Political leaders cannot be trained, but must be found, says MM Lee
By Asha Popatlal, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 02 September 2009 2217 hrs
INGAPORE: Political leaders cannot be trained, but must be found and be people with passion, says Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
And that's one reason why, unlike corporate leaders, they are so much harder to get.
Mr Lee was speaking on leadership transition and other issues in a
wide-ranging dialogue session at the fifth anniversary of the Lee Kuan
Yew School of Public Policy.
It was a mixed 800-strong crowd of corporate heads, policy analysts, international students and half the Cabinet.
They were all present to celebrate a school that has grown from
just 40 students from a handful of countries, to over 300 students from
52 countries and territories.
At the dialogue session, when asked what he would do if there was a
freak election result locally, Mr Lee said he had ensured safeguards
were in place.
"Many voters now tell us openly - "my family, three of us vote for
you but two of us voted against you". Just to let you know we want an
opposition voice and we don't want you to be so overwhelming. So in
that case you may have a freak result and that worries me. So we have a
president with blocking powers," said Mr Lee.
Which means a new party cannot raid the reserves or change top
officials, such as the police commander, without the president's
Mr Lee said: "I spent 15 years thinking out these safeguards and
finally persuaded my younger colleagues that we needed this because
they can't guarantee that they'll each time provide a better team than
the opposition, just because it has been done in the past. No problem
in next election, but maybe after that - if we don't find a good team
in elections after that - we are at risk."
But concerns about the global economy were also very much on
people's minds and questions were asked as to Mr Lee's views on what
could have led to the fallout.
Mr Lee believes the excesses of the liberal system and the belief
that a completely free market will allow great benefits, were
contributing factors.
"However we learn, whatever lesson we learnt, I believe that the
free market system from time to time you must expect a glitch and a
failure in the market. It happens regularly ... you will learn the
lesson from this ever after, no more crisis and I think certainly it
will happen again. That's the way of the free market economies," he
Mr Lee also fielded questions on his views on developments in India and China.
But it wasn't all serious as he refused to take one question.
One man asked: "I believe that Indonesia currently faces a
situation you have often warned against. Which is when there are too
many voices in the marketplace, it is too easily swayed by public
opinion. How do you think a country like Indonesia should deal with
this type of situation?"
"You expect me to endorse your statement? My business is to
maintain friendly relations. I think I'll pass that question," he
The school, also gave mementoes to donors. It had successfully
raised $16.5 million, which with the government's matching grant, would
make it $33 million, far higher than the initial aim of $5 million. -
I thought they're trying to train a new PM...?
He and his rubbish theory again.
I thought that time he say he will have a coup if the opposition wins the election.
Now he change his statement to say what got President with blocking powers.
Old man is probably suffering from senile.
leaders cannot be trained..leadership skills are inborn and can only be refined..
yup. they need to find me =)
Moronic Minister n Minion Mininster(s) run with the hare and hunt with the hounds!
An inherently corrupt person wants power, hankers power - once they get the authority - it empowers and it is used to manipulate, plunder ... so this talk of leadership is utter rubbish.
Self-aggrandizement from an egomaniac but scrutinize - it is a pratfall. A real blight on the nation lar
PS : http://temasekreview.com/ - for those who mite be inclined to or prefer different perspectives/analysis of local politics, economics
wat he is saying - My children are born Politicians n there is no equal
Originally posted by seyKai:wat he is saying - My children are born Politicians n there is no equal
What LKY means - "In ten years my grandson will take over."
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:What LKY means - "In ten years my grandson will take over."
What if his grandson die an early death before 10 years?
Originally posted by automator:What if his grandson die an early death before 10 years?
He have more than one.
Next please.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:He have more than one.
Next please.
What if terriorist attack than kill all his grandson?
This is becoming more worrying for Singapore.
In the late 1980s, it was said that new talents have to be recruited early so that they can be given sufficient time for on-the-job "experience" before wearing the actual ministerial shoes, which even then will still require "mentoring" by the more seasoned senior ministers and politicians.
After more then 30 years, now it seems that leaders' can't be trained but must be found ?
For LKY, there seems two options open to find immediate leaders, if one is to trace the thoughts in the statements he has made in the last forty years.
The NSF Military Leadership is continuously depended as a source for recruitment, and which has consistently resorted to.
The other source that have not been tried since GCT was recruited is from the various Government-Linked Companies - with one controversial candidate that seems to be given alot of print and broadcast exposure, as well as local and international press attention recently.
Will we can to be jinxed permanently ?
Originally posted by automator:What if terriorist attack than kill all his grandson?
You mean wipeout the entire family?
Then Singapore no more political leaders lor.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:You mean wipeout the entire family?
Then Singapore no more political leaders lor.
I thought it will be the opposition party who will take over
Originally posted by automator:I thought it will be the opposition party who will take over
Plese read this other report :
AP - Thursday, September 3
SINGAPORE - Singapore's elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew said Wednesday that he expects his People's Action Party to win the next two elections to extend its grip on power by as much as 10 more years.
"I don't see any problem in the next election or probably in the next one after that," Lee, 85, said at a dinner to mark the fifth anniversary of a college named after him.
"But if we don't find a good team in the election after that, and the opposition gets a good team together, we are at risk."
Lee, who founded the PAP and was Singapore's first prime minister from 1959 to 1990, remains a powerful figure in the Cabinet and in the party. The PAP is the only party to have ruled Singapore.
The current government was elected in 2006. The next elections are set for 2011.
Lee, who now has the title of mentor minister, said even if the opposition took power by a "freak result," it won't be allowed to fire top police, army and other officials without the approval of the president, who is appointed by a committee of government officials.
Lee, who is the father of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said an opposition government would by law also need the president's approval to tap international reserves, indicating it would not be given.
Otherwise "all our hard-earned savings could go in five years," he said. "I spent 15 years thinking up these safeguards."
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:
Plese read this other report :
Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew: Party will win next 2 votes
AP - Thursday, September 3
SINGAPORE - Singapore's elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew said Wednesday that he expects his People's Action Party to win the next two elections to extend its grip on power by as much as 10 more years.
"I don't see any problem in the next election or probably in the next one after that," Lee, 85, said at a dinner to mark the fifth anniversary of a college named after him.
"But if we don't find a good team in the election after that, and the opposition gets a good team together, we are at risk."
Lee, who founded the PAP and was Singapore's first prime minister from 1959 to 1990, remains a powerful figure in the Cabinet and in the party. The PAP is the only party to have ruled Singapore.
The current government was elected in 2006. The next elections are set for 2011.
Lee, who now has the title of mentor minister, said even if the opposition took power by a "freak result," it won't be allowed to fire top police, army and other officials without the approval of the president, who is appointed by a committee of government officials.
Lee, who is the father of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said an opposition government would by law also need the president's approval to tap international reserves, indicating it would not be given.
Otherwise "all our hard-earned savings could go in five years," he said. "I spent 15 years thinking up these safeguards."
This will only happen in his dreams
Originally posted by automator:This will only happen in his dreams
I think Singapore has enuf "freak results".
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:I think Singapore has enuf "freak results".
I hope he and his grandsons die in a freak accident
Like the Dalai lama, cannot be trained, must be "found".
If your name starts with Lee or Li, chances of being "found" will be higher.
Come to think of it, Singapore resembles Old Tibet's serf system.
I think what that old man means is "Political leaders can't be trained it must be taken over by their sons"
what a coincidence all the leaders are in his family..
Like Tang Dynasty?
Originally posted by GHoST_18:what a coincidence all the leaders are in his family..
Leaders in Singapore must be "found".
For example, Lee Hsien Loong; "found' or Ho Ching also "found".
Not hard to find wah, all in the same place.
A good leader need not find. It will stand out among all people. Easy to find what. Dunno what are they thinking.
Originally posted by Itedino:Dunno what are they thinking.
Leaders in Singapore must be "found" and after that mentored by the old man.
We have great talented leaders in Singapore.
I will find you and mentor you to be leader.
So where is our next great leader? I must go find him and mentor him on how to be leader.