But seriously, it could be citizen, because it's very easy to get citizenship in Singapore, that's what one of my PRC friends told me.
Originally posted by charlize:I guess they were using it more as a propaganda exercise by highlighting her.
60th year surviving leh
Somemore need to make it nationalistic, see wat happened in Xinjiang recently.
But I think she might kena harsh comments abt PRC online
Originally posted by sbst275:
60th year surviving lehSomemore need to make it nationalistic, see wat happened in Xinjiang recently.
But I think she might kena harsh comments abt PRC online
temasekreview.com said it's Blue PR I/C.
Think they never adjust white balance.
Originally posted by meltz:
è¦æƒ•æ˜¯ä¸�是间è°�,回æ�¥æ�žç ´å��çš„ :lol:
both side of the story
backfire one.. potrary until like tis
So.... I suppose she's just a PR? Blue IC?
There, problem solved.
There's no issue at all if she didn't get a pink IC to begin with.
Yeah, I sure would like to know what she's driving at by flashing her blue IC, but it wouldn't be accurate to say that she actually renounced her Singapore citizenship - not if she didn't have it to begin with.
Originally posted by xtreyier:Irked by one confused girl? When thousands of others had stayed and contributed to our country for years?
Whats your purpose? An agenda against new citizens? A rally call for anarchy? Here's another girl that cause a riot of deaths and mayhem in our country once.
Why is it people do not learn from history?
Irrevalent crap! Perhaps you wanna go PAP website update your beloved PAP about this thread, hahahahha! PAP loves you, xtreyier! They will die just to save you! wahahahahah!
Thumbs up to her!
What will LKY think when he saw this news?
Suck PRC co-ck even harder?Or simply give up?LOL
It is amazing that the X-rated Kid has so much misplaced passion in subjects that it insist on displaying its shallow depths in knowledge, but will depend on propaganda that it will shamelessly plagiarized without any second thought.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Irked by one confused girl? When thousands of others had stayed and contributed to our country for years?
For one who had always demanded others for proof, what proof has the X-rated Kid to offer that "Thousands of others had stayed and contributed to our country for years ?"
Did they stay to contribute to our country, or did they stay to find new economic opportunities for themselves ?
Did their stay benefitted Singaporeans in particular, or did their stay benefitted the PAP fiscal schemes ?
An abstract of a report on "Demographic change and emigration in Singapore - Pg 7" (*1) had reported that -
“During the period from 1977 to October 1988, 144 Singaporeans renounced their citizenship, and 2,772 others had their citizenship terminated because they became citizens of other countries.
Since 1989, about 5000 Singaporeans emigrated annually.
According to another source, the number of Singapore’s emigrants was about 6000 to 7000 annually.
MM LKY said that Singapore loses about 1000 capable people every year – which is about 4% to 5% of the top 30% of the population.”
No statistics have dared been published to show the number of new Singaporeans renounce their new Citizenship - after using it as a stepping stone to gain entry to the final country of its real - but carefully hidden - choice.
Whats your purpose? An agenda against new citizens? A rally call for anarchy? Here's another girl that cause a riot of deaths and mayhem in our country once.
Was the Maria Hertogh riots all about "race" ?
Did the riot involved pitch battle between local Malays battling the Chinese ?
Or was the truth not deliberately said that - “The mob (largely consisted of Malay or Indonesian Muslims but local Chinese gangs were also reported to have joined in) moved out to attack any Europeans and even Eurasians in sight.” (*2) ?
Was the riots not about the political awakening of Asians to the seeming continuous abuse of the European Colonialists towards Asians ?
If the X-rated kid will be more careful in its research before shooting off its mindless path, perhaps the dignity of truth will not have been ravished, and perhaps he would have been able to salvage some for whatever it is worth.
Why is it people do not learn from history?
Yes, why will kids not learn from history - expecially the X-rated kids ?
Will the X-rated kid in this Speaker's Corner learn from History ?
It is pathetically ironica,l that the X-rated kid will prefer to ride the high horse, while his brains is being pounded by its own horse.
There! Further confirmation that you dont give a damn to people's lives for you and your beloved outlaw Dr Chee ambitions.
Social awakening? By murdering others? and maiming others? Would you be singing a different tune if you or your loved ones was trampled or murdered?
And for what? Over an innocent girl's parentage?. Don't make excuses for incitation of senseless murder and mayhem, Eh turd one,,,,ooops....eh tubby.
If it takes you to write a wall of gibberish text to bring further proof of your intentions, than it had been of worth. You dig your own grave, and attract only your kind of followers to your dirt.
May others be even more aware of your clear intentions further now.
Wait...at which point did she denounce Singapore?
Originally posted by xtreyier:There! Further confirmation that you dont give a damn to people's lives for you and your beloved outlaw Dr Chee ambitions.
Social awakening? By murdering others? and maiming others? Would you be singing a different tune if you or your loved ones was trampled or murdered?
And for what? Over an innocent girl's parentage?. Don't make excuses for incitation of senseless murder and mayhem, Eh turd one,,,,ooops....eh tubby.
If it takes you to write a wall of gibberish text to bring further proof of your intentions, than it had been of worth. You dig your own grave, and attract only your kind of followers to your dirt.
May others be even more aware of your clear intentions further now.
We can award the Oscar to the imagination of a X-rated Kid that has practised his voodoo skills in weaving half-truths with lies to make his own X-rated Truths about politics in Singapore.
Your bankrupt abilities to read can be forgiven for your X-rated failures at school.
Did your teachers made you into a dunce each day of your school life to make you into such a bitter kid today ?
We can forgive your ignorance in not being able to differentiate between "political awakening" and "social awakening" - as it is not surprising that you will depend on your efforts at plagiarizing all of your ideas from propagandas that others have so cleverly woven for your consumption.
Obviously, your ignorance have extended to your inability to grasp that political independence was paid with the blood and sweat of others, while you exist snuggly in a non-organic form waiting for the miracles of life to happen.
Were you created by chance at the wrong turn of the body or time ?
It is pathetic that your true X-rated qualities show up remarkably clearer each time you come up with new facts about yourself.
Originally posted by Atobe:
We can award the Oscar to the imagination of a X-rated Kid that has practised his voodoo skills in weaving half-truths with lies to make his own X-rated Truths about politics in Singapore.Your bankrupt abilities to read can be forgiven for your X-rated failures at school.
Did you teachers made you into a dunce each day of your school life to make you into such a bitter kid today ?
We can forgive your ignorance in not being able to differentiate between "political awakening" and "social awakening" - and it is not surprising that you will depend on your efforts at plagiarizing all of your ideas from propagandas that others have spread.
Obviously, your ignorance have extended to your inability to grasp that political independence was paid with the blood and sweat of others, while you sit snuggly in a non-organis form waiting for the miracles of life to happen.
Were you created by chance at the wrong turn of the body or time ?
It is pathetic that your true X-rated qualities show up remarkably clearer each time you come up with new facts about yourself.
No need for your Oscar. Any award by your would be fake, as is everything else about you except mayhem and anarchy.
Go on, is that the best you can do in smearing? It aint working.
Try harder, turd, and dig your own grave deeper. You may fool some, but you cant fool all. You would of course be not stupid to directly renounce my country, but by your words and actions do you denounce and draw contempt upon my society, whom had voted in a free election, and in peace, administrators to manange the country, not thru constructive criticisms and credible solutions, but offering only pure verbage with selfish intentions to fulfil ambitions, without a care for my people.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
No need for your Oscar. Any award by your would be fake, as is everything else about you except mayhem and anarchy.Go on, is that the best you can do in smearing? It aint working.
Try harder, turd, and dig your own grave deeper. You may fool some, but you cant fool all. You would of course be not stupid to directly renounce my country, but by your words and actions do you denounce and draw contempt upon my society, whom had voted in a free election, and in peace, administrators to manange the country, not thru constructive criticisms and credible solutions, but offering only pure verbage with selfish intentions to fulfil ambitions, without a care for my people.
Can we trust your dubious ability to know what fakes are about, when you can mix your "Lies" with your "Half-Truths" to make it into some new form of X-rated "Truths" ?
For one who claim "it aint working" - your fake bravado is only too revealing in the bitter tone of your response.
Is it any wonder that you prefer to be associated with the symbol of failure as seen in your infatuation as an "X-rated" character ?
Am I attempting to fool anyone - when you are the X-rated target in the middle of the cross-hair ?
Which country is your X-rated country ?
Singapore ?
Surely you will know that X-rated stuff is prohibitted and not welcome here, or are you simply too dumb to insist on your rights to bring in your X-rated bankrupt values to poison to already turbid water ?
Go ahead with your bitterness, it will help you to reach your X-rated orgasmic joys.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Can we trust your dubious ability to know what fakes are about, when you can mix your "Lies" with your "Half-Truths" to make it into some new form of X-rated "Truths" ?
For one who claim "it aint working" - your fake bravado is only too revealing in the bitter tone of your response.
Is it any wonder that you prefer to be associated with the symbol of failure as seen in your infatuation as an "X-rated" character ?
Am I attempting to fool anyone - when you are the X-rated target in the middle of the cross-hair ?
Which country is your X-rated country ?
Singapore ?
Surely you will know that X-rated stuff is prohibitted and not welcome here, or are you simply too dumb to insist on your rights to bring in your X-rated bankrupt values to poison to already turbid water ?
Go ahead with your bitterness, it will help you to reach your X-rated orgasmic joys.
Trud, now that's more like it, but still not good enough.
Good show and revelation of your character and those whom you represent.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Trud, now that's more like it, but still not good enough.Good show and revelation of your character and those whom you represent.
Too afraid to express anything else for fear of revealing the true depths of the hollow mind from which the X-rated qualities will reveal itself ?
Again the plagiarizing of my words will not help you any better, when you have no ability to copy the style of delivery.
The X-rated qualities of a bankrupt kid receiving training is far more entertaining that any revelation of anyone's character.
Surely, you would know it by now, considering your efforts at plagiarizing works to hopelessly polish your image ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Too afraid to express anything else for fear of revealing the true depths of the hollow mind from which the X-rated qualities will reveal itself ?Again the plagiarizing of my words will not help you any better, when you have no ability to copy the style of delivery.
The X-rated qualities of a bankrupt kid receiving training is far more entertaining that any revelation of anyone's character.
Surely, you would know it by now, considering your efforts at plagiarizing works to hopelessly polish your image ?
Still nothing substantive to add to the topic except more fillabustering from you? Frightened now to reveal more of your insidious intentions and being expoused?
I 'm getting bored.
She looks pretty. She definetly make the right decision
Originally posted by deepak.c:ir
As expected, somebody's IQ too low to understand simple concepts.
Let me explain why ppl kpkb, it's because your father anyhow give away citizenship to anybody, when the plan backfires it's abit disgraceful.
It's like being invited to someone's house, the owner offer you tea, you accepted the tea, but decide not to drink, giving reason that you are not thirsty. Then you walked over to your neighbour's house, you see the lady drinking tea and chatting happily with the other owner.
The moral of the story is, don't offer citizenship to anybody. This is in congruence with the main argument that we don't really like them here.
That is why you are the big floozy of sgForums.
You might be treated to free ban-main for this post
well, i don't see what the furore is about. she just typifies the typical foreigner who comes here to get our PR and then heads back to other countries or their homeland when they are done with us.
Still remember the lee jiawei interview on china tv? she said that to play the olympics in her "homeland" is her honour. wtf? oh well lol, but it's true.
and then this zhang yuan yuan says that it's an honour to repay her homeland.
haha wtf? well but it's true also.
Originally posted by pearlie27:correct, we know about zhang yuan yuan cos someone put it in stomp but there are many others like her that we don’t know.
Correct. We know about her, but there are many more others who are NOT like her,but had contributed to our society for years and even decades, that you don't know, ( or even perhaps bothered to find out, instead seeking for negative perceptions)
Originally posted by NaCha:It’s true. I went to a party last weekend and there’s this person who worked for ICA. With nothing better to talk, we asked her why there are so many foreigners in Sinkapore and what it takes to become to a PR.
Guess what she says?
She candidly told us that if any of our foreign friends interested to live and work in Sinkapore. They just need to do 3 painstaking things :
1. Pack their bag.
2. Buy a one-way ticket.
3. Kiss their families goodbye.We were stunned!
I know about this even though I don't work in ICA