I think people have grossly underestimated the words 'religious tolerance'. Note that we are implored to be 'religious tolerant' and not 'religious acceptance'. Tolerance shows " a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry."
And Tolerance is a VERY DIFFICULT thing to do. It does not come easy, thats why it is asked of you to be TOLERANT. And if we cannot bring ourselves to be TOLERANT in a multiracial, multicultural and multireligious society, and everytime I see someone burns a joss stick, burns joss paper (esp now), I hear the prayers of the mosques, having roads outside mosques jam because of cars illegally parked outside, having christians preaching at MRT station and telling me I am not saved etc... and if everytime I see all these things and I look at the chopper/knife/chainsaw/penknife/cucumber and I have the urge to kill those people, then I think it is not a matter of religious tolerance anymore, there is seriously something wrong with that person.
No offences, but no one in the right mental state of mind would kill someone just because "smoke gets into my house and i dun like that smell." or for that matter, have the urge to kill someone for that.
Btw TS..... the problem is with the smell of joss sticks..... Really got nothing much to do with being Atheist or not.
So.... till someone invent some type of Smokeless & Smell-less joss sticks........
Buy a gas mask.
Why leh? Since free worship then burn more incense and papers and blow the smoke into their home every night lah...
been in d situation, stoopid neighbors burning 1 big pile of praying papers outside my window at 2 am in d morning. Ma whole family could have suffocate to death..
god knows dat i would love to pull out a machete and give it at point blank at the centre of the fools forehead for being f***kg inconsiderate and motherf**kg brainless pig.
so whoever is reading this do think twice before your action causes a chain reaction..
i am a maniac but thk god jack neo came out with i'm not stupid..
thx jack!!
Thanks Azlie for digging up this thread. I thought this thread had died a natural death or had served its purpose, created only in response to the 'pledge' topics.
Murder is an anathema to mankind since civilisation had began. Religion had often been a guide and remainder for our early ancestors never to commit murder, the taking of another's precious life, and would be condemned in the strongest terms possible, even pay with one's own life for such atrocity.
Thus religion is a first line of defence. In SIngapore, just a small city and densely packed country, our far-sighted founding fathers knew the social problems it may arise, not just only murder, but a whole host of other socially damning issues.
Thus, children during the formative years were made to swear and honour a noble pledge, not to any political party, but only and solely to our society, to build a multi-racial nation. This was and is our second line of defence, created for a purpose - TOLERANCE and responsibility to one another.
44 years had past, and Singapore stands alone as one truly multi racial nation. And not only that, we are cultivated and elevated beings, compared to many other nations. I can list out praises after another, but one only need to open his/her eyes to see, and the evidence is clear, on how far we had progress, more so if one had step out of our shores and lived for a period of time overseas to see the difference.
As much as praises and envies galore, we must never be complacent, for there is still much, much more that we can improve further and be a beacon of hope to other struggling nations.
It all didnt happen by magic, or by chance. Azlie, if there is anyone to thank, it was far-sighted and noble beings known as our founding fathers, who created the sacred pledge, whom we must ALWAYS uphold at all times, as is our responsibility to each other.
Education, as I had mentioned far earlier than anyone else here had ever did, will improve our future generations for a better tommorow. Hope lies in our next generations, as we this generation attempt our best to live out our pledge to each other, to honour our forefathers who had sacrificed much for us.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Thanks Azlie for digging up this thread. I thought this thread had died a natural death or had served its purpose, created only in response to the 'pledge' topics.
Should anyone be amaze that you will want this thread to be continued for all the idiocy and contradictions in the line taken simply to distract attention for the 'pledge' topics ?
One would have thought something more worthwhile to flow from an X-rated mind ?
Murder is an anathema to mankind since civilisation had began. Religion had often been a guide and remainder for our early ancestors never to commit murder, the taking of another's precious life, and would be condemned in the strongest terms possible, even pay with one's own life for such atrocity.
Is murder a curse imposed on civilisation since the beginning of mankind ?
How did such "high fallutin" thoughts enter an X-rated mind - when "the taking of men's life" since the dawn of mankind was for self preservation of the tribe, and as part of nature's selection in ensuring the survival of the fittest ?
Even in this modern age, after more then 2000 years of evolution, political "murder" is committed without the batting of an eyelid by those in power, they even still talk about "fixing" political opponents, and some have been incarcerated for 32 years, while others have been financially "murdered" to keep them in the political graveyard.
Was "religion often a guide" - when the ignorance of early man has led him to worship the unknown, and for religions based on superstitions leading the ignorant primitive man to kill more then to preserve Life ?
Was religion even a creation from our early ancestors to remind us not to commit murder, or was religion not a development from the ignorance of the human mind to worship all that he is unfamiliar with or superstitious with fear ?
Thus religion is a first line of defence. In SIngapore, just a small city and densely packed country, our far-sighted founding fathers knew the social problems it may arise, not just only murder, but a whole host of other socially damning issues.
Is religion a first line of defense in Singapore, when there are so many religions in this small island and with all the religions being diametrically opposed to one another in their theologies and dogmas ?
If you care to make some deeper studies, you need not frighten the larger population with your gullibility by spreading the propaganda concerning those "socially damning issues" that you are euphemistically eluding to.
Many of the "social damning issues" were the creation of those in political office, who were determined to stay in political power at any costs.
Such skewed determination had even extended to creating ingenious incidences such as - the 1955 Hock Lee Bus Riots blamed on the Communists but were found to have been the work of Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock; 1963 Operation Cold Store mass arrest of those falsely accused to be Communist Agents who were undermining LKY's ambitious Malaysia Merger plans; the 1965 May 13 "Racial Riots" that never was and which was created by UMNO Ultras determined to oust the PAP through a coup by the Federal Government; the 1975 farcical riot inside the PIEU Office that led to the persecution of a NUS Student Union Leader; and the 1987 Marxist Conspiracy that led to the arrests of 21 loyal Singapore social activists in the Catholic Church.
If there is a religion that is depended on by LKY and his PAP Government as a first line of defense, it is in the Religion practised by Machevelli with his theology of Fear.
Thus, children during the formative years were made to swear and honour a noble pledge, not to any political party, but only and solely to our society, to build a multi-racial nation. This was and is our second line of defence, created for a purpose - TOLERANCE and responsibility to one another.
For heaven's sake, LKY has claimed that the Pledge is not to be taken so seriously - as if though it is a "matter of PRINCIPLE".
In his esteemed opinion, the Pledge is no more then an Aspiration.
Have you no clue as to the purpose and intent of LKY's insistence ?
44 years had past, and Singapore stands alone as one truly multi racial nation. And not only that, we are cultivated and elevated beings, compared to many other nations. I can list out praises after another, but one only need to open his/her eyes to see, and the evidence is clear, on how far we had progress, more so if one had step out of our shores and lived for a period of time overseas to see the difference.
Cultivated and elevated beings ?
You write as if though Singaporeans are hydroponic vegetable cultivated in the modern aeroponics farms and nurtured in elevated HDB flats.
Obviously, in your supreme sense of judgment you will only dare to open your eyes and see to compare ourselves with the worst around us.
Do you dare to compare ourselves with the best that we should compare ourselves with and hope to at least excel over those who are the best today ?
If China had followed your kind of thinking, she should be contented to be where she is today compared to those countries in the African Continent, the poorer countries in Latin America, and even with the poorer states in the USA.
Yet, the Government of Communist China continue to excel and tinker with her Constitution not to empower China's Communist Party but to empower her Citizens, liberating their dependence on the Central Government, empowering the Citizens to take ownership of their Provincial Government, making the local governments at the level of the commune and village answerable to the Citizens, liberate the financial resources of the citizens to allow creative entrepreneurship and not have private funds sucked into the Central Treasury.
Why will rich and successful Chinese Government resort to such progressive politics when it has brought China to this level of development compared to all the other Third World Countries whom she was compared with 40 years ago ?
As much as praises and envies galore, we must never be complacent, for there is still much, much more that we can improve further and be a beacon of hope to other struggling nations.
Is everyone still looking at Singapore as the success model, or are they not looking at China who has excelled the Singapore Model, and is even taking greater pride in managing their reserves better that Singaporeans with more experience managing sovereign funds ?
China's sovereign fund managed to realise a profit of US$10 Billion, when Singapore had declared a loss of US$100 BILLION despite our many years of exposure in such sovereign fund management.
It all didnt happen by magic, or by chance. Azlie, if there is anyone to thank, it was far-sighted and noble beings known as our founding fathers, who created the sacred pledge, whom we must ALWAYS uphold at all times, as is our responsibility to each other.
Yes, those founding fathers who retired ought to be remembered, and the remaining one who defy his own principle of self-renewal should also be remembered for his vanity and avarice towards the rewards of public office, political domination, and recognition on the world stage
Education, as I had mentioned far earlier than anyone else here had ever did, will improve our future generations for a better tommorow. Hope lies in our next generations, as we this generation attempt our best to live out our pledge to each other, to honour our forefathers who had sacrificed much for us.
If education has brought about such X-rated quality in intellect, one will have to be seriously concerned what kind of education you hope for the next generation.
With your inability to grasp the significance in LKY's purposeful U-turn in his preferred twisted understanding of the Pledge that was crafted by his co-founder of Singapore - is there any hope for our Pledge to be fulfilled - when the solemn ceremony taken for the Principles written in the Pledge is admonished, and the honorable sincerity of the Pledge is ravished to the simple level of Aspirations that are merely to be desired.
Our forefathers would have turned in their graves, if they can hear what LKY had said about the Pledge as being mere Aspirations, and not to be taken as Principles to be kept as undertakings of an Oath.
Why is LKY so afraid of the Principles of Democracy, Justice and Equality ?
Originally posted by xtreyier:This is only a political social test. For those who are mentally unstable, please avoid this topic.
Imagine you are living in a HDB 3 corridor unit flat. You are an atheist and live alone. Your neighbours on both sides are taoist, and pray daily with joss sticks at a certain hours, besides the regular prayer sessions which usually comes with burning of incense.
The smell permeates all over your house. You are one of those who are sensitive to smells. Initially when moved in after depleting your CPF and savings, you bear it, but in time, you can no longer tolerate it.
1. You tried to seal off the smell, but it proved impossible, even with close windows and aircon.
2..You tried to talk to your neighbours, but they scoff at you, decrying their freedom of worship.
3. You quarrel constantly with them, but to no avail.
4. You complain to your MP and lawyers to mediate, but to no avail. Freedom of worship is for all, on our high population density island.
5. You call the police to mediate, but the police cannot be there mediating and guarding your house all the time.
One day, when the smell is highly beyond bearing, coupled with your inability to solve the issue, in rage, you stare at the chopper laying on your kitchen table.....and wonder....
Question:- What would stop you from grabbing it and having a go with it at your neighbours, then turn the knife on yourself?
PS: You know that by law, you will hang for murder.
u can be a very good copy writer.
U are touching a sensitive topic.Life is like that.
just comprise.so wat do u suggest?
Carve out atheistand non--atheist HDB blocks?
cave out Chinese enclave,Indoian enclave ,Malay enclave,etc?
carve out Catholic,Christian,Taoist ,Muslim enclave/blocks etc?
Care out enclave according to religion or races?
No policy is perfect.Just pick the best one.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:u can be a very good copy writer.
U are touching a sensitive topic.Life is like that.
just comprise.so wat do u suggest?
Carve out atheistand non--atheist HDB blocks?
cave out Chinese enclave,Indoian enclave ,Malay enclave,etc?
carve out Catholic,Christian,Taoist ,Muslim enclave/blocks etc?
Care out enclave according to religion or races?
No policy is perfect.Just pick the best one.
Why should you label as "sensitve topic" the "Principles of Democracy, Justice and Equality" mentioned as the goals of our Pledge for all Singaporeans ?
If LKY and his PAP had nurtured Singaporeans to be responsible for the well being of each other's individual rights, and allow all Singaporeans to be a true communal force to protect the Rights of the Community - perhaps this topic would not even need to be raised in such an irresponsible form ?
Which First World Community will need to consider "murdering" a fellow citizen to protects one's right to one's space ?
It is only in uniquely Singapore where everyone scramble for what little space is left that will see one impinging onto another person's rights in total oblivion of the interest of the larger community.
If no policy is perfect, how do you choose which can possibly be the best one ?
Has it not been your adamant support of the PAP way of having the policy benefitting the largest group at the expense of the lesser group - if it does not impinge on the sensitivities of the minority ?
In itself, such a policy definition has produced a paradox - can you pick a middle path and strike an equal balance that benefit peace for the entire community ?
My eldest brother Micheal is a man of peace. During my childhood, I often teased him, for he would avoid confrontation always, and always look for diplomatic ways to end conflicts. He would not even bear to watch violence on TV.
It was only after he had served NS that he began to open to the rest of us for his behaviour.
Micheal would always accompany mom to bring lunch to dad, walking from Kallang to Geylang where my dad's shop was, who was trading in basic necessities such as rice, soap, etc to both chinese and malays nearby at UBi kampong back in the late 60s.
Singapore then was an independent nation, and trying hard to survive. Majority of Singaporeans were uneducated, for it had been denied to them by the Brits, to keep the population stupid. My brother was fortunate, for the new govt started schooling for all kids, regardless of race or religion, rich or poor.
Dad didnt face much problem doing his biz, even though times were still hard. Many of the triads were kept under control by the govt, streets cleaned up, and trade fully encouraged. Corruption was virtually gone. there were free health checks conducted, govt works on roads and infrastructure, unheard of during the previous govts.
There were curfews too, for many bloodthirsty chinese commies were still around, largely toothless by then as most of their leaders had been locked up. Those that were around were still active, attempting to stir shit, telling the uneducated chinese on the flaws of the current govt, lies and halftruths, seeking for so called 'peaceful' demostrations, honeyed but fiery sermons were often preached otherwise.
Dad and most others were not keen, for they were experiencing a more stable life than they ever had before. Even grandpa agreed, after so many long years of strife and uncertainties.
During May 1969, the malays were pitted against the chinese. Agitators on both sides were flaming all kinds of accusation against the govt and the different communities. Uncertainties came back. Most were just simple folks who wanted peace with one another, and yet, many were manipulated against each other.
Rioting was strife towards the end of the 60s, tension was everywhere. My dad's customers, who were from all different communities, were tense and suspicious of one another. He tried to stay away from it, acting indifferent to the slogans shouted around by all kinds of ambitious men, one moment they were claiming freedom for all, next shouting racial chavuanism.
Sometime in early june, Micheal and mom were delivering lunch to dad, despite the tension and riots. Mom thought she would be safe, and was concerned for dad anyway. She was pregnant too. And then along the crowded road, they came upon a malay mob welding sticks, parangs, and alighted sticks, some thrown into shophouses setting it on fire.
Out of nowhere, a group of chinese men storm upon the malay mob, and caught up in the chaos were many ordinary people such as mom, running and fleeing in all directions. Micheal got separated from mom, and was crying out amidst the screams, shouts and blood flowing freeling from fighting bodies then. He was only seven then.
Stranded alone in the whirlpools of hate and murders, he instinctively ran to Dad's shop which was fortunately nearby. Dad who was helping to put out his indian neighbour's shop, which was engulfed in balls of fire and smoke, made worse by the highly flammable timber construction. He saw Micheal, and quickly rushed him away, hammering on the doors of neighbouring shops which had closed shut in fear.
None would open, till he came upon an old arab couple selling spices, who fearfully open the door, seeing the child in dad's arm, quickly pulled them in. But dad didnt stay after entrusting Micheal to them. He ran into the fighting mob to seek out mom. Micheal was in hysteria when he saw dad slam shut the door.
It was hours later that Micheal saw Dad, all bloody with cuts on his body and clothes, his blood mixing with others. Mom, dazed and was equally blooded, but the blood were from other people. Somehow, dad managed to find mom, who was caught in the crossfire of communual hate, and drag her to saftey in the arab couple's house, till the riot police and fire service came later to tame the wild streets.....
Sanitised by good ( not perfect ) policies, from citizens whom we elected to high office, many of us, including me, pampered and kept safe, are never aware of how it truly feels like back in the wild early days of our nationhood.
Never again must we break those bonds sworn upon by our oaths, built up over the years,whatever the reasons, so that some ambitious men, tricksters and their honeyed rhetorics, may get to rule. It is the common people who often pay the price.
Never must we be duped by these people again and their rhetorical whores who thinks murders are ok, who seeks to manipulate the truth by twisting it with lies and half truths, whom hunt the easily dissatisfied and simple minded for their own ends.
You will know who they are by their fork tongued words uttered and maniacal tyrannical behaviour, whom exists even today and a burden we must bear and watch out for. Freedom they would scream, but only for themselves and would readily deny it to others who speak out against them.
Just as some of our forefathers had been duped and then discarded on the roadside as collateral dammage victims, awaiting the police and public service to pack them in body bags.
As a child, i read widely on all kinds of books and subjects. I often wondered why the Almighty would led Moses and his chosen people around the desert for 40 years till He gave them entry into the promise land.
It was only when I got older then that i realized, the Almighty had to ensure the bad habits of the older generation had to be fully wipeout, and new generation fully educated on civilised ways, then can a new civilisation arise.
Singapore may not had been a promised land, but it is destined to be one for our people, amongst emerging and yet till now struggling modern nations after the horror of second world war, for the future of our next generation.
Credit due must be given, for what we have today is not by magic, but by the sacrifices made by forefathers and their wise vote to select those worthy of leading the nation.
44 years had passed. We are ONE now, white or black, rich or poor, roadsweeper or PM, as most of us had honourably pledged, as well as the evidence of our hardwork and achievements done together, for all to see.
You, your forefathers, and mine were responsible. Don't let it all go to waste, as we lead and guide our next generation to be better than we ever were, riding every and any storm that may arise, with none to be left behind, and done with rational intelligence and in peace.
Originally posted by xtreyier:My eldest brother Micheal is a man of peace. During my childhood, I often teased him, for he would avoid confrontation always, and always look for diplomatic ways to end conflicts. He would not even bear to watch violence on TV.
It was only after he had served NS that he began to open to the rest of us for his behaviour.
Micheal would always accompany mom to bring lunch to dad, walking from Kallang to Geylang where my dad's shop was, who was trading in basic necessities such as rice, soap, etc to both chinese and malays nearby at UBi kampong back in the late 60s.
Singapore then was an independent nation, and trying hard to survive. Majority of Singaporeans were uneducated, for it had been denied to them by the Brits, to keep the population stupid. My brother was fortunate, for the new govt started schooling for all kids, regardless of race or religion, rich or poor.
Dad didnt face much problem doing his biz, even though times were still hard. Many of the triads were kept under control by the govt, streets cleaned up, and trade fully encouraged. Corruption was virtually gone. there were free health checks conducted, govt works on roads and infrastructure, unheard of during the previous govts.
There were curfews too, for many bloodthirsty chinese commies were still around, largely toothless by then as most of their leaders had been locked up. Those that were around were still active, attempting to stir shit, telling the uneducated chinese on the flaws of the current govt, lies and halftruths, seeking for so called 'peaceful' demostrations, honeyed but fiery sermons were often preached otherwise.
Dad and most others were not keen, for they were experiencing a more stable life than they ever had before. Even grandpa agreed, after so many long years of strife and uncertainties.
During May 1969, the malays were pitted against the chinese. Agitators on both sides were flaming all kinds of accusation against the govt and the different communities. Uncertainties came back. Most were just simple folks who wanted peace with one another, and yet, many were manipulated against each other.
Rioting was strife towards the end of the 60s, tension was everywhere. My dad's customers, who were from all different communities, were tense and suspicious of one another. He tried to stay away from it, acting indifferent to the slogans shouted around by all kinds of ambitious men, one moment they were claiming freedom for all, next shouting racial chavuanism.
Sometime in early june, Micheal and mom were delivering lunch to dad, despite the tension and riots. Mom thought she would be safe, and was concerned for dad anyway. She was pregnant too. And then along the crowded road, they came upon a malay mob welding sticks, parangs, and alighted sticks, some thrown into shophouses setting it on fire.
Out of nowhere, a group of chinese men storm upon the malay mob, and caught up in the chaos were many ordinary people such as mom, running and fleeing in all directions. Micheal got separated from mom, and was crying out amidst the screams, shouts and blood flowing freeling from fighting bodies then. He was only seven then.
Stranded alone in the whirlpools of hate and murders, he instinctively ran to Dad's shop which was fortunately nearby. Dad who was helping to put out his indian neighbour's shop, which was engulfed in balls of fire and smoke, made worse by the highly flammable timber construction. He saw Micheal, and quickly rushed him away, hammering on the doors of neighbouring shops which had closed shut in fear.
None would open, till he came upon an old arab couple selling spices, who fearfully open the door, seeing the child in dad's arm, quickly pulled them in. But dad didnt stay after entrusting Micheal to them. He ran into the fighting mob to seek out mom. Micheal was in hysteria when he saw dad slam shut the door.
It was hours later that Micheal saw Dad, all bloody with cuts on his body and clothes, his blood mixing with others. Mom, dazed and was equally blooded, but the blood were from other people. Somehow, dad managed to find mom, who was caught in the crossfire of communual hate, and drag her to saftey in the arab couple's house, till the riot police and fire service came later to tame the wild streets.....
Sanitised by good ( not perfect ) policies, from citizens whom we elected to high office, many of us, including me, pampered and kept safe, are never aware of how it truly feels like back in the wild early days of our nationhood.
Never again must we break those bonds sworn upon by our oaths, built up over the years,whatever the reasons, so that some ambitious men, tricksters and their honeyed rhetorics, may get to rule. It is the common people who often pay the price.Never must we be duped by these people again and their rhetorical whores who thinks murders are ok, who seeks to manipulate the truth by twisting it with lies and half truths, whom hunt the easily dissatisfied and simple minded for their own ends.
You will know who they are by their fork tongued words uttered and maniacal tyrannical behaviour, whom exists even today and a burden we must bear and watch out for. Freedom they would scream, but only for themselves and would readily deny it to others who speak out against them.
Just as some of our forefathers had been duped and then discarded on the roadside as collateral dammage victims, awaiting the police and public service to pack them in body bags.
As a child, i read widely on all kinds of books and subjects. I often wondered why the Almighty would led Moses and his chosen people around the desert for 40 years till He gave them entry into the promise land.
It was only when I got older then that i realized, the Almighty had to ensure the bad habits of the older generation had to be fully wipeout, and new generation fully educated on civilised ways, then can a new civilisation arise.
Singapore may not had been a promised land, but it is destined to be one for our people, amongst emerging and yet till now struggling modern nations after the horror of second world war, for the future of our next generation.
Credit due must be given, for what we have today is not by magic, but by the sacrifices made by forefathers and their wise vote to select those worthy of leading the nation.
44 years had passed. We are ONE now, white or black, rich or poor, roadsweeper or PM, as most of us had honourably pledged, as well as the evidence of our hardwork and achievements done together, for all to see.
You, your forefathers, and mine were responsible. Don't let it all go to waste, as we lead and guide our next generation to be better than we ever were, riding every and any storm that may arise, with none to be left behind, and done with rational intelligence and in peace.
Is it not amazing that the X-rated character will indulge in falsehood to perpeatuate a cunningly crafted lie to serve some diabolical agenda ?
"Singapore then was an independent nation, and trying hard to survive. Majority of Singaporeans were uneducated, for it had been denied to them by the Brits, to keep the population stupid. My brother was fortunate, for the new govt started schooling for all kids, regardless of race or religion, rich or poor."
What kind of false propaganda are you spreading ?
Did the British deny the early settlers in Singapore of education - when Sir Stamford Raffles had set up Raffles Institituion as early as 1823 - (almost 4 years after the founding of Singapore in 1819) ?
How did you obtain such X-rated propaganda to be blind to the fact that ‘Singapore education from 1820 to 1965 had set the foundation for the high standards of Singapore Education Policies’ (*1) in the 21st Century ?
An abstract of the above mentioned reference is as follows:
Malay education, funded by the British government, was encouraged and provided for free. English was not taught in the village schools as the British deemed early training in the child’s mother tongue as an absolute necessity.
With the exception of Malay education, Chinese and Indian schools were largely left to their own devices. The Chinese schools were entirely funded by private enterprises. The Chinese community was largely responsible for setting up their own schools. The teachers, nearly all China-born, taught using textbooks imported from China.
Last of all, English schools opened to all children on fee-paying basis. English schools were supported by private enterprise but assisted by the government. English is the medium of instruction. Many of these publicly funded government institutions and aided schools started by the Christian missions were free from government control until 1919.
If not for the hardwork of our founding fathers in supporting education by private funding of Mission Schools - would Singapore have seen the many scholars and sportsmen-women that came through the halls of Anglo-Chinese School, Methodist Girls School, St. Andrews School, St. Joseph School, St. Magaret School, St Patrick School, and Chinese schools that included Catholic High School, San-San School, Tao Nan School; as well as the Nanyang University to rival the University of Malaya - (the early name of present day NUS) ?
Should we admire the intelligence of an X-rated mind to encourage that we should discard the thinking of our forefathers - who had the foresight that a X-rated mind can hardly fathom - due to its stunted education and exposure, with a X-rated mind that is able to only absorb without critical thinking.
"During May 1969, the malays were pitted against the chinese. Agitators on both sides were flaming all kinds of accusation against the govt and the different communities. Uncertainties came back. Most were just simple folks who wanted peace with one another, and yet, many were manipulated against each other.
Rioting was strife towards the end of the 60s, tension was everywhere."
If we accept your carricature of yourself and your brother visiting your dad working in Geylang in the 1960s, you must be at least age 50 today - if not more.
What kind of X-rated intellect will produce the kind of false propaganda that you will dare to spout through an honest forum here in this Speaker's Corner ?
Was rioting strife towards the end of the 60s ?
In using the word "strife" are you suggesting that rioting was the norm throughout the years from independence in 1965 till 1969 ?
You must have a poor view of LKY's abilities in governing Singapore during that period ?
Is your analogy based on factual events, or from the X-rated creavity of a bankrupt mind that is bent on intellectual dishonesty to spread the false propaganda - when recorded documents of the events are clearly available:-
Should we allow an X-rated mind to dupe us with false efforts at being original, when the entire effort is nothing more then a poor plagiarising attempt of someone's work that is similarly dishonest as a grand manipulator of events to suit a more specific agenda to grab the political center.
Thanks Eh Tubby, for proving me right once again and what you really are. Makes good reading for others to compare our posts and find the truth, that which really matters and how you twist truths, mix it with your own innuendoes and assumptions, using half truths and present it as your version of reality.
Very good instructional aid for others to be more aware and thus cautious of people like you, of what you said and what you dont say..
As for 'colonial' education provision myths, try this : http://leekumtatt.blogspot.com/2007/09/education-in-singapore.html
You never fail to make me smile with your long wall text of rhetorical questions, proving only your own lack of brains, as well as animal cunning in that you can disclaim all responsibilities of what you wrote as it is merely 'questions' that you ask, typical operandi modus of con job operators, whom many had faced often before.
Be my guest, dig your own grave deeper, by all means.
Originally posted by xtreyier:*BUMP*
Thanks Eh Tubby, for proving me right once again and what you really are. Makes good reading for others to compare our posts and find the truth, that which really matters and how you twist truths, mix it with your own innuendoes and assumptions, using half truths and present it as your version of reality.
Very good instructional aid for others to be more aware and thus cautious of people like you, of what you said and what you dont say..
As for 'colonial' education provision myths, try this : http://leekumtatt.blogspot.com/2007/09/education-in-singapore.html
You never fail to make me smile with your long wall text of rhetorical questions, proving only your own lack of brains, as well as animal cunning in that you can disclaim all responsibilities of what you wrote as it is merely 'questions' that you ask, typical operandi modus of con job operators, whom many had faced often before.
Be my guest, dig your own grave deeper, by all means.
*BUMP* ???
Is that the best that the X-rated mind - of a 50 year old kid - can come up with ?
Are you depending on the general statements of an unknown Lee Kum Fatt as an authority for your own statements that the British Colonial Government had denied education to the migrant population in Singapore ?
Have your style not been proven again in your remarkable ability to copy and paste what others have spoken - without any effort to understand, nor be sufficiently discerning to question the basis of the statements made and which you are so skillful at copying ?
With an uncritical X-rated mind that simply absorb like a tampon all that flows into your mind - without any ability to be circumspect of how much to hold or to reject - can you be depended for the accuracies in your statements made that are merely plagiarised ideas from Lee Kum Fatt ?
When faced with the bald truth that expose the weak premises of your response, and with no rebuttals to offer - should we not expect you to hold a smile together and try hard not to look like an idiot that has been exposed ?
All that you can do is hide behind a weak front claiming the wall of text that an X-rated mind can barely cope without the X-rated images that hold your attention.
No educational policy - even until the time when Lee Kum Fatt was in his primary school age ? What year was that supposed to be - if Lee Kum Fatt is 75 years now at this time in 2009 ?
Should we be surprised that a plagiarist will not have any clue to be creative and independently research materials to substantiate its borrowed position, as the ideas are not his own but plagiarised from others ?
Would it not be more accurate to have the facts taken from any study about education in Singapore during the Colonial days ?
One such study is - ‘Singapore: A Multi-lingual, Multi-ethnic Country – Amy J. Moyer’. (*1) , which had the author researching her materials that included the efforts made by other authors who shared her similar interests and mentioned in her list of references.
Was there no educational policy during the Colonial Days ? - As you have claimed by plagiarising the statements of Lee Kum Fatt ?
An abstract from the referenced study mentioned above:
The British colonial authorities had very little interest in language planning and education beyond providing free primary education in the Malay language for ethnic Malays (Tan, 1997).
It wasn’t until Singapore was in the midst of colonial transition did changes in its educational policy occur.
In 1946, the government provided free primary education in the four main languages – Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English.
In 1955 the government recommended that each of the four main languages be treated equally.
In 1956 Singapore developed its official bilingual policy recommending English and a mother tongue for all primary schools and trilingualism (adding Malay) for all secondary schools (Parkir, 1993)
Was Lee Kum Fatt around when the British Colonial Government was already offering free education just before the colonial transistion of Singapore to be part of the Straits Settlement in 1826 ?
One could probably conclude that Lee Kum Fatt was too young to qualify for the Raffles Institution that was established by Stamford Raffles in 1823 - which explains for his ignorance in the statement in his blog.
Lee Kum Fatt could be excused for his youthful ignorance during the Colonial Period - should an X-rated plagiarist be forgiven for the willful lie that he continue to insist even when there is no basis for the dishonest statements made ?
* bump*
I love it when you continue to dig your grave deeper to prove me right once again. Our forefathers may had been illiterate, but dont bank on us being even more illiterate with your pathetic haft truths and lies.
I would gladly help dig your grave deeper to prove what you really are, but then, you seem to be doing fine without any help from me.
Originally posted by xtreyier:* bump*
I love it when you continue to dig your grave deeper to prove me right once again. Our forefathers may had been illiterate, but dont bank on us being even more illiterate with your pathetic haft truths and lies.
I would gladly help dig your grave deeper to prove what you really are, but then, you seem to be doing fine without any help from me.
*bump* ?
Is the pseudo 50 year old beginning to have an inferiority complex now - considering the loud *BUMP* so forcefully projected from a blank X-rated mind ?
If you have an inferiority complex, it is fully justified considering your desire to offer to dig my grave deeper when you have no answers to rebut my replies that had exposed your characteristic habit at plagiarising any material in the typically mindless ways ?
I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.
Are you so afraid of the truth that has been printed, and would rather not engage in any sensible rebuttals ?
Or have you run out of materials to plagiarize that you can use for a rebuttal ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
*bump* ?Is the pseudo 50 year old beginning to have an inferiority complex now - considering the loud *BUMP* so forcefully projected from a blank X-rated mind ?
If you have an inferiority complex, it is fully justified considering your desire to offer to dig my grave deeper when you have no answers to rebut my replies that had exposed your characteristic habit at plagiarising any material in the typically mindless ways ?
I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.
Are you so afraid of the truth that has been printed, and would rather not engage in any sensible rebuttals ?
Or have you run out of materials to plagiarize that you can use for a rebuttal ?
*Bump* again.
Thank heavens NO. You will be the last person on Earth I would ever hope to have nice things to be said of.
Sensible replies? From you? Please dont make me laff any further. I am falling off my chair. The only sensible reply I can ever hope for is that you would stop you lies and half truths, making use of others to put your beloved leader onto the throne to rule over us.
I need no materials anyway. You are providing it more than enough on your own. Your usual pathetic nonsense to save your lost reputation, but lost on intelligent minds over your cupidity for anarchy.
Anyway, have fun, and write another long wall of text to justify your lies yet again. Till we meet again...Cherio!
Originally posted by xtreyier:
*Bump* again.Thank heavens NO. You will be the last person on Earth I would ever hope to have nice things to be said of.
Sensible replies? From you? Please dont make me laff any further. I am falling off my chair. The only sensible reply I can ever hope for is that you would stop you lies and half truths, making use of others to put your beloved leader onto the throne to rule over us.
I need no materials anyway. You are providing it more than enough on your own. Your usual pathetic nonsense to save your lost reputation, but lost on intelligent minds over your cupidity for anarchy.
Anyway, have fun, and write another long wall of text to justify your lies yet again. Till we meet again...Cherio!
*Bump* ?
Try harder to regain your composure. Did you forget to be forceful with the original in CAPS ?
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, somehow you are abusing the privilege to believe that you are capable of making any sense out of anything with your X-rated intellect.
Lies and half-truths ?
Is that the simple truth about your outspoken abilities ?
Keep it up, you may just score into the goal post if you can get at the ball with each aimless effort at swinging your feet.
Perhaps you need a size 12 boots to help you improve your goal score when your puny size 5 feet is hopelessly too small for the task ?
The goal posts will be waiting for you when you return in the morning, just remember to wear the right size boots that fits your feet.
Or is your head simply too big for the shoes ?