He wasn't his own man the moment he took office..let's not push all the blame on him should we...
Beware of internet rubbish propaganda. There are a lot.
If you cannot tell facts from rubbish, not familiar with information analysis, beware.
Treat things with a pinch of salt.
Pretty much was convincing till the part when they try to make global warming into a conspiracy.
I swear they are the only country that still resists the notion of global warming.
Originally posted by angel3070:Beware of internet rubbish propaganda. There are a lot.
If you cannot tell facts from rubbish, not familiar with information analysis, beware.
Treat things with a pinch of salt.
Have you watched it?
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Pretty much was convincing till the part when they try to make global warming into a conspiracy.
I swear they are the only country that still resists the notion of global warming.
Whether or not global warming is genuine, the point mentioned in the film is that this crisis is being used to further concentrate financial and political power into the hands of the corporate elite by destroying whatever financial independence the middle class still has.
However, in 2007 National Geographic reported that Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming. And recently, The New Scientist featured an article where they reported that World's climate could cool first, warm later. Even if there is a real crisis, there're plenty of ways of solving it instead of using it as a pretext to pursue other political and economic objectives.
I don't think the US is rejecting the notion of global warming anymore with the passage of global warming-related legislature. The idea of "saving the planet" is steadily gaining acceptance in US politics, especially from the Obama Administration.
Not only would so-called 'save the Earth' taxes not solve the problem, but its going to drive the American people deeper into debt and further enrich the corporatocracy. It is interesting to note that Obama's science advisor advocated a zero economic growth policy in the 1970s and wanted to de-develop the US, which is exactly what a carbon emission regulating bill would do.
Originally posted by freedomclub:Have you watched it?
I watched the first half, the film drifted off into conspiracy nonsense midway and I lost interest.
Originally posted by angel3070:I watched the first half, the film drifted off into conspiracy nonsense midway and I lost interest.
What do you mean by "conspiracy nonsense"?
How do you know it is "nonsense"?
Einstein once stated that "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
Unless you have complete knowledge of everything, which is impossible, how can you say something is flawed when its your own understanding of it that is flawed (more so because you were only prepared to examine the first half of it)?
Originally posted by freedomclub:Einstein once stated that "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
I have investigated it.
I have been watching Alex Jones' films since 2002.
Not only Alex Jones but a lot of others by various conspiracy theorists. My interest was sparked by the flood of 911 conspiracy theories on the web.
Later on I realised that most of the conspiracy theorists were all a bunch of morons and most if not all of their stories as told in their propaganda is complete nonsense.
That is what happens when you watch TOO much political films.
Don't fall into same trap as me. There are better things to do in life than chase shadows with these bunch of clowns.
Oh! its agent 3070 hor, not me ya.
Originally posted by angel7030:Oh! its agent 3070 hor, not me ya.
Hello angel7030. Did you have a nice breakfast?
Originally posted by angel3070:Hello angel7030.
Did you have a nice breakfast?
no bf...straight away eat lunch already..now noon already ok, sleep until grandma have to yell on the top of her voice...
hey, just worry people quote me for nothing ya. u Carry on posting.
Originally posted by angel7030:
no bf...straight away eat lunch alread
no bf so don't eat breakfast?
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, all part of a conspiracy, as puppet of the powers that be?
Originally posted by angel3070:no bf so don't eat breakfast?
breakfast shortform is bf...not boyfriend ya...boyfriend plenty,..today go chop one of them...let me see...Roy...no no, so short..Peter called..no no so ugly...Malcolm sms me...ah! can chop already.
Originally posted by angel3070:I have investigated it.
I have been watching Alex Jones' films since 2002.
Not only Alex Jones but a lot of others by various conspiracy theorists. My interest was sparked by the flood of 911 conspiracy theories on the web.
Later on I realised that most of the conspiracy theorists were all a bunch of morons and most if not all of their stories as told in their propaganda is complete nonsense.
That is what happens when you watch TOO much political films.
Don't fall into same trap as me. There are better things to do in life than chase shadows with these bunch of clowns.
What do you mean by "nonsense"? Could you give an example?
Since yesterday was the 8th anniversary of 9/11, I should point out that even the members of the 9/11 [Omission] Commission doubts the official story. That and more and more Americans are waking up to the obvious false flag operation committed in their own country in the light of a flood of new information regarding 9/11.
It really benefits the mainstream media that people like to use the term "conspiracy theory" to group issues which are politically explosive and would erode public confidence in the mainstream with topics that have no bearing on reality such as reptilian aliens, Atlantis etc.
Is it a conspiracy theory when diplomats reported that Intelligence made it clear Saddam was not a threat? Is it another conspiracy theory when Obama himself admitted that the 1953 coup in Iran was staged by the CIA? Is it a conspiracy theory to bring up the history of destabilisation programs undertaken by the US in order to further their own economic and political interests?
Originally posted by freedomclub:Is it a conspiracy theory when diplomats reported that Intelligence made it clear Saddam was not a threat? Is it another conspiracy theory when Obama himself admitted that the 1953 coup in Iran was staged by the CIA? Is it a conspiracy theory to bring up the history of destabilisation programs undertaken by the US in order to further their own economic and political interests?
Those are facts, not conspiracy.
One world government crap, illuminati, aliens, fake cold war, CFR, trilateral and bilderberg control everything that is conspiracy crap.
You are just like me a few years back.
Angry at the world, angry at bullshit state media for reporting rubbish.
But I think I was more radical, because I was ready to kill americans at the time.
Originally posted by angel3070:Those are facts, not conspiracy.
One world government crap, illuminati, aliens, fake cold war, CFR, trilateral and bilderberg control everything that is conspiracy crap.
You are just like me a few years back.
Angry at the world, angry at bullshit state media for reporting rubbish.
But I think I was more radical, because I was ready to kill americans at the time.
And how do you know I'm like that? "Angry at the world, angry at bullshit state media for reporting rubbish." Thats your own description of yourself which I don't see how you could associate it with me. I'm rather insulted to be described like that; shows shallowness and lack of understanding.
I'll address the topics that you brought up 1 at a time.
One world government- Although this has been called a favourite of "conspiracy theorists" for a long time, this is becoming more mainstream as the financial system begins to fail. We are hearing a lot about a global currency, more regulatory powers concentrated with the UN; in other words, a reshaping of the world into a new world order. Even the term used by the mainstream media is the same as the one being used by so-called "conspiracy theorists". Back then, it was called a "conspiracy theory" because probably the public wasnt supposed to take it seriously. But today, you'll find the situation is different. We are being conditioned to accept these changes by constant exposure by the media.
Illuminati- I don't care about discussions about this because I find it irrelevant to events in the world, perhaps because I know too little about it. But as historical records can show, there was indeed an organisation called the Illuminati founded in 1776 in Germany that recognised that only those enlightened with knowledge had the right to govern others. It existed then, in the 18th Century before being disbanded by the Bavarian government. Today, I feel its an injustice to constantly associate this organisation, which existed then, not now, with political events that impact the world we live in.
Fake Cold War- Obviously the diplomatic tensions between the US and its allies and those of the Soviet Union's happened. However, there're many inconsistencies when the economic relationship between those two are examined, for instance, as author Antony Sutton describes, the US, using western corporations, built up and sustained the military-industrial complex of the USSR throughout the Cold War. Unless you can successfully demonstrate Sutton is a fraud, I don't see how you can reasonably condemn this topic as a "conspiracy theory" and "nonsense".
CFR, TC and Bilderberg control- Let me quote from the president of the CFR, himself former Director of Policy and Planning in the US State Department. He wrote in "The Role of Think-tanks in US Foreign Policy" (Nov 2002) that "Of the many influences on US foreign policy formulation, the role of think tanks is among the most important and least appreciated." He then goes on to state that "In addition to supplying experts for incoming administrations, think-tanks provide departing officials with institutional settings in which they can share insights gleaned from government service, remained engaged in pressing foreign policy debates, and constitute an informal shadow foreign affairs establishment."
In other words, he is implying that foreign policy could be monopolised by people of similar ideology without having to be elected. All that is needed is that they come from similar so-called academic environments such as think-tanks like the CFR, TC etc. And as The Obama Deception chronicles, the Obama Adminstrations, like others before it, does have an exceptional number of staffers coming from these think-tanks.
If a person in such a position as Richard Haas's can acknowledge that, all the more it makes people like you seem rather immature in refusing to accept such a reality of politics.
Furthermore, Hiliary Clinton, herself a member of the CFR, made a revealing comment when addressing the CFR when she stated, "We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future."
As for the Bilderberg Group, what do you think of a meeting that gathers the world's 150 most influential people in the political and corporate world in a abnormally secured hotel that bars media access? I don't suppose you know a lot about this group, but neither do I. But people like Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin should know. They've spent decades on the trail of these elites. In comparison, what do you know about the Bilderberg Group?
Understanding these issues does not mean one hates Americans. Thats demonstrates that you have an extremely poor understanding of such issues because the Americans are also suffering tremendously. Knowing about all these distortions does nothing at all, standing by a solution is a totally different thing, which is why I advocate the direction of The Venus Project, promoted in Zeitgeist Addendum.
Originally posted by freedomclub:And how do you know I'm like that? "Angry at the world, angry at bullshit state media for reporting rubbish." Thats your own description of yourself which I don't see how you could associate it with me. I'm rather insulted to be described like that; shows shallowness and lack of understanding.
I'll address the topics that you brought up 1 at a time.
One world government- Although this has been called a favourite of "conspiracy theorists" for a long time, this is becoming more mainstream as the financial system begins to fail. We are hearing a lot about a global currency, more regulatory powers concentrated with the UN; in other words, a reshaping of the world into a new world order. Even the term used by the mainstream media is the same as the one being used by so-called "conspiracy theorists". Back then, it was called a "conspiracy theory" because probably the public wasnt supposed to take it seriously. But today, you'll find the situation is different. We are being conditioned to accept these changes by constant exposure by the media.
Illuminati- I don't care about discussions about this because I find it irrelevant to events in the world, perhaps because I know too little about it. But as historical records can show, there was indeed an organisation called the Illuminati founded in 1776 in Germany that recognised that only those enlightened with knowledge had the right to govern others. It existed then, in the 18th Century before being disbanded by the Bavarian government. Today, I feel its an injustice to constantly associate this organisation, which existed then, not now, with political events that impact the world we live in.
Fake Cold War- Obviously the diplomatic tensions between the US and its allies and those of the Soviet Union's happened. However, there're many inconsistencies when the economic relationship between those two are examined, for instance, as author Antony Sutton describes, the US, using western corporations, built up and sustained the military-industrial complex of the USSR throughout the Cold War. Unless you can successfully demonstrate Sutton is a fraud, I don't see how you can reasonably condemn this topic as a "conspiracy theory" and "nonsense".
CFR, TC and Bilderberg control- Let me quote from the president of the CFR, himself former Director of Policy and Planning in the US State Department. He wrote in "The Role of Think-tanks in US Foreign Policy" (Nov 2002) that "Of the many influences on US foreign policy formulation, the role of think tanks is among the most important and least appreciated." He then goes on to state that "In addition to supplying exports for incoming administrations, think-tanks provide departing officials with institutional settings in which they can share insights gleaned from government service, remained engaged in pressing foreign policy debates, and constitute an informal shadow foreign affairs establishment."
In other words, he is implying that foreign policy could be monopolised by people of similar ideology without having to be elected. All that is needed is that they come from similar so-called academic environments such as think-tanks like the CFR, TC etc. And as The Obama Deception chronicles, the Obama Adminstrations, like others before it, does have an exceptional number of staffers coming from these think-tanks.
If a person in such a position as Richard Haas's can acknowledge that, all the more it makes people like you seem rather immature in refusing to accept such a reality of politics.
Furthermore, Hiliary Clinton, herself a member of the CFR, made a revealing comment when addressing the CFR when she stated, "We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future."
As for the Bilderberg Group, what do you think of a meeting that gathers the world's 150 most influential people in the political and corporate world in a abnormally secured hotel that bars media access? I don't suppose you know a lot about this group, but neither do I. But people like Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin should know. They've spent decades on the trail of these elites. In comparison, what do you know about the Bilderberg Group?
Understanding these issues does not mean one hates Americans. Thats demonstrates that you have an extremely poor understanding of such issues because the Americans are also suffering tremendously. Knowing about all these distortions does nothing at all, standing by a solution is a totally different thing, which is why I advocate the direction of The Venus Project, promoted in Zeitgeist Addendum.
You still need time to wake up. You are too deep into this bullshit world right now.
You must be feeling confused, being confronted with all these nonsense.
Go and brush up on your analytical skills, otherwise you will be trapped forever in the bullshit, without ability to see through the crap.
Originally posted by angel3070:You still need time to wake up. You are too deep into this bullshit world right now.
You must be feeling confused, being confronted with all these nonsense.
Go and brush up on your analytical skills, otherwise you will be trapped forever in the bullshit, without ability to see through the crap.
You didnt even respond to what I posted. How can you even say its "bullshit", "nonsense" or "crap"?
If I'm wrong somewhere, tell me. I'll be glad to learn I was wrong.
How to respond, you already now sucked into the bullshit world.
Anything I say is useless.
You are following my footsteps.
Originally posted by freedomclub:
If I'm wrong somewhere, tell me. I'll be glad to learn I was wrong.
Go and learn proper analytical skills first, otherwise very hard to wake up.
Do you go to any other forums to discuss these things? A good forum can help to clarify things.
Well, for instance, you can show how I'm wrong analytically, whatever that means. Or you can demonstrate that I was wrong historically. Or you could show how I was taking events out of context.
If you disagree with me, there must be sound reasons for it right? If you say someone is wrong, then its your job to show how so. Otherwise, if you have no basis for condemnation, then you're just refusing to face the facts.
You will listen to me and give up your conspiracy crap and listen to reason?