My Questions:
I encourage people with real insights to contribute, let's make good use of internet power, much appreciate your participation.
1. Temasek and GIC are consider as business entity, and as all business is concern, final decisions are make by the board of directors. Full stop.
2. Our healthcare costs is very protected by the insitution and funds such as CPF, medisave and insurance. Most working adults are insured by their companies with full medical benefits, unlike others, who only co pay and also depend on what sickness you are having.
The cost of medical products and equipment is expensive, all are precision make with care and cleanness, all these jack up the price of medical cost, but with above safety net in place, we should be worry about it unless you dun care about it.
3. The logic is out of 10 PRC students if we can attract 3, its ok, the other logic is, these PRC students who are the future managers or directors of some China top firm in China, our local Singapore Students, being their foremer classmates, will have a better networking with them in term of business, and being educated in Singapore, they are more likely to do business with Singapore. So, we are actually not worrying about them leaving, we are just creating a Singapore trained Chinese who can be a leader of china.
4. Singapore is a free country with lots of business opportunity, we are also voted as the best place for doing business, most of local big firm in Singapore are link in a way with govt, may it some advisor who is a MP or a board director, be it dependent or independent. The question need to verify what the meaning of "RICH" in Singapore before it can be answered.
Dear Angel7030,
1) Temasek/ GIC though run like a corporation, is not a REAL corporation, and it is using Singaporean sovereign funds to invest, yet there is no one from the people (not refering to the so-called People's Rep who are nominated by the government who can only agree than to disagree the investment decisions). Therefore, there should be some checks and balances in place.
2) Your views of Healthcare is in line with mine, though you are much detailed. Good stuff.
3) As a China veteran having lived and done business here for the last 15 years, knowing someone does not (not even being their relatives) mean being able to do business with them. I cannot see common ground with you on this. Also, the retention ratio is not that high, try 2%. And these students would rather go to Havard or Oxford than NUS for tertiary scholarships, guess we loose out in this guanxi game...? Tertiary level scholarship is more expensive and prestigrous, know?
4) RICH is defined by cash plus assets (paper or otherwise) minus liabilities.
Hi Viewers,
I notice there are many visits to this forum but so far there are just too few responses. Is this topic / forum too controversial? If it is please let me know.
Much appreciated, gam sia very much!!
1) If GIC/Temasek is considered a business entity, are Singaporeans not the "shareholders"? Can singaporeans attend their agm?
2) CPF and medisave is a forced savings apparatus.
CPF/medisave have nothing to do with healthcare costs. Because while it cannot be seen as disposable assets in the conventional sense, it is still part of your networth.
Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed and known small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss.
An insurance, be it personal insurance or company insurance, might reduce a person's cost of treatment, but it may not neccessarily reduce the community's cost of healthcare (gut feel since insurance companies do usually turn in a profit). It makes it more affordable, but not neccessarily cheaper as a whole.
Whether the public healthcare sector uses its funds efficiently is hard to determine. While we can say that equipment/(catch all variable) is costly, we have no knowledge on their allocated budget is spent, how are prices determined, is there any markup, etc. etc.
3) CPF funds have always been a closely guarded secret.
4) Business people are usually not sentimental people. They make business decisions based on what the partner/place has to offer. although we can hope that it will raise the prestige of local universities and establish singapore as a place of academic excellence
5) Best place to do business comes with a price. An example is employing workers. If there is an abundance of workers, its easier to employ them due to competition. If wages is relatively low, its cheaper to employ them. If the people is saddled with debt, its easier to employ them etc. etc.
of cos having skilled labour etc. is a plus.
richness is not defined by assets + liabilities. Richness is relative. You can only be rich if you have more networth than the majority of the population.
Originally posted by ahbeo:1) If GIC/Temasek is considered a business entity, are Singaporeans not the "shareholders"? Can singaporeans attend their agm?
Apparently not!! Which why I wish it is not operating in a black box.
2) CPF and medisave is a forced savings apparatus.
CPF/medisave have nothing to do with healthcare costs. Because while it cannot be seen as disposable assets in the conventional sense, it is still part of your networth.
Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed and known small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss.
An insurance, be it personal insurance or company insurance, might reduce a person's cost of treatment, but it may not neccessarily reduce the community's cost of healthcare (gut feel since insurance companies do usually turn in a profit). It makes it more affordable, but not neccessarily cheaper as a whole.
Whether the public healthcare sector uses its funds efficiently is hard to determine. While we can say that equipment/(catch all variable) is costly, we have no knowledge on their allocated budget is spent, how are prices determined, is there any markup, etc. etc.
True to a certain degree. I am asking for solution to bringing it down. Well to be fair, all developed (new or old) have such issues, but what is our approach that will bring it down?
3) CPF funds have always been a closely guarded secret.
Which is why I want to know further. Why is it a secret if it is the people's money? If I have been entrusted to safe keep an amount of money, I will be willing to allow the depositors to check on the balances anytime. IT IS THEIR MONEY!
4) Business people are usually not sentimental people. They make business decisions based on what the partner/place has to offer. although we can hope that it will raise the prestige of local universities and establish singapore as a place of academic excellence
And what deliverables do we get in the near term when we are literally donating money to young students and their parents who are longing to somewhere, like the US or UK, once they get a chance? Singapore are being suckers for the moment I am afraid. Forget the empty talk about being an international centre of academic excellence, we are thought to be pragmatic Singaporeans, not philantrophists.
5) Best place to do business comes with a price. An example is employing workers. If there is an abundance of workers, its easier to employ them due to competition. If wages is relatively low, its cheaper to employ them. If the people is saddled with debt, its easier to employ them etc. etc.
of cos having skilled labour etc. is a plus.
richness is not defined by assets + liabilities. Richness is relative. You can only be rich if you have more networth than the majority of the population.
I am noy refering to spiritual, emotional, social riches, or relative riches. I am refering to COLD HARD ASSET/ CASH riches.
Do you have questions to pose AHBEO? I appreciate your information, but I am trying to get from fellow Singaporeans, what worry them, are they happy with the government. And of course, if my approach is wrong, please enlighten me.
@Lionoasis, my previous post was primaily directed for angel.
1) I can understand why it is operating in a black box. Because it can have far reaching consequences.Just look at the temasek investment in shin satellite in thailand. If a country has enough stake in an essential industry of another, tensions will arise even if the investment is purely commercial, thanks to the delicious by-products. What i am curious about is the amount of secrecy dosmestically.
2) We can talk about typical cost reducing strategies and all, or even suggest following the french healthcare model. But IMO, there is not enough information to lower healthcare costs (unless you want "special" ideas like increasing corporate tax to finance healthcare or increasing GST to help the poor and/or sick).
3) That piece of information is delicious to know. But quite frankly, if they release it, they will be bombarded with much more questions. (e.g. why are the return on investment so high and interest given on CPF so low. why why why..)
4) Not much. maybe the right to boast we are a global hub. In the short-term, they are in school. Their parent might or might not work in sg. Mid-term i guess bonded. Long-term pray and hope.
5) I apologise if i did not make myself clear. I meant that you can only be considered "rich" if your assets is greater as compared to at least the majority of the population.
My list of 5 top questions for government to answer....
1) Why we have to pay unnecessary bill (Such as Tax, property, water tax, GST, any many more)
2) Why Singaporean becoming 2nd grade when foreign talent can use there only language when communicating with Singaporean, as English is our 1st language. Why I have to bow to their language.
3) Why when I sell our property and downgrade to small flat I have to pay levy to HDB, when the minister talk about higher price for flat is good for the people to make money.
4) Town council wasting money when renovation of roof, when on the home owner living under the roof will benefit it when the rest of the flat have to pay for it. Why, too much money so have to spend?
5) Why town council charge their C.C at different price. 4 room $45, 5 room $65 why bigger house rich man or throw more rubbish.
Hi AhBeo,
Thanks and I like your opinion in general, so well informed and organized in your thoughts.
I wonder though...don't you have any questions for the government? Or are you part of the government?
I will protest on a couple of yoru answers though... You mentioned on a couple of occasions that if they answer this or open that up, it would invite more questioning and bombardment. But isn't what democracy and ONE Singapore is all about? If we are truly ONE, and not people vs the government, and they are PUBLIC SERVANTS not RULERS, then I am afraid the government is answerable to the people, no matter how troublesom or tough it may be. It is their job for taking the elected office that they have asked for. Power and Accountability have to co-exist, not we are moving backwards or have not progressed at all.
For the record, I am very patriotic and love my country dearly, but I believe I have the right to know how well or badly our money has been spent. If a government is BIG (mature) enough, they are secure enough to admit to mistakes they have made. Guess what, as a citizen, I will forgive and continue to support them, and let's look forward to better days. Hey, all investment managers loose and make money, it is the nature of this game, so what if they loose money recently, as long as the investmenet decision is a sound one, not a misinformed or made out of personal agenda.
Look at some of pampered and spoiled leaders of tomorrow, they can never be wrong, they must look good all the time. Are Singaporeans that naive? I don't think so.
So what are your questions to our government if I may ask?
1. Can you made the government/Politics of Singapore more Clean?!
2. How to Disbanned PAP
3. What is the total reserves of Singapore.
4. Why you don't want to exposed all the "classified"
5. When can Singaporeans know all the Truth singapore is hidding~!!
Thanks to the input and questions put forth, I am sure the EYEs of the government are watching.
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Hi AhBeo,
Thanks and I like your opinion in general, so well informed and organized in your thoughts.
I wonder though...don't you have any questions for the government? Or are you part of the government?
Nope not part of govt, wont get any answers anyway so no qns lol
I will protest on a couple of yoru answers though... You mentioned on a couple of occasions that if they answer this or open that up, it would invite more questioning and bombardment. But isn't what democracy and ONE Singapore is all about? If we are truly ONE, and not people vs the government, and they are PUBLIC SERVANTS not RULERS, then I am afraid the government is answerable to the people, no matter how troublesom or tough it may be. It is their job for taking the elected office that they have asked for. Power and Accountability have to co-exist, not we are moving backwards or have not progressed at all.
For the record, I am very patriotic and love my country dearly, but I believe I have the right to know how well or badly our money has been spent. If a government is BIG (mature) enough, they are secure enough to admit to mistakes they have made. Guess what, as a citizen, I will forgive and continue to support them, and let's look forward to better days. Hey, all investment managers loose and make money, it is the nature of this game, so what if they loose money recently, as long as the investmenet decision is a sound one, not a misinformed or made out of personal agenda.
As per all bureaucratic organisations, unless pressured to, nobody will explain themselves. Without a strong opposition to exert pressure, to question policies etc., to keep them in check,the ones in power will have a freer reign over things.
Human psychology. As you make more and more mistakes, the effects of the mistakes will intensifty.
An investment manager loses money one time = risk associated with investment
Loses thrice = doubtful about his ability
loses five times = all faith and prestige lost
Look at some of pampered and spoiled leaders of tomorrow, they can never be wrong, they must look good all the time. Are Singaporeans that naive? I don't think so.
Honest mistake. <3
So what are your questions to our government if I may ask?
Hi AhBeo,
Not trying to push you... I know we won't get answers by posting questions here, afterall, we are just regular Joe's and Jane's right?
Somehow, I feel it is a good opportunity for us, Singaporeans, to be able to tell each other what is in our chest, and share with each other our views on many issues (without needing to first register ourselves at Fanglin Square, withstand the scorching sun, and try to attract a crownd during office hours at that location (who in the world can make it?) And just maybe the government is looking at what we write here, but I won't assume what they will do about it.
Probably nothing, as they make the law and are above the law...why bother?
Sad sad sad...
But I am really keen to know what you think, but the decision is your of course.
My 5 Qns:
While trying to increase population, what is done to increase/improve:
1. the number of apartments (sg flats are damn exp now)
2. public transport/transport (COE nearing 20K now and mrt everyday so crowded n exp also)
3. Jobs for Singaporeans (native singaporeans are being squeezed out as FT comes in)
4. Cost of living (sg is now one of the most exp city to live in Asia!!!)
5. No. of toilet cubicles (have u ever noticed how long it is to get one??? long long queue!!!)
1) Why the high pay for MPs and ministers? isnt serving the nation a form of NS. the pay of US president is less than US200,000 should not be the sole determinant for deciding to switch to be a politician.
2) why locals are passed over for jobs by foreigners? are there enough jobs for locals?
Why old man lee can live so long?
And why Junior Lee so suay?
and why is Ho Ching even alive after the recent events?
Hi All,
Thank you for all your contribution, seems the conerns expressed here thus far are:
A two-party system - if it materializes (thru' wise' voting)' Singaporeans may have a respite from this juggernaut of nincompoops!
Originally posted by Lionoasis:but to think high salaries will prevent our Ministers from getting corruptedis just plain nonsense - it is not the money it is the moral stardard that they hold. Assumptions about them not being corrupted because of higher salary is as good as saying these Ministers are as money face as any - well most - commoner, and if this the case, they are not fit to be Ministers, public service at the Ministerial level requires sacrifice not money)
And apparently,our "high-educated" PAP ministers dont understand that it is not money but Moral Standard that decide whether a minister will corrupt or not during his/her reign.
After spending so many years in school studying,our PAP ministers still dont know this theory.Its either there is a flaw in our education system or there is personality problem of our PAP ministers to overlook Moral Standard n not money that determine Corruption.
As for money face part,i believe PAP ministers are much more money face than commoners.Coz most commoners will be satisfied when they get enough money to pass through daily expenses n retirement needs.
But our PAP ministers greed has no end,when they have enough money,they want or corrupt even more!!!Especially LKY,LHL n GCT.They are a shame to Singapore!!!
Dear Howlheje,
Thank you for supporting the view that it is "Moral Standard" and NOT money that prevents Minsiters from corruption.
However, I won't conclude that Ministers are corrupted or wanna be corrupted either. I just think the approach/ assumption taken to "prevent" corruption amongst our Ministers is quite laughable and wrong. And to actually pay out super high salaries based on that approach/ assumption is disturbing.
I have mentioned once that we run the country like a corporatin and Ministers are seen as professional managers (high pay high performer - doctrine). To me, even though there are some truths to it, it is fundamentally "Wrong", as Ministers are supposed to have a sense of service and sacrifice to the people, in order to be worthy Ministers, so that they command genuine respect from the people. I am being a bit idealistic, but my suggestion of needing such quality within our Ministers makes sense. And if Singapore is to have a brighter future, we need heartland & bedrock spirited leaders to steer us through hard times, that will inevitably come to us once every few years. We will have the biggest joke on ourselves that during times of need, a headhunter steals from us our Prime Minister or any important Ministers with say USD20mil a year!!! Hey, in a free world economy, and in line with our government's philosophy, anyone can leave us in persuit of better pay, RIGHT?
Let's not assume they are all money face or are corrupted, and start calling names, but it is rather obvious that our compensation system and almost "black box" government spending suggest that the People's Welfare may not be the TOP PRIORITY for our government, at least that's what it seems.
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Dear Howlheje,
Thank you for supporting the view that it is "Moral Standard" and NOT money that prevents Minsiters from corruption.
However, I won't conclude that Ministers are corrupted or wanna be corrupted either. I just think the approach/ assumption taken to "prevent" corruption amongst our Ministers is quite laughable and wrong. And to actually pay out super high salaries based on that approach/ assumption is disturbing.
I have mentioned once that we run the country like a corporatin and Ministers are seen as professional managers (high pay high performer - doctrine). To me, even though there are some truths to it, it is fundamentally "Wrong", as Ministers are supposed to have a sense of service and sacrifice to the people, in order to be worthy Ministers, so that they command genuine respect from the people. I am being a bit idealistic, but my suggestion of needing such quality within our Ministers makes sense. And if Singapore is to have a brighter future, we need heartland & bedrock spirited leaders to steer us through hard times, that will inevitably come to us once every few years. We will have the biggest joke on ourselves that during times of need, a headhunter steals from us our Prime Minister or any important Ministers with say USD20mil a year!!! Hey, in a free world economy, and in line with our government's philosophy, anyone can leave us in persuit of better pay, RIGHT?
Let's not assume they are all money face or are corrupted, and start calling names, but it is rather obvious that our compensation system and almost "black box" government spending suggest that the People's Welfare may not be the TOP PRIORITY for our government, at least that's what it seems.
Let mei mei tell you all lah, you people so called intellectual uncles are all living in your own intellectual world, giving intellectual comments and critics about the ruling party, but on what basis do you known about why our minister are getting high pay? Is it because you all are Jealous, envy or in the very poor lower 10% singaporeans? So what if our Ministers get the highest pay in the world? If this is the constant arguement to comment on our Minister, you can go on for the next 10 years and you can come here again and said our ministers' pay is very high again, nothing changed?
Hi Angel7030,
You are making assumptions. FYI, I am easily in the top 15% in Singapore in terms of pay; and more money will come my way this year.
You are missing the point, and I know you are intelligent enough to understand what I said in my last posting. C'mon...
But nice to see you back here dear Angel...
Originally posted by Lionoasis:Hi Angel7030,
You are making assumptions. FYI, I am easily in the top 15% in Singapore in terms of pay; and more money will come my way this year.
You are missing the point, and I know you are intelligent enough to understand what I said in my last posting. C'mon...
But nice to see you back here dear Angel...
So what? rich dun need to die ar?? Rich got rich problems, poor got poor problems ya. And most of the time, rich got more problems than the poors. The most problematic for the rich is when they are going to die...full of problems. Just like my grandfather.
Let do the reverse psychology, (hope no one will vomit) Aren't we proud that our Ministers are getting the highest paid? Can anyone said that money is not a motivation factor? So, who is not greedy? and who is not corrupted? Every countries govt is corrupted, it just a matter of how much??
LKY studied Confucianism, he is not confused, he understand that to achieve the basis of human perfection inorder to create a great nation, you need to start from the very base, and that very base is you, a person. If you not straight or well nurtured, your family will be messy, and that inturn, turns your nation into chaos.
He understands that a perfect person will ultimately bring in a perfect and strong nation. But to create a perfect person, you need to factor in many perks and opportunities, instill in for him patriotism so that he is happy with what he had and will produce the goods for the nation in his utmost ability. Therefore he put in a lots of emphasis on Education to mould a person, provide him with more then enuf funds(paid) so that he can function and concentrate on his work without much distress from external environment. In this way, Singapore progress.
If you look around other most of other countries, you see many corruption, some even daylight robbery, I am not saying that we dun have corruption, humans are easily bound to corruption, cos greed is nature in human instinct. And corruption does not mean only in monetary term, even a flavor, is also a corruption. LKY understands all these, so inorder to lower corruption and obtain a good Govt, he pre paid the Minister extra compensation, so that when a Minister is being offered for corrupiton, he/she will think thrice? Understand or not...Uncles
Obey me. Don't oppose me. Bunch of naive simple minded fools. So easy to control.
Originally posted by angel3070:
Obey me. Don't oppose me. Bunch of naive simple minded fools. So easy to control.
If he can do it and he did, what more can you say. Yes, you can downgrade him to pig or wolve, but he did it, that is the most important. Just like my boss, he always said in the backlane board meeting "I dun care if you are my daughter or staff, and I dun care how you do it, but if you can deliver the goods without any problem, u got future, otherwise, you are history"