September 28, 2009
From our Correspondent
According to the 2009 Population Trends report, Singapore’s total population at end-June was 4.99 million with 3.73 million Singapore residents and 1.25 million non-residents.
Though the number of PRs and citizens are not revealed, the National Population Secretariat puts the figures for the number of PRs at 0.48 million and citizens at 3.16 million:
This means that only 63.3 per cent of Singapore’s population are citizens with the number of non-Singaporeans, including PRs growing fast.
There are about 15,000 new births in 2008 and 100,000 new citizens and PRs. For every citizen born in Singapore, there are 6.7 PR and new citizen.
If the population growth and intake of foreigners remain at the same rate, there will be 1 million new citizens and PRs in 10 years time with only 150,000 births.
The percentage of Singapore citizens will decrease to 50 per cent or less if the government continues to “import” foreigners at such a rapid rate.
The relentless influx of foreigners had led to rampant inflation, sky-rocketing of prices of HDB flats and a stagnation of the wages of the lower-income group.
A recent report released by property company ERA revealed that 40 per cent of the buyers of HDB resale flats are foreigners.
The lower income group has also seen their salaries stagnate or even declined over the last decade due to the easily availability of cheap foreign labor who flocked to Singapore to earn a living.
The rising resentment and disgruntlement on the ground against the government’s liberal immigration policy had prompted Prime Minister Lee to reassure Singaporeans lately that he will “slow down” the intake of foreigners. However, he was quick to add that the policy will remain essentially unchanged though it will be tweaked.
With no opposition in Parliament, the ruling party is given complete power and autonomy to govern the nation as it likes. Singaporeans are completely under the mercy of the PAP. Unless there is a change in status quo, Singaporeans should be mentally prepared to live with more foreigners in their midst in the future.
1. Population Trends Report 2009
2. National Population Secretariat
End of Singaporean identity in 10 years?
No more Singaporeans in future?
very good...
just a bit more...
I think in five years ratio of Singaporean citizens to foreign aliens will be 50/50.
We must take steps to vote PAP out of power and change rubbish policy now.
Originally posted by angel3070:I think in five years ratio of Singaporean citizens to foreign aliens will be 50/50.
We must take steps to vote PAP out of power and change rubbish policy now.
you trust this PAP propaganda?
Depends on the definition of "Singapore Citizens".
Does it include those PRC, Indonesians, Indians, Filipinos that just converted to citizenship?
Does it mean Singapore born citizens and those who have resided in Singapore for more than 21 years.
provided we have a chance at it...
We haven't even added in the next future 1.5 million new residents yet.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:you trust this PAP propaganda?
That is my propaganda, not PAP propaganda.
dun see anything bad abt it....
Originally posted by EarlNeo:dun see anything bad abt it....
Singaporeans becoming 50/50 with foreign aliens you support?
waaa. wtf. nice figures.
give sg 3 more years... citizens will be less than 40%.
given the increase of foreigners multiply like bacteria exponentially.
I think next few elections also hard to dislodge them.
HOW??? already happening
Originally posted by OHSheet:
already happening
hey, don't forget the indian, the bangla, the philippino, the burmese....can design a new flag to accommodate all?
This type of rubbish policy continues, in 10 years, Singapore locals will be in minority status.
What the fuck.
This madness must end.
PAP must go.
Originally posted by angel3070:Singaporeans becoming 50/50 with foreign aliens you support?
those alien u mention is the one building the road u walk on and the roof sheltering ur head....
how do u feel if someone starting calling u alien after u done their shitty job....
Originally posted by EarlNeo:those alien u mention is the one building the road u walk on and the roof sheltering ur head....
how do u feel if someone starting calling u alien after u done their shitty job....
We are going to be in fucking minority status soon.
Fuck them.
It's about us.
wake up bro.
Don't we all become minority already you still sleeping, still dreaming.
wake up. wake up.
Stop dreaming. Don't live in your own world.
wake up.
I think PAP has become mad. Serious.
If a mad dog comes and bite me, I will kill it.
You can't talk reason with a mad dog.
If there are still people out there who is going to vote PAP in next elections, I think fate of Singaporeans will be doomed.
Originally posted by angel3070:So?
We are going to be in fucking minority status soon.
Fuck them.
It's about us.
wake up bro.
Don't we all become minority already you still sleeping, still dreaming.
wake up. wake up.
Stop dreaming. Don't live in your own world.
wake up.
u swear alot... talk alot... but offer little substance or anything to support ur claim...
so what will happen to us or what is so bad when we do become the minority?
Originally posted by angel3070:This type of rubbish policy continues, in 10 years, Singapore locals will be in minority status.
What the fuck.
This madness must end.
PAP must go.
madness? u think u are spartan ah?
and do u know that they the spartan citizen only made up 20% of the population while the rest of is made up of Helots?
talk abt the irony ....
Originally posted by EarlNeo:u swear alot... talk alot... but offer little substance or anything to support ur claim...
so what will happen to us or what is so bad when we do become the minority?
You really need to wake up.
Living in your own world.
wow, if Raffles was rejected and chased out of Singapore when he came instead of being welcomed to stay and develop Singapore, if the chinese immigrants who came from China in the early days were chased back to China instead of allowing them to settle down here.....they were welcomed to stay, the citizens then said YES to these people, so now, u are saying we should say NO to these people. Wow....maybe you are right you know....but who the hell are you, why should we listen to you?