to be poor in its reading abilities - that only ONE had been said loudly to have worked as a Japanese Translator during the Japanese Occupation, had also worked with those whom the X-rated pseudo-intellect had labelled as "thieving british overlords" so as to get its education during the period before Singapore's independence ?
It is rare that the resident X-rated Fraud will admit that there is only one famous, dangerous and devious Outlaw in Singapore.
Can CSJ be an outlaw that can outclass THE Outlaw that the X-rated Fraud is besotted with - when The Outlaw had desperately trapped CSJ with all the devious means at its disposal ?
Obviously, the X-rated Fraud must be truly an imbecile to Double-XX itself again to believe that CSJ can be standing equal to The Outlaw on the International Stage ?
Can CSJ be more dangerous than The Outlaw - who is a survivor and know how to manipulate its own circumstances to survive as a Japanese Translator working for the Japanese Occupation Force, and after WW-2 - to work for those whom the X-rated Fraud will label as "thieving british overlords" ?
The X-rated Fraud's sense of value and judgment seem to be misplaced again.
Perhaps one shall leave it some room to claim that its words had been twisted to suit one's arguments that will debunk its X-rated Fraudulent positions ?
I will definitely vote for the opposition if only Uncle Atopbe is to shut up. His present makes one think of very bad of opposition. I dunno why.
As for Singapore, can't you guys trust our PM LHL, he said,"Singaporeans will alway come first".
Form my internal sources, the foreign policy is going for a revamp, less foreigners coming in next years, and those who did would have to paid a higher cost like levies and taxes. All this will be announce in janauary, shhhhh!!!....keep it to yourself
Originally posted by angel7030:I will definitely vote for the opposition if only Uncle Atopbe is to shut up. His present makes one think of very bad of opposition. I dunno why.
As for Singapore, can't you guys trust our PM LHL, he said,"Singaporeans will alway come first".
Form my internal sources, the foreign policy is going for a revamp, less foreigners coming in next years, and those who did would have to paid a higher cost like levies and taxes. All this will be announce in janauary, shhhhh!!!....keep it to yourself
You must be a nut case.
How can you trust LHL, the tyrant's son ??
He said Singaporeans will come first and you believe him ??
More like his own pocket will come first.
He is a bloody sissy who hides under his daddy's underwear.
If not for the fact that his father is a Dictator do you think anyone will consider him to be PM of Singapore ??
Do you know the story of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il ??
Same same in Singapore.
By the way, since you claim to have internal sources in the PAP, why don't you ask them to get this sissy to stand in a single ward constituency in the next GE ??
You think he can win 66 p/c of the vote again ??
The sissy will consider himself lucky if he can retain his deposit.
Originally posted by Lionnosy:
You must be a nut case.
How can you trust LHL, the tyrant's son ??
He said Singaporeans will come first and you believe him ??
More like his own pocket will come first.
He is a bloody sissy who hides under his daddy's underwear.
If not for the fact that his father is a Dictator do you think anyone will consider him to be PM of Singapore ??
Do you know the story of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il ??
Same same in Singapore.
By the way, since you claim to have internal sources in the PAP, why don't you ask them to get this sissy to stand in a single ward constituency in the next GE ??
You think he can win 66 p/c of the vote again ??
The sissy will consider himself lucky if he can retain his deposit.
some still chose to trust and believe what he said what
that's the problem
Originally posted by angel7030:I will definitely vote for the opposition if only Uncle Atopbe is to shut up. His present makes one think of very bad of opposition. I dunno why.
As for Singapore, can't you guys trust our PM LHL, he said,"Singaporeans will alway come first".
Form my internal sources, the foreign policy is going for a revamp, less foreigners coming in next years, and those who did would have to paid a higher cost like levies and taxes. All this will be announce in janauary, shhhhh!!!....keep it to yourself
The label "Attention Seeking WHORE" is most suitably applied to this Taiwanese "hum" for the following reasons -
firstly, its position as a whore is from its work to live off the flesh trade of Asian women that are promoted in the bar that it operates;
secondly, it is a daily exercise to spam its one liner of ignorance to draw attention to its presence, without making anything worthwhile to advance the discussion in the thread - except to make a prick of itself.
Originally posted by Atobe:
The label "Attention Seeking WHORE" is most suitably applied to this Taiwanese "hum" for the following reasons -
firstly, its position as a whore is from its work to live off the flesh trade of Asian women that are promoted in the bar that it operates;
secondly, it is a daily exercise to spam its one liner of ignorance to draw attention to its presence, without making anything worthwhile to advance the discussion in the thread - except to make a prick of itself.
Uncle, !!!!! I am not a whore lah...how can your niece be a whore??? Sia Suay
Originally posted by angel7030:Uncle, !!!!! I am not a whore lah...how can your niece be a whore??? Sia Suay
A whore will claim to be a niece to anyone that it willingly call 'uncle' - are you sure that the man that you call "daddy" is not your sugar daddy ?
Originally posted by Lionnosy:
You must be a nut case.
How can you trust LHL, the tyrant's son ??
He said Singaporeans will come first and you believe him ??
More like his own pocket will come first.
He is a bloody sissy who hides under his daddy's underwear.
If not for the fact that his father is a Dictator do you think anyone will consider him to be PM of Singapore ??
Do you know the story of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il ??
Same same in Singapore.
By the way, since you claim to have internal sources in the PAP, why don't you ask them to get this sissy to stand in a single ward constituency in the next GE ??
You think he can win 66 p/c of the vote again ??
The sissy will consider himself lucky if he can retain his deposit.
Believe or not believe is still the same, dun you agree, so might as well believe in him, at least, life goes on better, if keep arguing till sunset and sunrise again, i guess before LHL die of cancer, you may go first, so give yourself a chance, believe that man, give that man a tiger ya.
You think LHL is not worry about is Ang Mo Kio ar?? Last time nearly lost ok. That's is why he is saying that he is retiring soon, and someone will take over, be it Vivan, or Rear Admiral Teo, these are people who citizen like them, Teo initiated reduction of army to 2 years, and Vivan is well liken by the youngs as he created alots of young activities. So as a voter, even if you dun like that sissy guy, you would think he will not be long there, so you voted the PAP. Actually it is all part of the PAP plan ya.
As Foreign policy revamping, there is no way out, PAP knows that the ground sentiement on foreign is very low, if they dun do anything about it, opposition is going hit them so hard that they loose 1/2 of the seats in the parliament. It is also part of the plan ya. I bet, once they won by more 66.6%, foreign policey will open again. So, dun get tricked ya.
Originally posted by Atobe:
A whore will claim to be a niece to anyone that it willingly call 'uncle' - are you sure your the man that you call "daddy" is not your sugar daddy ?
haiz! all men command a little respect from me, by addressing you Uncle, i reserve that respect on you even if you dun like it.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Believe or not believe is still the same, dun you agree, so might as well believe in him, at least, life goes on better, if keep arguing till sunset and sunrise again, i guess before LHL die of cancer, you may go first, so give yourself a chance, believe that man, give that man a tiger ya.You think LHL is not worry about is Ang Mo Kio ar?? Last time nearly lost ok. That's is why he is saying that he is retiring soon, and someone will take over, be it Vivan, or Rear Admiral Teo, these are people who citizen like them, Teo initiated reduction of army to 2 years, and Vivan is well liken by the youngs as he created alots of young activities. So as a voter, even if you dun like that sissy guy, you would think he will not be long there, so you voted the PAP. Actually it is all part of the PAP plan ya.
As Foreign policy revamping, there is no way out, PAP knows that the ground sentiement on foreign is very low, if they dun do anything about it, opposition is going hit them so hard that they loose 1/2 of the seats in the parliament. It is also part of the plan ya. I bet, once they won by more 66.6%, foreign policey will open again. So, dun get tricked ya.
The insufferable babbling of local politics of a Taiwanese "hum" reflects the verbiage of the street walker attempting to make an impression to satisfy its "attention seeking whorish" addiction.
It is better that it stick to its Bar Gibberish with its customers at its Bar instead of spreading its ignorance in this Speaker's Corner.
Originally posted by angel7030:
haiz! all men command a little respect from me, by addressing you Uncle, i reserve that respect on you even if you dun like it.
What is the worth of the respect given by an "attention seeking whore" - whose efforts is merely to pick the pockets of those that it claims to respect ?
The real truth is that the whore will respect the "uncle" whose face appear on the Singapore Dollar more then the "uncle" that appear on the Taiwanese Dollar.
Originally posted by Atobe:
The insufferable babbling of local politics of a Taiwanese "hum" reflects the verbiage of the street walker attempting to make an impression to satisfy its "attention seeking whorish" addiction.
It is better that it stick to its Bar Gibberish with its customers at its Bar instead of spreading its ignorance in this Speaker's Corner.
What is the worth of the respect given by an "attention seeking whore" - whose efforts is merely to pick the pockets of those that it claims to respect ?
The real truth is that the whore will respect the "uncle" whose face appear on the Singapore Dollar more then the "uncle" that appear on the Taiwanese Dollar.
Uncle, tho i am not a street walker or whore as you claim to be, you also hv to respect those peoples, they are also humans, just that misguide in life or that their country did not help them much, so they up being here doing all these sleazy jobs. But deep inside them, they are humans too, i find them actually more friendly and trusthworthy then a normal singaporean or taiwanese friend. If you want, i can intro you to some of them.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Uncle, tho i am not a street walker or whore as you claim to be, you also hv to respect those peoples, they are also humans, just that misguide in life or that their country did not help them much, so they up being here doing all these sleazy jobs. But deep inside them, they are humans too, i find them actually more friendly and trusthworthy then a normal singaporean or taiwanese friend. If you want, i can intro you to some of them.
Unlike you that need your daily dose of attention and respect to your existence in this Speaker's Corner - do I need to seek the respect or attention from anyone here and in the same intensity as your Taiwanese "hum" ?
Only a Taiwanese "hum" will know what is deep inside the women that you buy and sell in the flesh trade that you offer at your Bar.
Does anyone need you to educate anyone about the lives and history of those whom you offer in your flesh trade ?
As was mentioned so many times, it is better that you show off your expertise with irrelevance in the Bar forum, instead of being a prick with your clitoris stuck out of your "hum" to draw attention to yourself as an "Attention Seeking Whore".