Originally posted by Lionoasis:
Dear Atobe,Thank you for your answer.
LKY said PAP would still win over the next two elections, what is he trying to achieve, or was it another comment without thinking much?
how old is LKY this year, 86? how many terms do you think he will still serve? 2 elections or just the next one? maybe he will decide to call it a day and not stand for election.
Originally posted by Lionoasis:
Dear Atobe,Thank you for your answer.
LKY said PAP would still win over the next two elections, what is he trying to achieve, or was it another comment without thinking much?
Dear Lionoasis,
He will not be so flippant with his thoughts that concerns the future of the PAP and his political relevance.
Two elections is a 10 year span, which will bring him to age 96 - the age when his venerable father passed on.
He has all intention to serve till 96 - even as his characteristic sharp mind begin to fade, and perhaps he is preparing his exit in a glorious way to die in office.
One will need to ask - what possibly can his agenda be ?
Can there be so many skeletons and loose bones in the cabinets within the various government offices that he is determined to conceal ?
When LHL assume his place that was planned for him as PM after GCT had warmed it for a period of 14 years, LHL had claimed that he will not leave any stones unturned and that there will be no sacred cows for the sake of Singapore's economic and political stability.
It was a disappointment when Singaporeans heard from him that some stones are best left in their original position, even as they were turned over for examination.
On the surface, these stones are seemingly inocuous as it merely sought for politics to be liberalised, and for Singaporeans to have wider political space.
Yet, it was decided that it was unwise for such old stones to be discarded but to be carefully replaced in their original positions and to preserve the status quo.
This statement is the product from an uncreative mind, who cannot create a better reason to sell a difficult product.
It clearly show that LHL is not a political animal - as he lacks the basic skill to promote his position.
The pathetic part is that LHL has no political position of his own, and his existence in the PM's office is to protect the Father's interests.
Now it seems that LKY insists on being around to plan for the next succession that will again perpetuate the protection of the "dark secrets" that can never be revealed.
Is it not already telling - in such loud volume - the absence in any Freedom of Information Act in which government archives are allowed to be open for public study or reviews of past policies after a period of 30 or 50 years ?
Who will take over the political reins from LHL - as the demands made on his person will take a toll on his health and aggravate his present cancer that is in remission ?
There is some talk that the next candidate to be groomed may well be the Jinx.
Who else will have a clean and unblemished record that will satisfy and accepted to be trustworthy to LKY's craving for political security for himself and his PAP - except one of his own ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Dear Lionoasis,He will not be so flippant with his thoughts that concerns the future of the PAP and his political relevance.
Two elections is a 10 year span, which will bring him to age 96 - the age when his venerable father passed on.
He has all intention to serve till 96 - even as his characteristic sharp mind begin to fade, and perhaps he is preparing his exit in a glorious way to die in office.
One will need to ask - what possibly can his agenda be ?
Can there be so many skeletons and loose bones in the cabinets within the various government offices that he is determined to conceal ?
When LHL assume his place that was planned for him as PM after GCT had warmed it for a period of 14 years, LHL had claimed that he will not leave any stones unturned and that there will be no sacred cows for the sake of Singapore's economic and political stability.
It was a disappointment when Singaporeans heard from him that some stones are best left in their original position, even as they were turned over for examination.
On the surface, these stones are seemingly inocuous as it merely sought for politics to be liberalised, and for Singaporeans to have wider political space.
Yet, it was decided that it was unwise for such old stones to be discarded but to be carefully replaced in their original positions and to preserve the status quo.
This statement is the product from an uncreative mind, who cannot create a better reason to sell a difficult product.
It clearly show that LHL is not a political animal - as he lacks the basic skill to promote his position.
The pathetic part is that LHL has no political position of his own, and his existence in the PM's office is to protect the Father's interests.
Now it seems that LKY insists on being around to plan for the next succession that will again perpetuate the protection of the "dark secrets" that can never be revealed.
Is it not already telling - in such loud volume - the absence in any Freedom of Information Act in which government archives are allowed to be open for public study or reviews of past policies after a period of 30 or 50 years ?
Who will take over the political reins from LHL - as the demands made on his person will take a toll on his health and aggravate his present cancer that is in remission ?
There is some talk that the next candidate to be groomed may well be the Jinx.
Who else will have a clean and unblemished record that will satisfy and accepted to be trustworthy to LKY's craving for political security for himself and his PAP - except one of his own ?
Hi Atobe,
I benefit so much from your blogs...many thanks.
Not Georgie, and you are refering to TCH? He seems to have risen through the ranks rather quickly. Is there an outside chance of MahBT or WGS?
Is it a fact LHL's cancer is returning?
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Hi Atobe,
I benefit so much from your blogs...many thanks.
Not Georgie, and you are refering to TCH? He seems to have risen through the ranks rather quickly. Is there an outside chance of MahBT or WGS?
Is it a fact LHL's cancer is returning?
serious ah? LHL got cancer?
Originally posted by OHSheet:serious ah? LHL got cancer?
He had cancer before (same time as our beloved respected late President Ong Teng Cheong). He was cured but late President Ong was not. Guess lhl has father with connection to get the top drs to cure him, hahahahha.
Any way, I heard rumour that his cancer relapse. Till now nobody can confirm if this is true.
Originally posted by OHSheet:serious ah? LHL got cancer?
Dun know, this is what was "leaked" to me by one of the forumers...whose identity I will not reveal, but you can follow the thread to find out.
simple. check if he is balding. that way can know if he undergoes chemo. aiyah. never think of that.
lhl lose weight and looks "gloomy" these days. Or may be his wife giving him problems
Originally posted by OHSheet:simple. check if he is balding. that way can know if he undergoes chemo.
aiyah. never think of that.
I see...
Originally posted by Fantagf:lhl lose weight and looks "gloomy" these days. Or may be his wife giving him problems
His wife giving him problems...???
SHe is targetting his seat.
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Hi Atobe,
I benefit so much from your blogs...many thanks.
Not Georgie, and you are refering to TCH? He seems to have risen through the ranks rather quickly. Is there an outside chance of MahBT or WGS?
Is it a fact LHL's cancer is returning?
TCH seems to be a likely candidate, as someone once mentioned his ties to the First Familee by marriage.
Unfortunately, Georgie will have to take a back seat as he has no ties to the Familee.
MBT is a bag of controversy, while WKS is already entering the replacement age.
At the very peak of the upper echelon Elitist Leadership, it is one happy Familee, where one watch the interest of the other, while the other takes the point lead and take the incoming flak.
Originally posted by Atobe:
TCH seems to be a likely candidate, as someone once mentioned his ties to the First Familee by marriage.
Unfortunately, Georgie will have to take a back seat as he has no ties to the Familee.
MBT is a bag of controversy, while WKS is already entering the replacement age.
At the very peak of the upper echelon Elitist Leadership, it is one happy Familee, where one watch the interest of the other, while the other takes the point lead and take the incoming flak.
Hi Atobe,
Seems to be...Georgie lacks the aura anyway (to me at least).
Any chance they will pick from the business community?
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Hi Atobe,
Seems to be...Georgie lacks the aura anyway (to me at least).
Any chance they will pick from the business community?
If one looks at the Jinx as from the business community and a member of the inner circle of the Familee - you will have the strongest candidate to takeover the PM's chair and with full endorsement from the Old Man.
Originally posted by Atobe:
If one looks at the Jinx as from the business community and a member of the inner circle of the Familee - you will have the strongest candidate to takeover the PM's chair and with full endorsement from the Old Man.
Hi Atobe,
Sorry for my ignorance, who is the Jinx?
Originally posted by Lionoasis:
Hi Atobe,Sorry for my ignorance, who is the Jinx?
Some say the "Jinx" is the "husband" of the PM with the softer image - even as he is said to have the traits of the father in pretending to be tough, when the fight is always done by others.
Have you heard the "jinx" laughed - with a deep guffaw "ho, ho, ho, ho" ?
It is just his luck to be married to a "Jinx" with a deep laughter and prefer to wear the pants most of the time.
Originally posted by Lionoasis:
Hi Atobe,Sorry for my ignorance, who is the Jinx?
Ho Jinx! - AKA: Ho Ching.
Originally posted by OHSheet:Ho Jinx!
- AKA: Ho Ching.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Some say the "Jinx" is the "husband" of the PM with the softer image - even as he is said to have the traits of the father in pretending to be tough, when the fight is always done by others.Have you heard the "jinx" laughed - with a deep guffaw "ho, ho, ho, ho" ?
It is just his luck to be married to a "Jinx" with a deep laughter and prefer to wear the pants most of the time.
Oh...so she is the Jinx!! If this is the case, was the intended stepping down part of the plan to move her over to politics officially?
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Oh...so she is the Jinx!! If this is the case, was the intended stepping down part of the plan to move her over to politics officially?
Not that but to cool off the public anger. Once the market recovers, strategic difference was cited for her return.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:Not that but to cool off the public anger. Once the market recovers, strategic difference was cited for her return.
Have always been skeptical when these public statements are made, as I was once one of the people making comments that sounded like everything but gave away nothing.
Atobe guided me to a website that suggested he was fired becuase he consealed his true identity, and that he was working for/ with the US government. If this was indeed the reason, dun know what all these shcolarship earners were doing?!
Originally posted by Lionoasis:
Have always been skeptical when these public statements are made, as I was once one of the people making comments that sounded like everything but gave away nothing.Atobe guided me to a website that suggested he was fired becuase he consealed his true identity, and that he was working for/ with the US government. If this was indeed the reason, dun know what all these shcolarship earners were doing?!
Never knows. Why the sudden step down? Chip was just a stand-in, he know very well what would have happened.
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Oh...so she is the Jinx!! If this is the case, was the intended stepping down part of the plan to move her over to politics officially?
Spot on.
Perhaps the stepping down was similar to letting of a weather balloon - to find out the air quality surrounding the people's reception to the idea of the Jinx joining politics.
The feedback from the ground must have been shocking, and hence the return to the status quo - at the expense of the expatriate.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Spot on.Perhaps the stepping down was similar to letting of a weather balloon - to find out the air quality surrounding the people's reception to the idea of the Jinx joining politics.
The feedback from the ground must have been shocking, and hence the return to the status quo - at the expense of the expatriate.
That being the case, and if I remember correctly what some seniors have told me (and I am side tracking just a little), LKY and LHL cannot afford to loose grip of their power as they might loose, not just the monetary access, their livelihood (safety may be)? LKY is not a trusting person, and I am sure he has enemies who are waiting on the sideline and ready to jump in the moment they smell blood? In short, Lee family is more vulnerable than we think?
Originally posted by Lionoasis:
That being the case, and if I remember correctly what some seniors have told me (and I am side tracking just a little), LKY and LHL cannot afford to loose grip of their power as they might loose, not just the monetary access, their livelihood (safety may be)? LKY is not a trusting person, and I am sure he has enemies who are waiting on the sideline and ready to jump in the moment they smell blood? In short, Lee family is more vulnerable than we think?
Spot on.
The weakness is not about their livelihood as without their present political positions, they would have already harvested sufficiently all that they need through 42 years since coming into political power in 1957.
The No 1 law firm would have struck gold vein during the late 1960s through the 1980s, when the impression was that using the No 1 law firm would help expedite the completion of the legal documentation for the HDB purchased.
This impression was allowed to fester in the minds of the thousands of applicants that made a bee-line to No 1 Law Firm after getting their papers from the HDB.
The insecurity can be seen in the violent reaction to any viable and credible political challengers that appear on the political scene, and one will see the creative best in the methods employed to "fix" these challengers.
It was the inexperience of LHL during the 2006 Election Rally when he let out the truth that with more Opposition Members elected, he will have to spend more time to think of ways to "fix" them - shocking revelation from a son learning well from the Father !!!!
What could possibly be the cause for such insecurity - considering the claims of the existence of a righteous, honest, incorruptible and morally superior government since 1957 ?
Are there some darker secrets that should not see the light of day ?
As the archives of the British Colonial Office begin to open its library of historical records, researchers have discovered political gemstones that revealed the truth of the events that transpired.
This is in stark contrast to LKY's insistence that Lim Chin Siong is a Communist, even as no proof has been offered.
Ironically, we now have ‘the records of the Colonial Office archives revealing the many disgraceful politicking that occurred to grab the political center stage and the powers that come with it’(*2).
It will surprise the uninitiated that the ‘History of the PAP, and the History of Singapore's attempt at Self-Rule - had involved Lim Chin Siong – who was also a key member with LKY in the Singapore delegation led by David Marshall to negotiate for Singapore Self-Rule in 1953 (3)
When secrecy is deliberately and diligently pursued and enforced, one can only conclude that the religious pursuit for such a policy to be enforced can only mean that there are more to it then meets the eye.
why public transport not free? want to encourage people not to clog the roads then give free public transport la!