Migrants in Australia worst hit by slump in jobs
I know there are many want to migrate to oz.
This is fine to me.I just want them to prepare some cash for a period.
By George Megalogenis,The Australian,July 06, 2009
Laid off ... Migrant workers are the worst hit when it comes to job losses. Graphic: The Australian.
- Migrant workers suffer biggest job losses
- Employers laying off last-on, first-off
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AUSTRALIAN-BORN workers have been shielded from the worst of the global recession, as employers have mainly restricted the economy-wide job losses to migrant workers.
Although unemployment is rising across the board as opportunities vanish, there is a clear divide emerging between the treatment of local and overseas-born workers, The Australian reports.
Australian-born workers dropped 22,000 full-time jobs in the 12 months to May but picked up an extra 74,500 part-time jobs for a net gain of 52,500 positions.
By contrast, migrant workers lost 37,100 full-time jobs, offset by 21,600 extra part-time jobs for a net loss of 15,500.
The detailed research by The Australian suggests employers have been laying off workers on a last-on, first-off basis.
This puts the migrants who claimed the majority of the jobs available at the top of the boom, when the economy faced acute skills shortages, in the employment firing line now.
The surprise in the figures is that English-speaking migrants, mainly from New Zealand, have fared the worst.
In the early 1990s recession, non-English speakers were the most disadvantaged as blue-collar manufacturing jobs disappeared.
This time, New Zealand-born workers are the most likely to be retrenched, with 11,000 full-time jobs and a further 9800 part-time jobs shed in the 12 months to May, for a net loss of 20,800.
The Indian-born are faring much better, with 19,500 more full-time and 18,500 more part-time jobs.
This is a sign that shortages remain across significant pockets of the economy as the Indian migrants tend to have higher skills on average.
On the other hand, northeast-and southeast-Asian-born workers have lost their jobs in roughly the same numbers as the New Zealanders.
Overall, English-speaking migrants are down 11,600 jobs in net terms, while non-English speaking migrants have lost 4000 jobs.
Australia has defied the global recession som far, with unemployment at 5.7 per cent. More tellingly, the wider economy has yet to move into the red zone where a larger number of jobs are being lost than are created.
Read more in The Australian.
WOW.....of course mah...tough job market .....so very tough.
How's your granite flooring-goldplated toilet- 15 bedroom sandstone mansion doing in Singapore? Together with your fleet of rolls royce, bentleys, maseratis, aston martins, and ferraris? Oh how do you ever manage with 5 maids and 1 chauffeur in one huge gigantic mansion?
So envious...maybe if I return to Singapore, I will get the same...
Hi if u want a interview easier than others,pl change your name to a anglo-saxon name!!
This story tell it all!!
“After completing TAFE (lion note --a adult eduacation in Oz) in 2005 I applied for many junior positions where no experience in sales was needed – even though I had worked for two years as a junior sales clerk. I didn’t receive any calls so I decided to legally change my name to Gabriella Hannah. I applied for the same jobs and got a call 30 minutes later.”
~ Gabriella Hannah, formerly Ragda Ali, Sydney
(see also a media release, brief summary of results)
actually see face one,,,,the indian migrants all from spore b4 they migrate to oz.most just so so spore average type,no high skills etc.in fact most jobs in oz no need much skills.their cowboy can already earn3k/mth.their sheperd also earn that much.all uniform pay because of policies.
as long as u carry balls like u carry balls in spore...yer job is safe.no neeed werk hard in oz because they can get plenty people in like buying cars or cigarettes to them.thrn thry slso dump them when time comes when they want better things.just carry balls n do yer job like in spore.
even better if u set up yer own factory in oz.......or nz which is way better to immigrate for business migrants.no need 500k like oz.as long as yer business got future u will be in nz like all the taiwanese, thais...koreans,japs n in.dians.just write a busnneiness plan.....even angel the pub runner can go too
Originally posted by tERMINATOR20000000:lionnoisy:
actually see face one,,,,the indian migrants all from spore b4 they migrate to oz.most just so so spore average type,no high skills etc.in fact most jobs in oz no need much skills.their cowboy can already earn3k/mth.their sheperd also earn that much.all uniform pay because of policies.
as long as u carry balls like u carry balls in spore...yer job is safe.no neeed werk hard in oz because they can get plenty people in like buying cars or cigarettes to them.thrn thry slso dump them when time comes when they want better things.just carry balls n do yer job like in spore.
even better if u set up yer own factory in oz.......or nz which is way better to immigrate for business migrants.no need 500k like oz.as long as yer business got future u will be in nz like all the taiwanese, thais...koreans,japs n in.dians.just write a busnneiness plan.....even angel the pub runner can go too
Indians who use SG as jumping board must be graduates.
U say Oz life so easy.True or not.R u operating a migrats consultants firm?
nowadays,u ask pple open a factory in oz or NZ?IR--industry relationship--
is not easy to handle.
i agree.gross income is high.How abt the tax,welfare?
any gavaman subsidzed housing?Mortgage interest rate?
What is oz economy?
I just find following oz products in NTUC or Coldstorge--
mainly primary one--like milk products,health foods ,fruits..
Oz become a rice IMPORT country.So sad.
Wine export dropping like a stone.so sad!!
water shortage....
no,most are not grads.
MORE than a million workers will remain on just $543.78 a week after a decision made today.
u open....if u knows theres a future,the rest of procedure is found in immigration website.no need even for consultantsimple thing such as these no need lawyer..etc,just read it n then u will understand,
oz imports rice mainly for the asians only.the ang mo dun erat rice.
currently they have enough water....but not enough factory for all industries.
Another example of the pussy making all the anti-Oz noise that make him myopic with the events in Singapore.
He seems to be blind to the Singapore Government position on "minimum wages" in the interest of ensuring employment, but with the consequences of Singaporeans having to compete with Foreign Workers in Singapore.
Has it not been clear that the attitude of the Singapore Government has been that: "A minimum wage may bring more pain than relief to low income workers. " ?
Can the argument to avoid a "minimum wage" be so simplistic - when other stronger arguments are voiced even from ex-PAP member ?
A minimum wage is the lowest daily, hourly or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees or workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labor.
Supporters of the minimum wage claim that it increases the workers’ earning power and protects them against exploitation by the employers. They argue that the widening income disparity between the rich and the poor in Singapore merits a relook at the minimum wage to prevent the low-income workers from being trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty.
The government has so far resisted political pressure to set a minimum wage by arguing that it will retard competitiveness and lead to multi-national companies (MNCs) relocating elsewhere to offset rising labor costs, resulting directly in the efflux of precious Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) out of Singapore.
As a small country heavily dependent on trade and industry, Singapore cannot afford to enact labor laws which contravene principles of free market economy.
Is the minimum wage really a panacea for all the woes faced by the low income workers ?
On paper at least, the arguments sound pretty convincing. Low income and unskilled blue collar workers are hardly earning enough money to support a decent standard of living because a free, unregulated labor market has allowed employers the leeway to depress their wages to keep their profit margins high. Setting a minimal wage to offset rising inflation will allow workers to take home more cash.
Has the Government achieved its goal in attracting FDI to help sustain employment in Singapore without "a minimum wage" policy set for Singaporeans ?
As matters stand, unemployment numbers remain at an all time high, Singaporeans were asked to accept Short Term Employment contracts that are renewable every 3 to 5 years - leaving Singaporeans with uncertainty at the end of each contracted period.
The certainty of joblessness is more certain in Singapore then in Australia - even for a migrant worker.
to lion noisy:
$500/week???in spore or oz?because i know oz pay that amount for unemployed aussies who stay home n play ps3 games .those who cant get jobs.so they dun need to werk to get 500 bucks.even if they can find thast kinda job they say they cant do it n still get 500 from oz gov.why werk when they stay home n get that amount!
lionnoiosy...yer sources are inaccurate.
currently all countries spore usa japan germany oz every country has economic situation.
to atobe:
think spore gov is digging grave fer every man.woman n child in spore.
Originally posted by tERMINATOR20000000:1.u open....if u knows theres a future,the rest of procedure is found in immigration website.no need even for consultantsimple thing such as these no need lawyer..etc,just read it n then u will understand,
2.oz imports rice mainly for the asians only.the ang mo dun erat rice.
3.currently they have enough water....but not enough factory for all industries.
If questions 2 and 3 are answered,then i will consider Q1.
2.r u reallu stay in oz?
"But six long years of drought have taken a toll, reducing Australia's rice crop by 98 percent and leading to the mothballing of the mill last December."
This year's near wipeout has thrown the market out of kilter. To keep its customers supplied with high-grade rice, SunRice has had to buy it from a number of other countries, then process and pack it overseas. In coming months, not even Australians will be eating much locally grown rice; instead it will be imported from Thailand, India and Pakistan. The SunRice purchases partly explain why rice importers in other parts of the world are having trouble finding supplies.
i think u better write to
3.Do u mean not enough industries or factories?
Do u mean factory are fully occupied?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Another example of the pussy making all the anti-Oz noise that make him myopic with the events in Singapore.
He seems to be blind to the Singapore Government position on "minimum wages" in the interest of ensuring employment, but with the consequences of Singaporeans having to compete with Foreign Workers in Singapore.
Has it not been clear that the attitude of the Singapore Government has been that: "A minimum wage may bring more pain than relief to low income workers. " ?
Can the argument to avoid a "minimum wage" be so simplistic - when other stronger arguments are voiced even from ex-PAP member ?
Has the Government achieved its goal in attracting FDI to help sustain employment in Singapore without "a minimum wage" policy set for Singaporeans ?
As matters stand, unemployment numbers remain at an all time high, Singaporeans were asked to accept Short Term Employment contracts that are renewable every 3 to 5 years - leaving Singaporeans with uncertainty at the end of each contracted period.
The certainty of joblessness is more certain in Singapore then in Australia - even for a migrant worker.
1.Have the countries adopt min wages solve all the problems?
2.I think SG attract FDI that make SG one of the highest FDI in relation to GDP in the world.
can u check and come back.I dunt wan spoon feed u guys.
3.unemployment rate all time high?No lah.pl check.
But we are still lower than oz,despite SG get abt 900,000 foreign labours?
yes.one third of SG work force are FT!!
of cos 1/3 of sg work force is FT.
you know why?
cause they are cheap and the govt don't give a real god damn about singaporean WORKERS
"EDB attained S$18 billion in FAI--fixed asset investments (FAI)."
FAI is not one--night--stand investments.
Pl check.
Originally posted by youyayu:of cos 1/3 of sg work force is FT.
you know why?
cause they are cheap and the govt don't give a real god damn about singaporean WORKERS
oh dear,can u get any singaporeans work in ship yards,aircaft ,construction site,
wafer fab factories for a few hundred to 1 k salary?
Investors also need to make profits!!
Wat are the better alternatives of the factors of productions for MNC's investments?
Land--for football fields?
labour force.----do u wan sg pple work in overseas?
Originally posted by tERMINATOR20000000:to lion noisy:
$500/week???in spore or oz?because i know oz pay that amount for unemployed aussies who stay home n play ps3 games .those who cant get jobs.so they dun need to werk to get 500 bucks.even if they can find thast kinda job they say they cant do it n still get 500 from oz gov.why werk when they stay home n get that amount!
lionnoiosy...yer sources are inaccurate.
u click then u know lah.not fair to most pple lah.tax was paid to lazy pple.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:oh dear,can u get any singaporeans work in ship yards,aircaft ,construction site,
wafer fab factories for a few hundred to 1 k salary?
Investors also need to make profits!!
Wat are the better alternatives of the factors of productions for MNC's investments?
Land--for football fields?
labour force.----do u wan sg pple work in overseas?
why not?
if property in singapore is so not fucking expensive. 1k its liveable..
we are renting an apartment for 99 years for 200k+++++++?
Originally posted by tERMINATOR20000000:lionnoisy:
currently all countries spore usa japan germany oz every country has economic situation.
No lah,PM Rudd said many many times that Oz is the best amongst developed countries.
Oz is recession proof.
do u know why?becos oz is not fully connected to the world.
Oz export is not so much!!
Originally posted by youyayu:why not?
if property in singapore is so not fucking expensive. 1k its liveable..
we are renting an apartment for 99 years for 200k+++++++?
what do u mean rent for 200k?do u mean price is 200K?
if so,how big,age,locations?
hi tax and GST!!
HDB prices is within reach ,though not free.
HDB launches Fernvale Crest under the Build-To-Order System.
02/06/2009 |
to klionnoisy:
2)for your drought...it has recovered since the chinese speaking kevin rudd became pm.food is cheaper and especially pork which no ang mo likes .lamb and cow are most sought after so its more expensive.pork is like $6/kg depending on sale and beef pastrami uncooked is $5.50 to 6 depending on sale every 2 weeks or so.so with abundant water is chweaper food from liveiesstock.australia is just like england..they dun have padi fields from history........they dun like rice n dun eat rice.they eat potatoes.only asian immigrants n asians eat rice.ik come in and out of oz often as a executive.i do not go to spore but go to siberia from there.
3)they havent much industries as spore since 1970s.no mnc wants to put company n factory there.too expensive.they got no factories....onkly gold mines...coal mines ,,uranium mines...all those that are heavy industry type far far away.they have limited types of factories.....less technology,,,,,,,
ALL those who came to oz also left for other countries...oz is also another stepping ground.....just like spore to those Perm residents.
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