Originally posted by angel7030:Nothing but hum, sebei cham.
i quitted??? who said i quit? i thot i said i go away, wha lau woei! if you go court talk like this, sure kenna sue.
Sue by a "hum" that is as dishonest as the filth that it thrives on ?
Obviously the "hum" has no integrity and will go back on its own words to quit the Forum two months ago when it was lambasted for its daily garbage poured into every thread.
Originally posted by angel7030:
On the demographic approach , older singaporeans, with the time, tend to move into politcs discussion and switches side to support the opposition if a right opposition come. Whereas the youngs and middle ages are more in concentration of their careers and study, they alienated themselve from politics.LKY understood this situation, therefore he had to curb excellent opposition candidate with lawsuit within his might or alternatively, bring them in to join PAP. And as our population is getting older and older, as per what i said above, more voters, being eligible even at old age will switch side and test the ground on PAP, with reinforcement of Foreigners here that anger the senior citizens further, the govt had no other choice but to open up citizens to young foreigners in hoping that they champion for PAP during the election.
Was it a condition for the Permanent Residentship that the Taiwanese "hum" must suppport the PAP and to regurgitate its propaganda ?
Which demographic statistics is the Taiwanese "hum" pretending to rely on to conclude that "older singaporeans, with the time, tend to move into politcs discussion and switches side to support the opposition" - and what data has it relied on to state that such support will come "if a right opposition come" ?
What is the basis for spreading a propaganda lie that "the youngs and middle ages are more in concentration of their careers and study, they alienated themselve from politics" - when the fact has been LKY's signal to all Singaporeans not to challenge the PAP - had become the main factor to make young and adult Singaporeans to be publicly showing themselves to be poltically apathetic ?
In the usual way of promoting a false line of thinking - is the Taiwanese "hum" planning a new excuse that it is for the good of Singaporeans for LKY "to curb excellent opposition candidate with lawsuit within his might or alternatively, bring them in to join PAP" ?
Why will the Taiwanese "hum" stop there, and not continue with the fact that LKY will act to destroy these excellent Singaporeans if they do not join the PAP ?
Did the Taiwanese "hum" slipped to speak the truth that its "Permanent Residence" is given as a condition for the influx of new immigrants to vote for the PAP - so as to overwhelm the growing numbers of older Singaporeans disillusioned with the PAP and prepared to vote against the PAP ?
Originally posted by angel7030:Hello Uncle, for this is no joke hor, some of my post are just for joke, but this is from the bottom of my heart ya. So pay attention!!!
The Taiwanese "hum" label is not a joke, even as all of the posts delivered by the "hum" are self-evident for its irrelevance - which is typical of the worthless froth that a "hum" will uselessly make as it look at the world hanging itself out of the shell.
As the Y-generation of Singapore is coming of age the political landscape of Singapore in 2020 will see momentous shift . Born as early as the mid seventies to late nineties.
This is a generation that largely grew up in the internet era, with social media such tweeter and facebook, such powerful tools we take for granted today but unthinkable couple of decades back.
The generation-y voters cannot accept the inflexibilities and harshness of some policies, which they see the need to be revised or even scrapped.
Nevertheless the future belong to Gen-Y , they will form the backbone of SG leadership in politics, business, social and cultural groups in the year 2020 beyond.
Only policies that are genuinely inclusive will be welcomed by this group of voters. They are culturally more tolerant, be it minorities interests, championing of women rights in politics, single parent and even gay rights. The impact of the global internet interaction has shaped the core values Gen-Y based on our universal rights.