Originally posted by pearlie27:we have become so gullible because we’ve been rob of the necessity to think by the gahmen.
old bastard fears cunning population poses a threat to his rule, so uses state media to brainwash public into simple minded morons, can pay himself millions also.
fucking senile old bastard.
to stevenson and lotus:
i dont think gullible should be your assumption.rather it is the lack of strength to fight it out and sacrifice your entire life,savings and time.
if you are 18 years old.....and found out u were tricked by a buncha politicians that only serve their own pockets no better than a greedy chinaman or some greedy indian man than gullible is the word for it.most people out of both of your ignorance are already at their breaking seams when they fear they would no longer have a decent job or decent future laid in front of them.
so watch your words ....no one believes the gov anymore.....where the hell have the 2 of you been so far?have you been on drugs?
i should say most sporeans are ruled by fear of losing their jobs and dying a painfully slow death in expensive spore.spore is very much like north korea and ranks as next to all those oppresive countries if u care to surf the internet under freepress.spore is also second expensive to tokyo in asia if the 2 of u even bothered to check it out.all these contribute to people not willing to fight it out.i only fear sporeans may be as ignorant as the 2 of you are.but as i have been werking with my fellow sporeans ,most are angry at what was happening,most just wade the tide till things get better.
evryone knows what the man on top wants and whats the reprecussion of it all.
so if you 2 dumb dog fuckers think sporeans are gullible then you 2 must be as ignorant and gullible as them.try to think before you spout such offal from your head.
Originally posted by HITMAN11111111111:to stevenson and lotus:
i dont think gullible should be your assumption.rather it is the lack of strength to fight it out and sacrifice your entire life,savings and time.
if you are 18 years old.....and found out u were tricked by a buncha politicians that only serve their own pockets no better than a greedy chinaman or some greedy indian man than gullible is the word for it.most people out of both of your ignorance are already at their breaking seams when they fear they would no longer have a decent job or decent future laid in front of them.
so watch your words ....no one believes the gov anymore.....where the hell have the 2 of you been so far?have you been on drugs?
i should say most sporeans are ruled by fear of losing their jobs and dying a painfully slow death in expensive spore.spore is very much like north korea and ranks as next to all those oppresive countries if u care to surf the internet under freepress.spore is also second expensive to tokyo in asia if the 2 of u even bothered to check it out.all these contribute to people not willing to fight it out.i only fear sporeans may be as ignorant as the 2 of you are.but as i have been werking with my fellow sporeans ,most are angry at what was happening,most just wade the tide till things get better.
evryone knows what the man on top wants and whats the reprecussion of it all.
so if you 2 dumb dog fuckers think sporeans are gullible then you 2 must be as ignorant and gullible as them.try to think before you spout such offal from your head.
I think you have to respect other people perspectives in looking into singapore clear present and danger situation. How many Singapore beside me, at 18 yo then, or even you, think about politics, as i posted many a times, most of my young frens in our early 20th also do not know what is going on, and who is the opposition, so to speak, in another words, if you serve a plate of politic senarios to each young peoples, they absorb it differently. But i can guarantee you, most will ignore it and dun even care the shit about it. How does this action come about, well, you may say LKY instilled a full brainwash on them or perhaps they are more interested in other stuffs. But you hv to give credit to LKY for being able to provide education opportunities for young peoples like us, not that the lecturers are PAP related, there are also China Chinese, Russian lecturer preaching Marxism and COmmie ideologist here, we are so liberated that today we understood what is education that provide knowledge and what is education that provide mental diversion to offensiveness.
A true person live by his/her principles, he set his goals, his objectives and his plans to achieve it, even if it failed, losing all that had once being his/her pride, he/she still has the principle to live another day. If he/she felt regretted or cheated by what he/she had sacrificed in his/her life, be it you are old, middle age or young like me, you are nothing but a coward. A true coward. LKY had alway admired Uncle JB jeya, but because of different political background and interest, he cannot simply give him the benefit of his praises. But to him, Uncle JB lived as a true hero. I attended his ceremony whereby his son, Philip, gives a wonderful speech, all senior PAP minister, including PM and MM and SM attended. And at that time LKY already said "Leadership must be found, and we found it in Mr. JB, just that he is on the other side of midnight, but does not mean he is not a leader, he is a great leader, a man who holds his principles and intergrity, as an opponent to me, I have to do my part, but deep in my heart, I thot to myself, why i missed JB in the early 70s, he will have make a wonderful Home Affair minister."
Originally posted by HITMAN11111111111:to stevenson and lotus:
i dont think gullible should be your assumption.rather it is the lack of strength to fight it out and sacrifice your entire life,savings and time.
if you are 18 years old.....and found out u were tricked by a buncha politicians that only serve their own pockets no better than a greedy chinaman or some greedy indian man than gullible is the word for it.most people out of both of your ignorance are already at their breaking seams when they fear they would no longer have a decent job or decent future laid in front of them.
so watch your words ....no one believes the gov anymore.....where the hell have the 2 of you been so far?have you been on drugs?
i should say most sporeans are ruled by fear of losing their jobs and dying a painfully slow death in expensive spore.spore is very much like north korea and ranks as next to all those oppresive countries if u care to surf the internet under freepress.spore is also second expensive to tokyo in asia if the 2 of u even bothered to check it out.all these contribute to people not willing to fight it out.i only fear sporeans may be as ignorant as the 2 of you are.but as i have been werking with my fellow sporeans ,most are angry at what was happening,most just wade the tide till things get better.
evryone knows what the man on top wants and whats the reprecussion of it all.
so if you 2 dumb dog fuckers think sporeans are gullible then you 2 must be as ignorant and gullible as them.try to think before you spout such offal from your head.
I never said i believe in the government, what in the world have you been smoking?
I never said Singaporeans were gullible, you did not detect the sarcasm in my reply. The ability to think is one's own responsibility, if one cannot think then one should not be blaming anyone else.
He dun smoke, but like to hit his head against the wall...many times already...counting 11111111....
to stevenson;
your message was>>>"We have become so gullible that we would blame others for our own lack of ability to think."
as from your intitial reply from above.....wat on earth do u mean by that remark??is iy u who is gullible or every sporean!blast it!!if you want to represent yourself ...just simply put your name to it...dont u dare put we u bloodly stupid self assuming sod!Go rephrase your sentence again n stop giving sacarsm and riddles like we have time for your tom foolery!
to angel7030,
really angel......how do u know i bang my head against the wall many times???if i did that then u must be the hole in the wall!
if i want to bang on anything like a wall......it would be demolished.no point i bang n its still standing.
are you trying to dice with death angel7030????you must be bored with staying alive ?u want to die isit???
eh...eh....i go sleep first...headache..!!! hungry...where is my maid, ask her to buy subway,..go so long...shit!!
Originally posted by angel3070:old bastard fears cunning population poses a threat to his rule, so uses state media to brainwash public into simple minded morons, can pay himself millions also.
fucking senile old bastard.
The only one senile is you, angel3070, enough to be hoodwinked into believing the state media.
Originally posted by HITMAN11111111111:
your message was>>>"We have become so gullible that we would blame others for our own lack of ability to think."
I also confused.
yes angel3070,
stevenson is trying to cover up his small prick by saying we and covering it up by claiming theres scarsm,5th element,supernatural occurences and alien conspiracy!
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
The only one senile is you, angel3070, enough to be hoodwinked into believing the state media.
Originally posted by angel7030:
You bloody hum.... Don't think you can get away for blatantly muddying the wates.
Originally posted by angel7030:Last time, my Taiwan Uncle, Ao Li already said, "Singaporean are stupid" no one believe him. Now you see lah..He also told me that I am stupid to become a Singaporean, but I am not that stupid lor, because I heeled his advises whereas many Singaporeans throwed rubbish at him.
So Dear Singaporeans, learn to take critics as positive feedback ya, and when someone from another perspective said something bad about you, dun take it to heart, study it and learn to be smart. The more kiasu you are, the more you tend to suuuu...until pant drop.
The most stupid folks in Singapore are the Singapore ministers....
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
You bloody hum.... Don't think you can get away for blatantly muddying the wates.
Has the pathetic "zwei-siao-Hog" been struck with the mid-term "men-o-pausal" syndrome ?
Symptomatic memory lapses is part of the syndrome.
Its memory will fail momentarily, or persist through three months and more, and will accidentally recall back issues - that it had paused to let itself crinkle for the duration - to let fly with its pent up frustrations of its aging "zwei-siao" unaccomplished Life.
Part of its men-o-pause symptoms will include short temper, intolerance, impatience, foul mouth, incontinence, and impotence.
Obviously, the "zwei-siao-Hog" must have been undergoing hormone replacement therapy - which explains for its squeakly temper, highly strung impatience, and "into your face" attitude as it struts around deluded as a superior "pseudo-Bavarian HOG".
Originally posted by Atobe:
Has the pathetic "zwei-siao-Hog" been struck with the mid-term "men-o-pausal" syndrome ?Symptomatic memory lapses is part of the syndrome.
Its memory will fail momentarily, or persist through three months and more, and will accidentally recall back issues - that it had paused to let itself crinkle for the duration - to let fly with its pent up frustrations of its aging "zwei-siao" unaccomplished Life.
Part of its men-o-pause symptoms will include short temper, intolerance, impatience, foul mouth, incontinence, and impotence.
Obviously, the "zwei-siao-Hog" must have been undergoing hormone replacement therapy - which explains for its squeakly temper, highly strung impatience, and "into your face" attitude as it struts around deluded as a superior "pseudo-Bavarian HOG".
Aturdie still hasn't gotten over having CSJ's little Dickie in his mouth yet and still wants a "men-o-pausal" syndrome.
How gay-arse does that piece of shit called Aturdie wants to be by supporting that Taiwanese fallen angel hum who is a PAP-smear supporter?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
You bloody hum.... Don't think you can get away for blatantly muddying the wates.
alamak, laughing also get scolding, what the shit!!
the Zwei Siao Hog and Uncle Atobe can both takes other dickies , so stupid indeed, cursing and argueing for nothing.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:Aturdie still hasn't gotten over having CSJ's little Dickie in his mouth yet and still wants a "men-o-pausal" syndrome.
How gay-arse does that piece of shit called Aturdie wants to be by supporting that Taiwanese fallen angel hum who is a PAP-smear supporter?
The creativity of a "zwei-siao-HOG" seems to be petering out as it can only tag along with a repetitive plagiarizing efforts of what has been dished out to its incompetent intelligence to absorb.
All it can be focus on is its pathetic fascination with CJS's dickie that it insist on being "little" - as if it knows more about CSJ then anyone is willing to commit.
Is there an ‘inside story’ not yet revealed - in which is seen a sudden surge of venom that energised a "zwei-siao-HOG" to dredge three months of back dated threads to hit back with its "zwei-siao" methods of hollow unsubstantiaged impetulant remarks in every un-related threads ?
The amoebic developed brain that reside in the cranium of a "zwei-siao-HOG" is at its best when it indulges in its pandemic assault across unrelated threads, with all its glorious vulgarity laced with the most viscious of imbecilic idiocy of a boor, to drive aimlessly an assault of childish petulance in search for its loss pride in being so hopelessly and effectively tormented for so long.
It will need to strut around on its hind toes for a few more days, before its ligaments will pull its eyes, and strain its brains to rest and gather energy for the next round.
When will 'Napoleon" learn not to walk on its hind legs ?
Originally posted by angel7030:the Zwei Siao Hog and Uncle Atobe can both takes other dickies
, so stupid indeed, cursing and argueing for nothing.
The expertise of a Taiwan 'hum' at posting nothing must have given it the immense ability to know what "argueing for nothing" is all about.
What possibly can be attracting the Taiwanese 'hum' to this Speaker's Corner when it has nothing of any substance to offer in its daily postings ?
If at all the Taiwanese 'hum' should also be familiar with the "dickies" handled daily in its Flesh Trade with its female foreign talents that it import for its needs to be at the center of the entire business as an "Attention Seeking Whore".
Can there be nothing for the Taiwanese 'hum' ?
exactly mah, Uncle, dun waste your effort, just la la everyday is better than getting heat up and lose your cool unneccessary, life is not long ya. Enjoy!